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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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That's all I needed :D thanks very much sir. And in no way am I trying to downgrade any pro-bono or otherwise work you're doing. I posted this a while back, waited quite some time, and got no response. Another person also posted with this issue, and got the same. All I was looking for was acknowledging that it was in fact an issue that will be looked at in whatever amount of time you see fit. Thanks again, very much.


I can't say right now that it is an issue or not.  I have both USB and sata drives and am not seeing the no spin down problem.

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Since you can

mkdir path-to-mount-point


mount .... path-to-mount-point

it makes sense that this would work. What I wonder about is what happens when path-to-mount-point is inside a user share as kizer is doing. This method is even in the wiki.


But how does unRAID treat this "folder" when it comes to calculating the free and used space in the user share, or when doing other things with the folder? What if you cache that user share and write to that folder within the user share, does it go to the cache drive or the external drive or where? If it does go to cache, where does it get moved to? Etc.


Unassigned Devices and SMB Mounts are not mounted as unraid user shares (/mnt/user).  Unassigned Devices and SMB Mounts are mounted at /mnt/disks and are shared using the smb_extra configuration file.  The unassigned device and SMB Mount is shared and shows as an smb share, but unraid is not aware of it as a user share.


Mount a device and look at the /boot/config/smb-extra.conf file and you'll see an include that inserts the share properties of the device.  The include file is created by unassigned devices when the share is mounted and the share switch is turned on.  The include file is located at /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/.

I mostly knew all this but kizer is changing it from /mnt/disks/name-you-want-for-share to /mnt/user/share-that-he-created if I understand him correctly.


Yes so it will show as a folder in my user shares. Otherwise I couldn't get it to show on my windows machine when I browsed my shares.

Like I said its not something I have to do or anybody else, but I'm always trying to see what I can get things to do even if they are not intended half the time.


I would like to know when a drive is Shared how do you view it/find it? A smb share that is mounted under /disks? I can find it in command line pretty easily.


The unassigned devices shares (device or SMB Mounts) are not shared as unraid user shares and are not recognized by unraid as shares for the array.  They show up in Windows when you browse to \\Tower.

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I just released version 2016.01.20.


The sharing of SMB Mounts has been implemented now so when you assign an SMB Mount from another system, it will always share and show up when you browse \\Tower with Windows along with the unraid user shares.


Devices and SMB Mounts will default to being shared as Public with read/write privileges for everyone.  User share privileges are set in the Unassigned Devices SMB Security settings.  There you can set whether or not a user has read access, read/write access, or no access to unassigned devices shares.

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2016.01.20 Fixed any SMB issues I had with displaying attached devices and even SMB ones.

I'll play with Read/Write stuff tomorrow. For sure I can read/write, but I'll disable some stuff tomarrow and see if it gives me any grief.


Thanks for the work... Your making V6 even more fun to play with . ;)

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dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?

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Are there some up to date example scripts available?


I'd like to run a few Hashback commands on a daily basis when a specific drive is mounted, and stop attempting the backups when unmounted. I assume it would be better as a Unassigned Drives script rather than a CRON as the former can detect if the drive is mounted, where as CRON cannot?

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dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?


Is there a way to allow me to edit the first post to keep a mod from having to do it?


If not maybe I can start a new post and refer to that one in the first post here?


As you can see there is a lot of activity here and the plugin is pretty dynamic at this point so I can see more changes and enhancements coming.

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dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?


Is there a way to allow me to edit the first post to keep a mod from having to do it?


If not maybe I can start a new post and refer to that one in the first post here?


As you can see there is a lot of activity here and the plugin is pretty dynamic at this point so I can see more changes and enhancements coming.


Dan, why don't you just create a new thread, might be easier....  It's what I did with the mediabuild stuff.  If gfjardim returns and you want to hand back the reigns he can just bump this thread..

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dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?


Is there a way to allow me to edit the first post to keep a mod from having to do it?


If not maybe I can start a new post and refer to that one in the first post here?


As you can see there is a lot of activity here and the plugin is pretty dynamic at this point so I can see more changes and enhancements coming.


Dan, why don't you just create a new thread, might be easier....  It's what I did with the mediabuild stuff.  If gfjardim returns and you want to hand back the reigns he can just bump this thread..


I'm thinking the same thing.  Would be a lot cleaner and easier to maintain.

