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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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I am having a heck of a time getting Dynamix Auto Fan to behave the way I would like.  I need to get a fresh start of using it.  I have done so much trial and error with settings a script editing that its became a bit convoluted.  What would be the best process to totally erase the app from my Unraid server and be able to download and start fresh?  I feel there are config files and scripts spread all over the place and I cant begin to understand what needs deleted and what can stay at this point.

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24 minutes ago, Johnny Utah said:

I am having a heck of a time getting Dynamix Auto Fan to behave the way I would like.  I need to get a fresh start of using it.  I have done so much trial and error with settings a script editing that its became a bit convoluted.  What would be the best process to totally erase the app from my Unraid server and be able to download and start fresh?  I feel there are config files and scripts spread all over the place and I cant begin to understand what needs deleted and what can stay at this point.

Uninstall the plugin, and if anything is left in /config/plugins/dynamix.autofan delete it.

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One last question.  When I press "Detect" next to PWN fan this is what I get after the box auto fills:


<br /><b>Warning</b>:  file_get_contents(/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/include/SystemFan.php</b> on line <b>40</b><br /><br /><b>Warning</b>:  file_put_contents(/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable): failed to open stream: Permission denied in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/include/SystemFan.php</b> on line <b>42</b><br /><br /><b>Warning</b>:  file_put_contents(/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable): failed to open stream: Permission denied in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/include/SystemFan.php</b> on line <b>50</b><br />/sys/devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon2/fan1_input


Is this normal or should I make some changes to this? Also pressing the minimum speed detect does not do anything after pressing?


EDIT:  I found a solution for anyone who may be encountering a similar issue.  I was able to find my fan inputs under /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/ . So i manually put /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/fan1_input for PWM1 and set my minimum speed manually as well.  Did this for all fans and works perfectly now!

Edited by Johnny Utah
Fixed Issue
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Loving System AutoFan, but have one small issue when rebooting. I've tried searching to see if this has been answered, so apologies if it has.


When I reboot the server, the drives typically get different assignments. Example: Drive1 in the array may have been '/dev/sdd' then after a reboot it's '/dev/sde' - unfortunately since AutoFan uses these assignments in the exclude list, that exclude list will inevitably be changed after a reboot and cause the list to be wrong.


Case in point... I have 4 fans mapped to exclude all but the array drives, but after a reboot there's at least one excluded drive that swaps its drive assignment with an array drive. The last time I rebooted, the exclusion list swapped the cache drive with Disk1, which caused the fans to stop even while Disk1 was still spun up.


At first I thought maybe it would be possible to keep drive assignments the same after a boot, but apparently it's not possible -

- and then I wondered if it were possible if the exclude list in AutoFan used either the drive name or serial number so that it was less affected by a reboot.


If I've made any sense, feedback would be appreciated. Is there something I'm not doing right, or is this just the way it is?




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found bug in the Fan control..   

if you have a bunch of drives.. and say 6 in the cache pool..  and you set the Exclude  those cache drives.


when you remove those disks..  the Excluded Disks are now the Array Disks..  so seems everytime you change a Disk in the array  either adding or deleting  a disk  .. in array. or caches.  it messes up the chex boxs..   as i find my 1 array fan running when shouldnt etc..


also  it be nice to slap a label for each fan


like  PWM1     have option to give lable   like  REAR FAN Right




and so on.


also   be nice when you put the mouse over top of the footer of the webpage  where it displays the Fan speeds.. instead of saying they are all Array Fans which they arent.. be nice to mouse over say CPU FAN, REAR FAN LEFT..



there was another issue i found but i cant remember now.. but figured i mention and request the LABEL option as i cant ever tell whats PWM1 - PWM7   without labeling 


label be great


so in the pics ..  i dont have what i had checked off

but lan_cache_poolold   and test_pool   were  part of the excluded  with cache and lan_cache_pool


i removed all the drives in  lan_cache_poolold and tes_pool   and then you see what you see in fan control

it takes those excluded disks and set it to array disks  and it unchecks  cache and lan cache pool..  when these should have stayed checked





Edited by comet424
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4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

also  it be nice to slap a label for each fan


like  PWM1     have option to give lable   like  REAR FAN Right




and so on.


It's a bit of a kludge, but I renamed those on the dashboard using the Theme Engine plugin with some javascript.


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 0')" ).text("DRIVES (exhaust)");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 1')" ).text("DRIVES (intake)");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 2')" ).text("CPU");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 3')" ).text("CASE (rear)");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 4')" ).text("NVMe / PCIe");


Yeah, would be cool if those were nameable in the plugin itself, though.


