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[support] hurricane's Docker Repository

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I noticed the errors but haven't seen any negative side effects. So, I have been ignoring them.


OK...I have not had any negative effects that I notice either...


I also tested the Libresonic docker that Binhex created...the errors do not seem to be happening with that Docker....not sure what could be causing them though.


Thanks again!

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I noticed the errors but haven't seen any negative side effects. So, I have been ignoring them.


OK...I have not had any negative effects that I notice either...


I also tested the Libresonic docker that Binhex created...the errors do not seem to be happening with that Docker....not sure what could be causing them though.


Thanks again!


After some research it seems that it just messages from Jetty runner on its operation. binhex uses tomcat.


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I noticed the errors but haven't seen any negative side effects. So, I have been ignoring them.


OK...I have not had any negative effects that I notice either...


I also tested the Libresonic docker that Binhex created...the errors do not seem to be happening with that Docker....not sure what could be causing them though.


Thanks again!


After some research it seems that it just messages from Jetty runner on its operation. binhex uses tomcat.



OK..glad you figured it out...


Thanks for the update!

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I noticed the errors but haven't seen any negative side effects. So, I have been ignoring them.

Except that the logs are stored within the docker image, and eventually the image will fill up due to the log spam if you don't add something like this to the extra parameters:

--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1

to limit the size of the log files.  Except that the above only works on 6.2+

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I noticed the errors but haven't seen any negative side effects. So, I have been ignoring them.

Except that the logs are stored within the docker image, and eventually the image will fill up due to the log spam if you don't add something like this to the extra parameters:

--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1

to limit the size of the log files.  Except that the above only works on 6.2+


Errors are only at the beginning and 10 lines at most.

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I noticed the errors but haven't seen any negative side effects. So, I have been ignoring them.

Except that the logs are stored within the docker image, and eventually the image will fill up due to the log spam if you don't add something like this to the extra parameters:

--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1

to limit the size of the log files.  Except that the above only works on 6.2+


Errors are only at the beginning and 10 lines at most.

Sorry... was basing it from this:


In the log while it is running I get this constant error:


Starting Libresonic..

[GC (Allocation Failure) 64512K->3743K(245760K), 0.0052500 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 68255K->2827K(245760K), 0.0057971 secs]

[GC (System.gc()) 60485K->7764K(245760K), 0.0140836 secs]

[Full GC (System.gc()) 7764K->7358K(245760K), 0.0261208 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 71870K->31702K(245760K), 0.2201561 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 96214K->53663K(245760K), 0.0734490 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 118175K->71535K(209920K), 0.0217174 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 100207K->87023K(227840K), 0.0089186 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 115695K->94338K(227840K), 0.0189064 secs]

[GC (Allocation Failure) 123010K->98605K(227840K), 0.0115722 secs]

[GC (GCLocker Initiated GC) 105820K->97285K(227840K), 0.0207835 secs]

[GC (Metadata GC Threshold) 103195K->97817K(227840K), 0.0145474 secs]

[Full GC (Metadata GC Threshold) 97817K->41321K(193536K), 0.0883254 secs]



Repeating the entire time the Docker is running...I have increased the Java cache ENV variable to 250MB, but the error persists...


Should I ignore this or do you think there may be an issue with the docker??


Thanks again!


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  • 3 weeks later...



Just trying to get your Tiny Media Manager to work.


It installs just fine but when it goes to run it fails to get what it needs.  Here is the log...