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Are there some up to date example scripts available?


I'd like to run a few Hashback commands on a daily basis when a specific drive is mounted, and stop attempting the backups when unmounted. I assume it would be better as a Unassigned Drives script rather than a CRON as the former can detect if the drive is mounted, where as CRON cannot?


I will post some example scripts and how to set up a corn to run scripts in a new thread for unassigned devices.  I cannot maintain the op of this thread.

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I have an SSD that I would like to mount on an internal USB 3.0 header. I haven't decided on a specific purpose for the device as yet, just sort of testing that I can get it working  first.


I am running unRAID 6.1.7 and Unassigned Devices plugin 2016.01.20. I did initially have an older version of the UD plugin, from the original author,  that had some "issues". I have since uninstalled, rebooted and updated to my current version.


Things start out well, the drive appears on the Main tab in unRAID and I have successfully formatted (xfs), renamed (VERTEX2_120gb) and mounted the drive all using the UD plugin. Here's a summary of the current plugin/drive settings:


Destructive Mode: Disabled

Enable SMB Security: No

Enable NSF Export: Yes

Automount: On

Share: On


The drive shows up fine on my network shares and I am able to rw without any dramas.


My first real test has been to try and use the drive as a transcode location for the Limetech Plex docker. I used the Container volume /transcode.


When I attempted to edit the docker settings the drive did not show up in my Host path. AFAIK it should be located at: /mnt/disk/VERTEX2_120gb/. (N.B. I did restart Docker after mounting the the SSD as my understanding is that Docker would not be aware of any drives that are mounted after it has started).


In an effort to try and work around this I manually typed the location into my Host path hoping that this would effect a positive result. However, in all my testing on Plex, I have not been able to generate any activity on the drive and in fact, if I specify the transcode location (https://app.plex.tv/web/app#!/settings/server/.../transcoder) in Plex as /transcode all of my content refuses to play.


I should also mention that initially I had renamed the drive "OCZ_SSD" and tried to use this as my host path (/mnt/disk/OCZ_SSD/), using the same manual method already mentioned. Now this might be expected behaviour, but when I currently attempt to browse to the SSD via Host path, in any docker, they all remember these manual entries. So I have two manually entered options of:








I get the feeling that as far as unRAID is concerned, neither of these locations have ever existed.


Does anybody have any guidance they would care to offer?





This is how I am connecting the drive:


StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable w/ UASP (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812400542)

Lian Li UC-01 USB 3.0 to 20-pin Adapter (http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/uc-01/)


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I have an SSD that I would like to mount on an internal USB 3.0 header. I haven't decided on a specific purpose for the device as yet, just sort of testing that I can get it working  first.


I am running unRAID 6.1.7 and Unassigned Devices plugin 2016.01.20. I did initially have an older version of the UD plugin, from the original author,  that had some "issues". I have since uninstalled, rebooted and updated to my current version.


Things start out well, the drive appears on the Main tab in unRAID and I have successfully formatted (xfs), renamed (VERTEX2_120gb) and mounted the drive all using the UD plugin. Here's a summary of the current plugin/drive settings:


Destructive Mode: Disabled

Enable SMB Security: No

Enable NSF Export: Yes

Automount: On

Share: On


The drive shows up fine on my network shares and I am able to rw without any dramas.


My first real test has been to try and use the drive as a transcode location for the Limetech Plex docker. I used the Container volume /transcode.


When I attempted to edit the docker settings the drive did not show up in my Host path. AFAIK it should be located at: /mnt/disk/VERTEX2_120gb/. (N.B. I did restart Docker after mounting the the SSD as my understanding is that Docker would not be aware of any drives that are mounted after it has started).


In an effort to try and work around this I manually typed the location into my Host path hoping that this would effect a positive result. However, in all my testing on Plex, I have not been able to generate any activity on the drive and in fact, if I specify the transcode location (https://app.plex.tv/web/app#!/settings/server/.../transcoder) in Plex as /transcode all of my content refuses to play.


I should also mention that initially I had renamed the drive "OCZ_SSD" and tried to use this as my host path (/mnt/disk/OCZ_SSD/), using the same manual method already mentioned. Now this might be expected behaviour, but when I currently attempt to browse to the SSD via Host path, in any docker, they all remember these manual entries. So I have two manually entered options of:








I get the feeling that as far as unRAID is concerned, neither of these locations have ever existed.


