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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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I'm having a strange issue. I just switched over to the unified version of this docker on my own server, and now I have everything working great.


However, I tried to do the same on my dad's unRAID server, and I've encountered a problem. I ended up removing the container and data, and downloading everything again, and started with a new blank /data directory. I can connect via the web UI or VNC client, but then it ends up just freezing. Something about an EQ overflow having to do with Xvnc.


I've attached my logs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Edit: So it seems to be working somewhat now. I set up the UI on my desktop to connect to the Crashplan service on the server, and it will connect, but has a lot of issues with freezing up. Also, now I am finally able to connect via the Web UI and VNC, but sometimes it complains about not being able to connect to the CrashPlan engine, or just getting disconnected or freezing.


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I've been using this docker for a while with about 3.5Tb of data to backup.  Thank you to the developer who put this out there for everyone.


Crashplan started to really drag and for the last month or so, was stuck "Analyzing" and not actually sending any data.  After a lot of web searching and trying different things, I finally found an article from the crashplan website on increasing the RAM.  Apparently having a larger data set requires a much greater amount of RAM.  There article can be found here:  https://support.code42.com/CrashPlan/4/Troubleshooting/Adjusting_CrashPlan_Settings_For_Memory_Usage_With_Large_Backups


By following their instructions and bumping up the RAM for crashplan to 4Gb, it immediately began uploading again and went from an estimated 2 months to finish, down to 2 days.  So if you have a large data set, make sure you give crashplan enough RAM to do its job or it will never finish.

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Tried installing the container today via Community Applications as well as by adding the repo in docker.


Nothing is getting created when I hit create after filling in the volume mappings - tried multiple times - installed other containers today to check and they got installed fine. JUst the Crashplan container is not getting created. No error messages of any sort - when I hit create in the add container section nothing happens. Here is what I have tried multiple times :Adding Crashplan Docker


No idea why this container is not getting created - I do have a parity check running , would that be the reason why its not getting created?


Any and all help appreciated.

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Switch to advanced view and enter a VNC password, that's the reason the create button is not working


Thanks for this advice which solve my issue like abhi.ko was having. For some reason this was not required when I installed it on my other server with 6.2 beta20. Password was required when I tried to install it on main server with 6.1.8.

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Switch to advanced view and enter a VNC password, that's the reason the create button is not working


Thanks for this advice which solve my issue like abhi.ko was having. For some reason this was not required when I installed it on my other server with 6.2 beta20. Password was required when I tried to install it on main server with 6.1.8.

All setting in 6.1.8 are required when you use a default template. In 6.2, every field can be set to be required or not.


Just to be safe, I removed the vnc password from 6.1.8 part of the template.

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yesterday I set up the crashplan container and don't really understand the need of some of the default volume mappings.

So for me it looks like this:

/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan/

/UNRAID >> /mnt/user

/unassigned >> /mnt/disks                          (what is this mapping for?)

/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/                    (I think I don't actually need this one because I already have the second mapping right?)

/flash >> /boot                                          (I added this one manually)


I also noticed that when browsing in crashplan for a destination folder for example it lists a few folders where I don't actually know where they are comming from. Are these maybe folders from inside the docker.img? (Can't post a screenshot right now)


Maybe someone can clear me up here. Thank you

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I will try to explain:


/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan/

CrashPlan needs some place to store configuration files and logs. What the CrashPlan app can see is


and in the example that place is located at


and this assumes that you have a cache disk. The default location for Docker app configuration files is


Note that the share appdata (a top level folder) needs to be set to “Use cache disk: Only”

If you don’t have a cache disk you need store the config files in a user share on your array. Mappings could look like this

/config >> /mnt/user/appdata/crashplan/


/UNRAID >> /mnt/user

In the CrashPlan app you will see


and you select the user shares to backup and these are located at


. Note that this assumes you are using user shares, not disk shares.


/unassigned >> /mnt/disks

This one is used if you are using disks or shares mounted by the plugin Unassigned Devices. This could for example be an USB disk or a share on another server.


/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/ 

This one is probably intended to be used for local backups (not to the CrashPlan cloud).