2016/07/19 14:39:01:328 INFO r.a: ------------------ VM Info ------------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:333 INFO r.a: -- OS Name: Linux
2016/07/19 14:39:01:333 INFO r.a: -- OS Arch: amd64
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- OS Vers: 4.1.18-unRAID
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- Java Vers: 1.8.0_45
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- User Name: nobody
2016/07/19 14:39:01:335 INFO r.a: -- User Home: /nobody
2016/07/19 14:39:01:335 INFO r.a: -- Cur dir: /tinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:01:335 INFO r.a: ---------------------------------------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:365 INFO r.a: ---------------- Proxy Info -----------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:365 INFO r.a: -- Proxy Host: null
2016/07/19 14:39:01:366 INFO r.a: -- Proxy Port: null
2016/07/19 14:39:01:366 INFO r.a: ---------------------------------------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:368 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] tinyMediaManager.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:368 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] tinyMediaManagerUpd.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:368 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] tinyMediaManagerCMD.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:369 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] tinyMediaManagerOSX.sh]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:369 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] JavaApplicationStub.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:369 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] Info.plist]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:370 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i386] native/linux-i386/libmediainfo.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:371 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i386] native/linux-i386/libzen.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:371 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i686, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i686] native/linux-i686/libmediainfo.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:372 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i686, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i686] native/linux-i686/libzen.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:372 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libmediainfo.dylib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:372 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-i386] native/mac-i386/libmediainfo.dylib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-amd64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-amd64] native/windows-amd64/MediaInfo.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-x64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-x64] native/windows-x64/MediaInfo.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-x86, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-x86] native/windows-x86/MediaInfo.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-x86, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-x86] native/windows-x86/mingwm10.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libquaqua.jnilib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libquaqua64.jnilib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libquaqua64.dylib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-i386] native/mac-i386/libquaqua.jnilib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:375 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=jvmarg, value=[mac os x] -Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:375 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=jvmarg, value=[mac os x] -Xdock:name=tinyMediaManager]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:378 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:14:535 INFO r.a: remove verification files? true
2016/07/19 14:39:14:547 INFO r.a: Able to lock for updates: true
2016/07/19 14:39:14:681 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:14:682 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:14:682 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:14:683 INFO r.a: Dropping status 'm.validating'.
2016/07/19 14:39:14:694 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:15:068 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:15:804 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:15:805 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:15:858 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:16:510 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:16:966 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:17:257 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:17:280 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:17:281 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:17:281 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:17:283 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:17:547 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:18:029 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:18:030 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:18:120 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:19:020 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:19:383 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:19:681 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:19:694 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:19:694 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:19:694 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:19:696 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:20:055 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:20:531 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:20:532 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:20:578 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:21:178 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:21:515 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:21:773 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:21:787 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:21:788 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:21:788 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:21:790 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:22:046 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:22:563 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:22:563 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:22:606 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:23:437 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:23:688 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:23:962 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:23:974 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:23:974 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:23:974 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:23:976 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:24:285 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:24:772 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:24:773 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:24:814 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:25:377 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:25:624 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:26:067 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:26:078 WARNING r.a: Pants! We couldn't get the job done.
2016/07/19 14:39:26:079 WARNING r.a: getdown() failed.
java.io.IOException: m.unable_to_repair
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.getdown(Unknown Source)
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.run(Unknown Source)
2016/07/19 14:39:26:080 INFO r.a: Releasing lock


The interface comes up at the port in my Chrome browser on MacBook Pro, but it reads it RED at the bottom when I click to go in that it failed 5 times.  So I am kind of lost at this point on where or what to look to due.



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  • 5 weeks later...

looks like:




IMPORTANT: with tinyMediaManager version 2.7 we do not support Java6 anymore.

          If you are still using Java6, please update or you will stay at version 2.6.x


so I guess the container needs to be updated with java7? since it looks like the container tries to update to the latest version...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all your work! Now that I've finally upgraded to 6.x (yeah... I know...) I've got an odd (to me) issue.


I installed your Subsonic docker, and couldn't for the life of me get Subsonic to see my media directories. (I've had a Subsonic license for years now.)


After fiddling with it for a couple of days, I gave up and installed the Libresonic docker. I added a /Music mapping to the dock, and by the time I'd gotten the web page for Libresonic loaded (after fiddling around, browsing the Libsonic Git page, finding that it defaults to port 8080, then discovering that it's actually running on port 4040 on my machine), it had already cataloged all my music. I've since restarted the Libresonic with mappings for all my media files and my daughter is watching a soccer match from her dorm room now.


The screen shot is of my Libresonic volume mappings, but they are the same as the ones I had for Subsonic. Any idea why one works and the other doesn't?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have multiple ones. I will try and clean up the templates


Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk


Hey, you're alive!  You know you're not allowed to have a life outside supporting your needy little users... :/  :D :D


(No, really, real life is much more important than a couple of dockers, glad to hear back from you, thought!)


Anyway, I think this is a Librasonic issue, but thought I'd ask here first. I just noticed this error in my logs:

[2016-10-01 14:49:47,231] WARN NetworkService - Failed to register web address.
java.io.IOException: 404 Not Found
at org.libresonic.player.service.NetworkService$URLRedirectionTask.execute(NetworkService.java:261)
at org.libresonic.player.service.NetworkService$Task.run(NetworkService.java:319)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:308)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:294)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

[2016-10-01 16:49:47,907] WARN NetworkService - Failed to register web address.
java.io.IOException: 404 Not Found
at org.libresonic.player.service.NetworkService$URLRedirectionTask.execute(NetworkService.java:261)
at org.libresonic.player.service.NetworkService$Task.run(NetworkService.java:319)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:308)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:294)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)


This has actually been going on since 9/25, at least (that's as far back as my logs go ATM). Though it could also be a network issue here at home, since I've been having some issues. Any thoughts on:

A) What web address it's trying to register

B) What could be causing it, and

C) What I might be able to do to track down where the error is?

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Ha ha, yup. Just busy with trying to find a new job. I will spin up an instance and see if I get the same results. I don't remeber seeing those errors


Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk


Well... if you don't have a job right now, you've got plenty of time to work on your dockers!  ;)


Best wishes on finding a new source of income, and thanks for taking a look at this in the mean time.

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Just wanted to check in on this one from back on July 19.  It was mentioned that the container needed to be updated.


Thank you.






Just trying to get your Tiny Media Manager to work.


It installs just fine but when it goes to run it fails to get what it needs.  Here is the log...


