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unRAID Server Release 5.0-rc15 Available


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Parity checks on AMD have taken a hit.  At one time and under some ver of 5 these 2 AMD systems would do over 100 mb/s in parity checks.  Today its at sub 60 speeds.  An old Intel Xeon is doing over 100 mb/sec, currently at 45% completion where the AMD is at 28%


Intel Motherboard: X7DBE-X

Procs: Qty 1 Intel 5130 Dual Core 2.0GHz

Ram: 4GB 2x 2GB

Qty 3 SAT2-MV8 Raid cards, 3TB drives mix of mostly Seagate, but some Hitachi and WD.


AMD Motherboard ASUS  m4a 785m mb, Semphron 145,

Ram: 2GB 2x 1GB

Qty 1 SAT2-MV8 Raid cards, 3TB drives mix of mostly Seagate, but some Hitachi and WD.

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Just tried to update my test server from rc12a, replacing bzimage, bzroot and syslinux.cfg but it gets stuck on reboot stating:


chmod: cannot access 'var/log/setup/tmp': no such file or directory.


see attachment.


I ran a disk checker on the usb stick and that came back ok


edit: i have no idea why it's preview is upside down!?, but downloaded it's the right way!


Second Edit: Just put 12a back on by overwriting those 3 files and it's working on 12a.


Any ideas?


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Just tried to update my test server from rc12a, replacing bzimage, bzroot and syslinux.cfg but it gets stuck on reboot stating:


chmod: cannot access 'var/log/setup/tmp': no such file or directory.


see attachment.


I ran a disk checker on the usb stick and that came back ok


edit: i have no idea why it's preview is upside down!?, but downloaded it's the right way!


Second Edit: Just put 12a back on by overwriting those 3 files and it's working on 12a.


Any ideas?

try to redownload the rc15 release and install it again.

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Just tried to update my test server from rc12a, replacing bzimage, bzroot and syslinux.cfg but it gets stuck on reboot stating:


chmod: cannot access 'var/log/setup/tmp': no such file or directory.


see attachment.


I ran a disk checker on the usb stick and that came back ok


edit: i have no idea why it's preview is upside down!?, but downloaded it's the right way!


Second Edit: Just put 12a back on by overwriting those 3 files and it's working on 12a.


Any ideas?

try to redownload the rc15 release and install it again.



I think it's a side effect of mounting tmpfs on /var/log.

/var/log should probably be renamed.

a new mount point made, then have the old structure copied over.



Either that or remake all the directories.



re-downloading will not fix this particular issue.

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i did download it twice as firstly i cpoied the files over on a mac, but thinking this may be a contributing factor, re-did it all on a PC.




so simply rename /var/log and upon reboot a new mount point will be made automatically? or simply rename and then create anew before rebooting?



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i did download it twice as firstly i cpoied the files over on a mac, but thinking this may be a contributing factor, re-did it all on a PC.




so simply rename /var/log and upon reboot a new mount point will be made automatically? or simply rename and then create anew before rebooting?




Do you have any slackware packages in /boot/extra ?

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i did download it twice as firstly i cpoied the files over on a mac, but thinking this may be a contributing factor, re-did it all on a PC.




so simply rename /var/log and upon reboot a new mount point will be made automatically? or simply rename and then create anew before rebooting?





No, it was just a suggestion about something that should occur in /etc/rc.local, Please disregard.

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i did download it twice as firstly i cpoied the files over on a mac, but thinking this may be a contributing factor, re-did it all on a PC.




so simply rename /var/log and upon reboot a new mount point will be made automatically? or simply rename and then create anew before rebooting?




Do you have any slackware packages in /boot/extra ?



Tom, in your source tree where you build the image, Are there any other directories in var/log ??

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i did download it twice as firstly i cpoied the files over on a mac, but thinking this may be a contributing factor, re-did it all on a PC.




so simply rename /var/log and upon reboot a new mount point will be made automatically? or simply rename and then create anew before rebooting?




Do you have any slackware packages in /boot/extra ?


First of all i did (plex), but i could see it hanging at that part of the boot process, so i deleted it and tried again clean. Unless there are other files left over causing issues?

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i did download it twice as firstly i cpoied the files over on a mac, but thinking this may be a contributing factor, re-did it all on a PC.




so simply rename /var/log and upon reboot a new mount point will be made automatically? or simply rename and then create anew before rebooting?




Do you have any slackware packages in /boot/extra ?



Tom, in your source tree where you build the image, Are there any other directories in var/log ??

Yes there's /var/log/samba, so I had to change /etc/rc.d/rc.samba to create that directory if it wasn't there already.  There is also /var/log/setup and /var/log/setup/tmp.  These directories are used by the slackware package tools.  I verified they did not need to be there for a 'stock' startup, and afterwareds, I manually executed an "installpkg" command and noted that /var/log/setup and /var/log/setup/tmp got created, so I thought all was well... but apparently not.  :P

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I think it's a side effect of mounting tmpfs on /var/log.

/var/log should probably be renamed.

a new mount point made, then have the old structure copied over.


There's no "old" structure there. It's mounted VERY early in the boot process, before anything else starts loading. And, I can't seem grep any 'var/log/setup/tmp' in the stock package. Can it be something extra that he has added, in his 'go', or as a package?


my "go" is stock and packages DID have plex in it, but i removed that. Anything on top of that would mean going back to complete stock and adding the plugins manually, which isn't particularly friendly and encouraging to update for each release.

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I wonder why samba creates without problem its /var log/samba on my server. Anybody else's server frozen like that?



re-read the bottom of this post.



FWIW, I rebooted my machine and looked for issues with the var/log and did not find anything.

As a side note, having unRAID under ESX is a dream, I can reboot, hack, reboot without waiting for a lengthy bios scan!!!

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Great work with rc15 Tom keep it up.


Just finished a parity check on server and it a whole hour quicker :)



Last checked on Thu Jun 13 20:46:45 2013 BST (two days ago), finding 0 errors. 
> Duration: 11 hours, 19 minutes, 1 second. Average speed: 73.7 MB/sec 



Last checked on Sat Jun 15 19:29:12 2013 BST (today), finding 0 errors.
> Duration: 10 hours, 19 minutes, 12 seconds. Average speed: 80.8 MB/sec


No idea what you changed but system seems solid and parity checks are faster so I'm happy :)


Thank you.

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my "go" is stock and packages DID have plex in it, but i removed that. Anything on top of that would mean going back to complete stock and adding the plugins manually, which isn't particularly friendly and encouraging to update for each release.

Not suggesting that would be the permanent necessity, but would help to determine what this problem is.

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Come on, guys, it took us so many years to mount /var/log/ properly, let's please not cast shadows of doubt on it so quickly! :)

This is a good lesson in the danger of introducing any "new feature", however benign it seems, close to a release final.

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