 /flash >> /boot

I guess you added this one to be able to back up your USB stick with the unRAID OS? That’s not actually a good idea. When you back up the USB stick your array should be stopped. Best way to do this is to stop the array and make a copy and store locally on your PC. This can be done by using the file explorer in Windows (if you are using Windows...)


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Okay, thanks for clearing up. I'll remove the /flash mount then.


btw, here is a screenshot of the destination window within crashplan.




All the mounted paths are in there: backup, config, unassigned, UNRAID

Where do all the other folders come from?

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 /flash >> /boot

I guess you added this one to be able to back up your USB stick with the unRAID OS? That’s not actually a good idea. When you back up the USB stick your array should be stopped. Best way to do this is to stop the array and make a copy and store locally on your PC. This can be done by using the file explorer in Windows (if you are using Windows...)



The only downside to backing up your flash drive is that restoring the super.dat file will trigger a parity check, right?  Seems like a small price to pay to have a full backup of all your settings.  This is covered in the OP.

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Okay, thanks for clearing up. I'll remove the /flash mount then.


btw, here is a screenshot of the destination window within crashplan.




All the mounted paths are in there: backup, config, unassigned, UNRAID

Where do all the other folders come from?

The CrashPlan app is running in a Linux container and all these folders you can see belongs to that Linux OS expect for the mappings you made.

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 /flash >> /boot

I guess you added this one to be able to back up your USB stick with the unRAID OS? That’s not actually a good idea. When you back up the USB stick your array should be stopped. Best way to do this is to stop the array and make a copy and store locally on your PC. This can be done by using the file explorer in Windows (if you are using Windows...)



The only downside to backing up your flash drive is that restoring the super.dat file will trigger a parity check, right?  Seems like a small price to pay to have a full backup of all your settings.  This is covered in the OP.

Agree! Take the array of line, make a local copy of the USB stick, start the array and put a copy there as well and let CrashPlan back it up.

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okay, thanks for clarifiying.

So what I want to do is backing up my appdata folder if my cache drive should fail.

Would it be possible then to restore all my docker applications after manually reinstalling crashplan first?

If you have a backup of the appdata folder it’s easy to recreate any docker app you have.


You only need to select Add Container and select template from the drop down list and look for User defined templates. These templates contain all your settings for the container you have used so a new container will be created based on that. If you have lost your docker.img file that needs to be created first as well.


If you don’t have a backup of the appdata folder available, you can still use this method but you would need reconfigure each docker app. For CrashPlan it would be like setting up your account again, select folders to backup and probably adopt (import) your current backup data.

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thanks, I'll backup the appdata for each container except the one for crashplan to my array then.


Another thing I just noticed... I use the s3 sleep plugin and it triggers when all drives of the array are spun down.

With crashplan running (I noticed that two times already) it happens that my drives including parity always keep spinning.

I don't have files to backup selected yet so crashplan shouldn't do anything I think.

When I stop the container all drives spin down as normal.

Is there some setting that can cause this behavior?


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There is a plugin called Dynamix Cache Directories that might be useful to install. It will keep the folder information in memory so that CrashPlan doesn’t need to scan the disks. It will use some of your memory and it needs to be configured to fit your system. When you have installed it go to the setting for the plugin and enable Help in the unRAID banner.


I am not 100% sure that it is CrashPlan causing your disks to spin up. If you have installed CrashPlan on a cache drive it shouldn’t write anything to the array (and keep your parity disk spinning). If you haven’t, then it will for sure keep your drives spinning (including the parity drive) since CrashPlan basically writes everything (more or less) to log files.

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installed the crashplan container last night. it started and I ran a backup (no idea where it went because this was my first time using it)

I've installed the mobile app on my phone and logged in with the same account. But I doesn't show any devices. Even when I was home and on the same network

Do I need to forward any ports on my firewall to get crashplan to register correctly?


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We probably need a little more information on what you actually did. I assume that you just installed the CrashPlan container with the default folder mappings. In the CrashPlan app you first need to select what files to backup (the Backup tab, Files section and From then Change and select the folders/files).


Next step is to select Destinations. What did you select there? Haven’t used the mobile app for a while but I assume that it will only see files that has been stored at CrashPlan Central, not local Folders.


Does the History show that it actually did a backup?

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