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@SiteAssemble  i not sure how to do that..  also does it fix the mouse over at the bottom of the screen

they are alll  array fans which isnt right


do you install that theme engine  from apps?

ya seems to be a pain.. so you change the code to what you got there... does it change each time unraid is updated  like file gets over written and you gotta go back and re change the code for it

i mentioned a while ago about fan labeling.. but i guess wasnt important..  enough  plus  i think requests get missed.. becaues all the plugins are in this same forum  where they should be seperated..  so you cant miss a pluggin help with someone elses different plugin



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15 minutes ago, comet424 said:

@SiteAssemble  i not sure how to do that..  also does it fix the mouse over at the bottom of the screen

they are alll  array fans which isnt right


do you install that theme engine  from apps?


I actually disabled the fan display in the footer, but my guess is it's probably controllable in a similar way.  Yes, Theme Engine is in the apps. It's really meant to modify the GUI styles, but I use the custom.css option to insert the javascript and to add some responsive CSS so that the GUI is somewhat usable on mobile. I'm still playing around with it, and honestly I'm brand new to Unraid so I've not yet had a chance to see if the changes persist through updates.

I agree that requests here are probably mostly unseen considering it's for a number of plugins, but maybe we'll get lucky.

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28 minutes ago, comet424 said:

@SiteAssemble  i not sure how to do that..


Anyhow, if you decide to try it out, install Theme Engine, then edit this file (create if not already created):





<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 0')" ).text("DRIVES (exhaust)");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 1')" ).text("DRIVES (intake)");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 2')" ).text("CPU");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 3')" ).text("CASE (rear)");
    $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 4')" ).text("NVMe / PCIe");



Of course, you'll have to modify your fan names. Easiest way to do that is to go to the dashboard, and while the fans are all spinning, stop them one at a time and note which go to zero. Then that fan number gets replaced with whatever text you want.


And yeah, I know this is super hacky putting it into the CSS file, but since this is just inserted into the <head> I figured why not. Maybe Theme Engine will allow for custom js down the road.

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@SiteAssemble  well for being new your smarter then me lol.  i didnt know you could modify it.. but i dont really do css stuff anymroe 20 yrs ago using dreamweaver for webpage but that was it lol.


so what i did is  i just copy your code   and made a custom.css  one the flash drive.  and paste it..  

but going to the dashboard it didnt run it.. do you have to reboot unraid   to get that custom to work


i tried the import button  but it does nothing and the click from usb  does nothing either


Edited by comet424
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i remember  another feature.. why isnt there a Motherboard Fan speed setting


so if the motherboard gets to a certain temp but when the hard drives are off..  the Fans should kick in when Motherboard reachs a certain Temp

as the Fan speed is only for Array

but be nice

if there was one for GPU   Motherboard CPU

so that you can tell the Array fans to turn on if the GPU  is getting to hot  

or turn the Array fans on and the Rear Fans on if the CPU or Motherboard is getting too hot..


there isnt one for that

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19 minutes ago, comet424 said:

@SiteAssemble  well for being new your smarter then me lol.  i didnt know you could modify it.. but i dont really do css stuff anymroe 20 yrs ago using dreamweaver for webpage but that was it lol.


so what i did is  i just copy your code   and made a custom.css  one the flash drive.  and paste it..  

but going to the dashboard it didnt run it.. do you have to reboot unraid   to get that custom to work


i tried the import button  but it does nothing and the click from usb  does nothing either


Is Theme Engine enabled? Settings > Theme Engine > Enable Theme Engine (YES)


EDIT: Also, forgot you need to enable 'Advanced View' under 'Theme Settings' - then set 'enable custom.css' to Yes

Edited by SiteAssemble
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@SiteAssemble ok that worked  i didnt see that advanced thing..  i probably did it before you edited your post.. least i can see i can change the Fan names lol..  i never knew you could do that.. must been hard to figure it out.. well unless you work with css  alot then people know it.... 

least its a work around as it was getting frustrating.. it still is when you work from the plugin side

plus there should be a gpu, cpu,motherboard  option to cycle the fans not just the drives temps..  since if the drives are off but the case heats up  and yet the fans are not spinning  it cant exhaust the heat  as it needs the drives spinning

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4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

@SiteAssemble ok that worked  i didnt see that advanced thing..  i probably did it before you edited your post.. least i can see i can change the Fan names lol..  i never knew you could do that.. must been hard to figure it out.. well unless you work with css  alot then people know it.... 

