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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Great plugins.  Thanks for all of your effort!


I am having one small issue with SABnzbd and/or the plugin, not sure.  I did a search and didn't come up with anything so here goes.  When I start SABnzbd from the GUI, the GUI page refreshes and states that the status is STOPPED, even though it did start and SAB is running.  If you go to the SAB GUI everything is running just fine, but for whatever reason the plugin page always states STOPPED.  Any ideas?


Upgraded to 5.0-rc10 today and this issue still exists.

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did you enable https in sabnzbd? if i remember correctly, that would cause this behavior.


the settings page of the plugin checks, if this file exists: /var/run/sabnzbd/sabnzbd-PORT.pid (replace PORT with the port set in the plugin settings)

if you have enabled https in sabnzbd, the pid file will have the https port in its name, so the webinterface doesn't find the correct file.


a fix for this is in work, but it's rather tricky. so, no eta, when a fix will be ready.

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did you enable https in sabnzbd? if i remember correctly, that would cause this behavior.


the settings page of the plugin checks, if this file exists: /var/run/sabnzbd/sabnzbd-PORT.pid (replace PORT with the port set in the plugin settings)

if you have enabled https in sabnzbd, the pid file will have the https port in its name, so the webinterface doesn't find the correct file.


a fix for this is in work, but it's rather tricky. so, no eta, when a fix will be ready.


I do in fact have https enabled in sabnzbd, but I am using the standard port.  In other words port 8081 is only listening to https.  The port I specified in the plugin is port 8081.  When I go to the above mentioned dir the file is sabnzbd-8081.pid.

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i should really look into the plugin file, before i talk *g*

there already is some code to fix this display issue...

the port number is read directly from the sabnzbd config. if https is enabled, then the https port is read...


maybe there were some changes made by sabnzbd, i'll check, if i run into the same issue, if i enable https...



Just checked, works fine on my machine...

are you on the latest plugin version? (2.5.2)

just hit update plg to get the latest version...

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Yes, I am on 2.5.2.  On a side note, it did work correctly at one time, not sure what changed (assuming it was the change to https).  Maybe remove and reinstall the plugin?



A removal and reinstall of the plugin did nothing.  That said, since I don't expose anything (including sabnzbd) to the internet via port-forwarding and only connect to unRAID from remote locations via VPN, I have just disabled https in sabnzbd.  All is now well. 


Thanks for all of your help.

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I'm having an odd issue here. I am trying to get Couchpotato setup an a buddy's unRaid system. For some reason it will start, but then immediately stop. I don't see anything in the log that makes sense to me.


Plugin is version 2.3.6. I've tried removing it and starting from scratch multiple times. Each time is stops. SABnzbd and Sickbeard are running fine.



Got it fixed. I cleared it's data directory, and now it is working fine.



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Would it be possible for you to pick up the utorrent plugin and run with it?  It's kinda shaky, and the guy who wrote it has asked you several times if you'd like to take over development.  I find that most people prefer utorrent over transmission, if for no other reason than it supports labels.  The only note I'd like to make, if you do take over the utorrent plugin, is that updating the webui.zip helps fix a lot of problems present in the included webui.zip.  I recommend updating to the version linked to here: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=58156

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Try this. Version 2.75


There's a version 2.76 out since Jan 8: https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/Changes#version-2.76

From changelog:

All Platforms


    Better error logging when user-provided scripts can't be executed

    The "Time Remaining" property wasn't set for torrents with webseeds but no peers

    Fix rare error that created a directory name "$HOME"




    Better watchdir support

    Documentation fixes in transmission-remote's manpage


Web Client


    Fix indentation of the torrent list and toolbar buttons on mobile devices




    If the Download directory doesn't exist, try to create it instead of exiting


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Will try to catch up here asap. Going through a job change because business slowed significantly, cuts were being made. And as luck would have it my house was broken into while I was out of town. Busy replacing what I can on a very limited budget ( doing as much side work as possible) so time is short ATM.


Lesson of the story, don't let insurance lapse! In my case since I recently relocated, renters insurance, :P

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On another note, the issue with Sab and the port for https, you found the flaw, if you select to use the standard port for https the plugin still looks at the https in the config, which will either be empty or the standard setting, 9090. If you were to use a different port for https it would work as expected.


We do have a fix in the pipeline but as benni said, its complicated so ETA is unknown.

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Try this. Version 2.75


There's a version 2.76 out since Jan 8: https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/Changes#version-2.76

From changelog:

All Platforms


    Better error logging when user-provided scripts can't be executed

    The "Time Remaining" property wasn't set for torrents with webseeds but no peers

    Fix rare error that created a directory name "$HOME"




    Better watchdir support

    Documentation fixes in transmission-remote's manpage


Web Client


    Fix indentation of the torrent list and toolbar buttons on mobile devices




    If the Download directory doesn't exist, try to create it instead of exiting


2.75 was the newest release I could find on anyway slackware site.

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I just noticed my server wouldn't boot up if I had the latest Couchpotato_v2 and Mylar plugins in /boot/config/plugins.


I scanned the last few pages to see if anyone else had a problem but I didn't see anything so I thought I'd give a heads up. I love all the plugins though! Use them all the time, thanks for the hard work!

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I just noticed my server wouldn't boot up if I had the latest Couchpotato_v2 and Mylar plugins in /boot/config/plugins.