Does anybody have any guidance they would care to offer?





This is how I am connecting the drive:


StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable w/ UASP (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812400542)

Lian Li UC-01 USB 3.0 to 20-pin Adapter (http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/uc-01/)


Unassigned Devices are not mounted to /mnt/disk/ or /mnt/user/ and are not recognized as array managed shares.  Unassigned Devices are mounted to /mnt/disks/ so your drive would be at /mnt/disks/VERTEX2_120gb.


You don't have to share the drive to see it on the local computer and use it in a Docker.

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I have an SSD that I would like to mount on an internal USB 3.0 header. I haven't decided on a specific purpose for the device as yet, just sort of testing that I can get it working  first.


I am running unRAID 6.1.7 and Unassigned Devices plugin 2016.01.20. I did initially have an older version of the UD plugin, from the original author,  that had some "issues". I have since uninstalled, rebooted and updated to my current version.


Things start out well, the drive appears on the Main tab in unRAID and I have successfully formatted (xfs), renamed (VERTEX2_120gb) and mounted the drive all using the UD plugin. Here's a summary of the current plugin/drive settings:


Destructive Mode: Disabled

Enable SMB Security: No

Enable NSF Export: Yes

Automount: On

Share: On


The drive shows up fine on my network shares and I am able to rw without any dramas.


My first real test has been to try and use the drive as a transcode location for the Limetech Plex docker. I used the Container volume /transcode.


When I attempted to edit the docker settings the drive did not show up in my Host path. AFAIK it should be located at: /mnt/disk/VERTEX2_120gb/. (N.B. I did restart Docker after mounting the the SSD as my understanding is that Docker would not be aware of any drives that are mounted after it has started).


In an effort to try and work around this I manually typed the location into my Host path hoping that this would effect a positive result. However, in all my testing on Plex, I have not been able to generate any activity on the drive and in fact, if I specify the transcode location (https://app.plex.tv/web/app#!/settings/server/.../transcoder) in Plex as /transcode all of my content refuses to play.


I should also mention that initially I had renamed the drive "OCZ_SSD" and tried to use this as my host path (/mnt/disk/OCZ_SSD/), using the same manual method already mentioned. Now this might be expected behaviour, but when I currently attempt to browse to the SSD via Host path, in any docker, they all remember these manual entries. So I have two manually entered options of:








I get the feeling that as far as unRAID is concerned, neither of these locations have ever existed.


Does anybody have any guidance they would care to offer?





This is how I am connecting the drive:


StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable w/ UASP (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812400542)

Lian Li UC-01 USB 3.0 to 20-pin Adapter (http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/uc-01/)


Unassigned Devices are not mounted to /mnt/disk/ or /mnt/user/ and are not recognized as array managed shares.  Unassigned Devices are mounted to /mnt/disks/ so your drive would be at /mnt/disks/VERTEX2_120gb.


You don't have to share the drive to see it on the local computer and use it in a Docker.

Referencing a drive / smb mount within docker may also require a restart of the entire docker engine for those mounts to be recognized within a container

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I have an SSD that I would like to mount on an internal USB 3.0 header. I haven't decided on a specific purpose for the device as yet, just sort of testing that I can get it working  first.


I am running unRAID 6.1.7 and Unassigned Devices plugin 2016.01.20. I did initially have an older version of the UD plugin, from the original author,  that had some "issues". I have since uninstalled, rebooted and updated to my current version.


Things start out well, the drive appears on the Main tab in unRAID and I have successfully formatted (xfs), renamed (VERTEX2_120gb) and mounted the drive all using the UD plugin. Here's a summary of the current plugin/drive settings:


Destructive Mode: Disabled

Enable SMB Security: No

Enable NSF Export: Yes

Automount: On

Share: On


The drive shows up fine on my network shares and I am able to rw without any dramas.


My first real test has been to try and use the drive as a transcode location for the Limetech Plex docker. I used the Container volume /transcode.


When I attempted to edit the docker settings the drive did not show up in my Host path. AFAIK it should be located at: /mnt/disk/VERTEX2_120gb/. (N.B. I did restart Docker after mounting the the SSD as my understanding is that Docker would not be aware of any drives that are mounted after it has started).


