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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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1 hour ago, amardilo said:

I setup RDP-Calibre using a guide I found online and set my library directory to my share but my container size is now taking up 6GB.


When I check my config folder inside the appdata/RDP-Calibre it's only using up about 264KB.


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Did you set the library path as /config as the readme says?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...



I am Wondering IF its possible to have Multi Docker RDP-Calibre with Different names for Example





have figured out how to have the different Config Files in different Folder

Like RDP-Calibre/ 1 ,2 ,3 ,4

but when i restarted the Unraid 2 of the 3 RDP-Calibre Dockers Dissapeered.


So How in Blue Skys Do i get Unraid to Keep Its Finger Off the Dockers ??


My Best Regards


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying to get Home-Automation-Bridge to work but can't seem to get it connected with Home-Assistant.  It won't recognize any of my devices anymore.  I had it working awhile ago but then for some reason (updates I am sure) it is no longer recognizing any of my devices in Home Assistant.  I was hoping to get some help on here.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, rinixon said:

I have just restarted RDP-Calibre, which I guess has upgraded to V4, but I now just have a black screen. Anybody else experienced this?

v4 has breaking changes and doesn't work with my old personal image. It has now been deprecated and all users are recommended to switch to the new linuxserver/calibre image. In the new container, select the folder that holds your metadata.db and books as the library folder.


@Squid can you remove my old personal rdp-calibre listing from Community Apps (or mark it as deprecated)? Thanks

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39 minutes ago, aptalca said:

v4 has breaking changes and doesn't work with my old personal image. It has now been deprecated and all users are recommended to switch to the new linuxserver/calibre image. In the new container, select the folder that holds your metadata.db and books as the library folder.


@Squid can you remove my old personal rdp-calibre listing from Community Apps (or mark it as deprecated)? Thanks

Thanks for the update - much appreciated

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2 hours ago, aptalca said:

v4 has breaking changes and doesn't work with my old personal image. It has now been deprecated and all users are recommended to switch to the new linuxserver/calibre image. In the new container, select the folder that holds your metadata.db and books as the library folder.


@Squid can you remove my old personal rdp-calibre listing from Community Apps (or mark it as deprecated)? Thanks

Based upon this, rdp-calibre is now blacklisted (instead of being deprecated since it doesn't appear to function anymore).  FCP will complain about any instances installed until the user switches to the lsio version

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3 hours ago, dockerPolice said:

Based upon this, rdp-calibre is now blacklisted (instead of being deprecated since it doesn't appear to function anymore).  FCP will complain about any instances installed until the user switches to the lsio version

It does function unless EDGE is set to 1 which does in container updates

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  • 1 month later...

I am trying to delete some of the files that were automatically uploaded from my phone to my server via plex camra upload. It allows me to "move to trash" jpegs, but when I try to do the same to mp4s it says trash has reached its maximum size. Clean up trash manually. I am sure it is something stupid I am just overlooking, but I can not find the trash to empty it. Any info on how to do this would be great. Also, is there a way to set it up to just delete things instead of putting them in trash?

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, LaVerte said:

Hello there @aptalca,


First off thank you for allthe work you made !

I have Installed the digikam app effortless and set EDGE to 1 but it look like the version of the software is 4.14.0 instead of the 6.4.0 displayed on the website.


Do you have any idea what did i forgot ?



I believe that is the last version available for the underlying os. No easy way to update I'm afraid

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  • 1 month later...


Just trying to get calibre working following spaceinvaders tutorial but it does not work.

Soon as i go to Webui i get errors


Error: No books found

TypeError: this.undef is not a function at printStackTrace.implementation.createException ( at printStackTrace.implementation.run ( at printStackTrace ( at render_error ( at booklist ( at HTMLDocument. ( at Function.ready ( at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (


I have triple checked i am following his settings but no luck i get no option to select my library!!!

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24 minutes ago, OsoPolar said:


Just trying to get calibre working following spaceinvaders tutorial but it does not work.

Soon as i go to Webui i get errors


Error: No books found

TypeError: this.undef is not a function at printStackTrace.implementation.createException ( at printStackTrace.implementation.run ( at printStackTrace ( at render_error ( at booklist ( at HTMLDocument. ( at Function.ready ( at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (


I have triple checked i am following his settings but no luck i get no option to select my library!!!

My calibre image is deprecated. Use the linuxserver one

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  • 6 months later...

Anybody  Please know how to make service start up after boot.  For example ssh in Docker GUI app

Tried sudo systemctl enable ssh ,  shows systemctl not found, of course because lack of systemd.

Anyone know hot to start a service autonaticaly after boot . Tired write service ssh start after each boot.

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  • 2 months later...

Trying to use the linuxserver/calibre docker, but when I install it I seem to get an APACHE GUACAMOLE docker image. Yes, I do have a guac docker image installed, but even if I turn that off I still get a guac web page pop up. 


I checked on the linuxserver page and it looks like they linked calibre to a guac image, but I'm not 100% sure.



Docker Hub linuxserver/calibre

Build Time01 Dec 2020 10:33:20

Base Imagelsiobase/guacgui

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  • 4 months later...

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