least its a work around as it was getting frustrating.. it still is when you work from the plugin side

plus there should be a gpu, cpu,motherboard  option to cycle the fans not just the drives temps..  since if the drives are off but the case heats up  and yet the fans are not spinning  it cant exhaust the heat  as it needs the drives spinning


Well I guess it's time for us to learn to make Unraid plugins so we can make this one more to our liking.  :)

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@SiteAssemble lol ya  or if we got the plugin code could edit to add label and options for motherboard cpu gpu..  


but ya i wouldnt know where to start i usually coded best in Visual Basic 6 and .net  i only recently in this pandemic learned some python for raspberry pi.. i only got unraid last couple years or so..  as i didnt like linux back in 1999 in college.. got fed up with redhat. and unix i said screw it stick with windows lol


but i hear ya as if i knew to code i have some plug in ideas to make improvements

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@SiteAssemble noticed bug on that dashboard.. when i turn off that custom to see.

its labeled FAN 0  but there are no fan 0's  

it should start at FAN 1   not sure how to fix it

cuz i modied your code to add fans 4-7   since i have 7 fan headers 

they dont show up but i gonna test tommorow to label them  1 at a time.. just noticed FAN 0  FAN0 must be like PWM1 meaning FAN1

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40 minutes ago, comet424 said:

@SiteAssemble noticed bug on that dashboard.. when i turn off that custom to see.

its labeled FAN 0  but there are no fan 0's  

it should start at FAN 1   not sure how to fix it

cuz i modied your code to add fans 4-7   since i have 7 fan headers 

they dont show up but i gonna test tommorow to label them  1 at a time.. just noticed FAN 0  FAN0 must be like PWM1 meaning FAN1


So look at the attached image. This is what it looks like without the javascript. What you're doing is replacing the text marked "FAN 0" (or whatever yours is called) with the new label.  So...


$( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 0')" ).text("DRIVES (exhaust)");


... means you're looking for 'FAN 0' and replacing it with the text 'DRIVES (exhaust)'


Make sense? You have to match YOUR old labels, not mine, since they may be different.  If you still need help, PM me so we don't take up more space in this thread.



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ya thats what i did... sorry my disylexia  i didnt explain myself right 

but what i ment was

by default  there is not such thing as Fan0

they should have labled it FAN1 to FAN5  not Fan0 to Fan4

cuz its FAN 1 to FAN 7  in PWM settings 

there not such thing as PWM0  


what i mean is they need to fix it to change it 0 to a 1

and fix the Fan numbering

i have 7 fan options

Fan 0  really is PWM1 --> Array

Fan 1  really  is PWM2 --> CPU

Fan 2 really is PWM3 --> Rear Right

Fan 3 really is PWM6 --> Rear Left

FAN 4 really is PWM5 --> Chipset Cooling


so you can see the number doesnt match correctly 

but i got it labeled correctly at least so i wont get confused  looking at the dashboard now 

as i was getting confused before  Fan0  but you need to know the PWM1-7


nothing is perfect.. but least your labeling help  has helped my needs now only if it could just be incorporated in the the pluggin and id like more control options over specific SSDS etc   no control for that 


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36 minutes ago, comet424 said:


ya thats what i did... sorry my disylexia  i didnt explain myself right 

but what i ment was

by default  there is not such thing as Fan0

they should have labled it FAN1 to FAN5  not Fan0 to Fan4

cuz its FAN 1 to FAN 7  in PWM settings 

there not such thing as PWM0  


what i mean is they need to fix it to change it 0 to a 1

and fix the Fan numbering

i have 7 fan options

Fan 0  really is PWM1 --> Array

Fan 1  really  is PWM2 --> CPU

Fan 2 really is PWM3 --> Rear Right

Fan 3 really is PWM6 --> Rear Left

FAN 4 really is PWM5 --> Chipset Cooling


so you can see the number doesnt match correctly 

but i got it labeled correctly at least so i wont get confused  looking at the dashboard now 

as i was getting confused before  Fan0  but you need to know the PWM1-7


nothing is perfect.. but least your labeling help  has helped my needs now only if it could just be incorporated in the the pluggin and id like more control options over specific SSDS etc   no control for that 


Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, it's probably looping through the array of devices, the first index being zero. Glad you got it working.

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19 minutes ago, Raptor2k said:

Please can somebody give me the paramteres in Unraid Docker GUI for setting up a VNC Password only for the Thunderbird Docker?


Thank you.

Kind regards


Would be best to post in the relevant support thread for the thunderbird app (click it's icon, select Support)

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