Do they work when you telnet in and use # installplg /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2_unplugged.plg ?? This doesn't seem right that some of your plugins in the /boot/config/plugins/ dir would not be installed while (presumably) others would be installed and run automatically.


I just restarted my server yesterday with the most up-to-date influencer plugins 'suite' and all started up fine.

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I need help : I tried to install sabnzbd plugin following the link on the 1st page.

So I copied it to the config/plugin directory and installed then manually with putty.

First issue : No icon in the "Settings" page.

Worst : I don't have access to any shares anymore (not even on //tower)

I tried reboot, stop & start smb through webinterface which is working.


Any ideas?


Here's my syslog :




EDIT >> I removed the sabnzbd pluging with putty, reboot, but still no love...

Ah! And I ran the new permission script again.

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I'm having an odd issue here. I am trying to get Couchpotato setup an a buddy's unRaid system. For some reason it will start, but then immediately stop. I don't see anything in the log that makes sense to me.


Plugin is version 2.3.6. I've tried removing it and starting from scratch multiple times. Each time is stops. SABnzbd and Sickbeard are running fine.



Got it fixed. I cleared it's data directory, and now it is working fine.


Today I saw a notification on growl that CP Auto updated itself and then i noticed it was not running.  I manually started it from the unraid config and it immediately stops, I was on 2.3.5, so I upgraded to 2.3.6 and it is doing the exact same thing.  I just do not have the option of clearing my data dir since it is not a fresh isntall, was wondering what it could be.  Help Please.

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I'm having an odd issue here. I am trying to get Couchpotato setup an a buddy's unRaid system. For some reason it will start, but then immediately stop. I don't see anything in the log that makes sense to me.


Plugin is version 2.3.6. I've tried removing it and starting from scratch multiple times. Each time is stops. SABnzbd and Sickbeard are running fine.



Got it fixed. I cleared it's data directory, and now it is working fine.


Today I saw a notification on growl that CP Auto updated itself and then i noticed it was not running.  I manually started it from the unraid config and it immediately stops, I was on 2.3.5, so I upgraded to 2.3.6 and it is doing the exact same thing.  I just do not have the option of clearing my data dir since it is not a fresh isntall, was wondering what it could be.  Help Please.


The problem is known but seems to be listed as only affecting the dev branch, look here https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer/issues/1274

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I'm having an odd issue here. I am trying to get Couchpotato setup an a buddy's unRaid system. For some reason it will start, but then immediately stop. I don't see anything in the log that makes sense to me.


Plugin is version 2.3.6. I've tried removing it and starting from scratch multiple times. Each time is stops. SABnzbd and Sickbeard are running fine.



Got it fixed. I cleared it's data directory, and now it is working fine.


Today I saw a notification on growl that CP Auto updated itself and then i noticed it was not running.  I manually started it from the unraid config and it immediately stops, I was on 2.3.5, so I upgraded to 2.3.6 and it is doing the exact same thing.  I just do not have the option of clearing my data dir since it is not a fresh isntall, was wondering what it could be.  Help Please.


The problem is known but seems to be listed as only affecting the dev branch, look here https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer/issues/1274


Affects all branches since Ruud pushed the fix out to master branch :(


That along with the fact that you can't save the 'Manage movies' location anymore, makes it a real pain for new installs..


I've stopped my existing CP2 installation from updating until he pushes out a working version..

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I need help : I tried to install sabnzbd plugin following the link on the 1st page.

So I copied it to the config/plugin directory and installed then manually with putty.

First issue : No icon in the "Settings" page.

Worst : I don't have access to any shares anymore (not even on //tower)

I tried reboot, stop & start smb through webinterface which is working.


Any ideas?


Here's my syslog :




EDIT >> I removed the sabnzbd pluging with putty, reboot, but still no love...

Ah! And I ran the new permission script again.


OK, solved this by reverting to a backup of the key (fortunately done a couple of days ago).

Could you please let me know if the link for sabnzbd on the first page is a killer or is it just me?

By the way, are the links provided here :


are supposed to be better ones? Like the ones you need to use?

Eventually, standard install procedures for those plugins are to drop them in config/plugins folder and reboot right?

Or is a standard install supposed to work as well?

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I'm having an odd issue here. I am trying to get Couchpotato setup an a buddy's unRaid system. For some reason it will start, but then immediately stop. I don't see anything in the log that makes sense to me.


Plugin is version 2.3.6. I've tried removing it and starting from scratch multiple times. Each time is stops. SABnzbd and Sickbeard are running fine.



Got it fixed. I cleared it's data directory, and now it is working fine.


Today I saw a notification on growl that CP Auto updated itself and then i noticed it was not running.  I manually started it from the unraid config and it immediately stops, I was on 2.3.5, so I upgraded to 2.3.6 and it is doing the exact same thing.  I just do not have the option of clearing my data dir since it is not a fresh isntall, was wondering what it could be.  Help Please.


The problem is known but seems to be listed as only affecting the dev branch, look here https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer/issues/1274


Affects all branches since Ruud pushed the fix out to master branch :(


That along with the fact that you can't save the 'Manage movies' location anymore, makes it a real pain for new installs..


I've stopped my existing CP2 installation from updating until he pushes out a working version..


Also seeing the issue on my setup.  Unraid version: 5.0-rc8a, CP is at 2.3.6 and will not start, tried upgrading to the newer version and same issue, then downgraded and still noluck.

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