In an effort to try and work around this I manually typed the location into my Host path hoping that this would effect a positive result. However, in all my testing on Plex, I have not been able to generate any activity on the drive and in fact, if I specify the transcode location (https://app.plex.tv/web/app#!/settings/server/.../transcoder) in Plex as /transcode all of my content refuses to play.


I should also mention that initially I had renamed the drive "OCZ_SSD" and tried to use this as my host path (/mnt/disk/OCZ_SSD/), using the same manual method already mentioned. Now this might be expected behaviour, but when I currently attempt to browse to the SSD via Host path, in any docker, they all remember these manual entries. So I have two manually entered options of:








I get the feeling that as far as unRAID is concerned, neither of these locations have ever existed.


Does anybody have any guidance they would care to offer?





This is how I am connecting the drive:


StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable w/ UASP (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812400542)

Lian Li UC-01 USB 3.0 to 20-pin Adapter (http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/uc-01/)


Unassigned Devices are not mounted to /mnt/disk/ or /mnt/user/ and are not recognized as array managed shares.  Unassigned Devices are mounted to /mnt/disks/ so your drive would be at /mnt/disks/VERTEX2_120gb.


You don't have to share the drive to see it on the local computer and use it in a Docker.

Referencing a drive / smb mount within docker may also require a restart of the entire docker engine for those mounts to be recognized within a container


You guys are quick.


I listed the share information for the sake of completeness, but thanks for the heads-up.


/mnt/disks/ is empty when I browse in the host path. I again tried entering the location manually, but still cannot generate any activity on the drive during media playback. The dirve is showing as "spun-down" in unRAID.


I realise it was ambiguous in my first post, but when I "did restart Docker" it was the Docker engine, and not just the Plex Docker.


In the past few minutes I have restarted Docker again, and also restarted the Plex docker to no avail.




Docker setting | Plex Setting| unRAID Main Tab





So it now appears to be working. An additional entry appeared under  /mnt/disks/. You can see in the screengrab my two manual entries, and then a third system generated one (the one with the transcode folder). What is weird is that on my Windows machine, \\TOWER\VERTEX2_ 120gb is empty (and stays empty during playback that is being transcoded).



Progress has been made.


Follow up attempt with the same file, no activity on the drive. Further, if I browse the drive in unRAID (by clicking on it on the Main tab), it shows as empty. Hmmm.

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dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?


Is there a way to allow me to edit the first post to keep a mod from having to do it?


If not maybe I can start a new post and refer to that one in the first post here?


As you can see there is a lot of activity here and the plugin is pretty dynamic at this point so I can see more changes and enhancements coming.


Currently NO... I honestly would create a new thread and reference the original or how ever you want to do it and Maintain your own build/thread. Of course that is just my opinion on the manner.


Let me know if you need aid you in changing the first post or any of us Mod's when your ready.

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dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?


I have started a new thread.  I suggest that the following be added to the op.


"This plugin is no longer being supported.  There is a modified version of unassigned devices available here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45807.0.


This modified version works on all V6 versions and some fixes have been applied.  Please post about this plugin on the new thread."

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Are there some up to date example scripts available?


I'd like to run a few Hashback commands on a daily basis when a specific drive is mounted, and stop attempting the backups when unmounted. I assume it would be better as a Unassigned Drives script rather than a CRON as the former can detect if the drive is mounted, where as CRON cannot?


I will post some example scripts and how to set up a corn to run scripts in a new thread for unassigned devices.  I cannot maintain the op of this thread.

Brilliants thanks.


Just read the other thread - thank you so much for the detailed instructions and examples.  :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone can help me ?


I have a SSHD Seagate 500Go non initialized

unassigned devices see it but i can't click on "format" button...


Why ?




Settings>User Utilities>Unassigned Devices


Under Unassigned Devices Enable "Destructive Mode" by selecting it in the drop down menu and click "Apply".


Go Back to the "Main" Tab and format the drive. Remember to disable destructive mode after you're done. It was implemented as a safe guard for a reason.

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  • 3 months later...

When I click on a drive in the array I have the option to set the individual temperature warnings. This falls under section of "Parity Settings".


When I click on a drive that is mounted via 'Unassigned Devices" I don't get this section (as expected) but this means I don't have the ability to set individual temperature warnings for these drives.


Is there a way I can manually do this or is this something that can be implemented into Unassigned Devices?




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