2016/07/19 14:39:01:328 INFO r.a: ------------------ VM Info ------------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:333 INFO r.a: -- OS Name: Linux
2016/07/19 14:39:01:333 INFO r.a: -- OS Arch: amd64
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- OS Vers: 4.1.18-unRAID
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- Java Vers: 1.8.0_45
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
2016/07/19 14:39:01:334 INFO r.a: -- User Name: nobody
2016/07/19 14:39:01:335 INFO r.a: -- User Home: /nobody
2016/07/19 14:39:01:335 INFO r.a: -- Cur dir: /tinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:01:335 INFO r.a: ---------------------------------------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:365 INFO r.a: ---------------- Proxy Info -----------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:365 INFO r.a: -- Proxy Host: null
2016/07/19 14:39:01:366 INFO r.a: -- Proxy Port: null
2016/07/19 14:39:01:366 INFO r.a: ---------------------------------------------
2016/07/19 14:39:01:368 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] tinyMediaManager.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:368 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] tinyMediaManagerUpd.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:368 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows] tinyMediaManagerCMD.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:369 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] tinyMediaManagerOSX.sh]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:369 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] JavaApplicationStub.new]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:369 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x] Info.plist]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:370 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i386] native/linux-i386/libmediainfo.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:371 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i386] native/linux-i386/libzen.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:371 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i686, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i686] native/linux-i686/libmediainfo.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:372 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=linux-i686, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[linux-i686] native/linux-i686/libzen.so]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:372 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libmediainfo.dylib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:372 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-i386] native/mac-i386/libmediainfo.dylib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-amd64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-amd64] native/windows-amd64/MediaInfo.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-x64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-x64] native/windows-x64/MediaInfo.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-x86, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-x86] native/windows-x86/MediaInfo.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:373 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=windows-x86, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[windows-x86] native/windows-x86/mingwm10.dll]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libquaqua.jnilib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libquaqua64.jnilib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-x86_64, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-x86_64] native/mac-x86_64/libquaqua64.dylib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:374 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x-i386, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=resource, value=[mac os x-i386] native/mac-i386/libquaqua.jnilib]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:375 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=jvmarg, value=[mac os x] -Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:375 INFO r.a: Skipping [quals=mac os x, osname=linux, osarch=amd64, key=jvmarg, value=[mac os x] -Xdock:name=tinyMediaManager]
2016/07/19 14:39:01:378 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:14:535 INFO r.a: remove verification files? true
2016/07/19 14:39:14:547 INFO r.a: Able to lock for updates: true
2016/07/19 14:39:14:681 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:14:682 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:14:682 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:14:683 INFO r.a: Dropping status 'm.validating'.
2016/07/19 14:39:14:694 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:15:068 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:15:804 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:15:805 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:15:858 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:16:510 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:16:966 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:17:257 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:17:280 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:17:281 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:17:281 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:17:283 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:17:547 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:18:029 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:18:030 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:18:120 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:19:020 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:19:383 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:19:681 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:19:694 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:19:694 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:19:694 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:19:696 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:20:055 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:20:531 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:20:532 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:20:578 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:21:178 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:21:515 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:21:773 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:21:787 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:21:788 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:21:788 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:21:790 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:22:046 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:22:563 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:22:563 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:22:606 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:23:437 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:23:688 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:23:962 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:23:974 INFO r.a: Verifying application: http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/
2016/07/19 14:39:23:974 INFO r.a: Version: -1
2016/07/19 14:39:23:974 INFO r.a: Class: org.tinymediamanager.TinyMediaManager
2016/07/19 14:39:23:976 INFO r.a: Attempting to refetch 'digest.txt' from 'http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/digest.txt'.
2016/07/19 14:39:24:285 INFO r.a: No signers, not verifying file [path=digest.txt]
2016/07/19 14:39:24:772 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=version, computed=f26b8baa46e10f84f190be5538880f26, expected=3c3fbdcd32ca6abd7b1fd351841014ea]
2016/07/19 14:39:24:773 INFO r.a: Resource failed digest check [rsrc=changelog.txt, computed=9d1a4dc3e0d95a8f36a2c9ef1284088d, expected=ece7623ba6c40137446f7a0bc8889a46]
2016/07/19 14:39:24:814 INFO r.a: 2 of 90 rsrcs require update (0 assumed valid).
2016/07/19 14:39:25:377 INFO r.a: Downloading 10263 bytes...
2016/07/19 14:39:25:624 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/version, size=139]
2016/07/19 14:39:26:067 INFO r.a: Downloading resource [url=http://release.tinymediamanager.org/java6/changelog.txt, size=10124]
2016/07/19 14:39:26:078 WARNING r.a: Pants! We couldn't get the job done.
2016/07/19 14:39:26:079 WARNING r.a: getdown() failed.
java.io.IOException: m.unable_to_repair
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.getdown(Unknown Source)
at com.threerings.getdown.launcher.Getdown.run(Unknown Source)
2016/07/19 14:39:26:080 INFO r.a: Releasing lock


The interface comes up at the port in my Chrome browser on MacBook Pro, but it reads it RED at the bottom when I click to go in that it failed 5 times.  So I am kind of lost at this point on where or what to look to due.



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