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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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4 minutes ago, Squid said:

actually, I just noticed that I've still got a debug line in there for my purposes that shouldn't have made it into the release.


Can you give me the output of 

cat /tmp/blah


    [0] => Array
            [Name] => dokuwiki
            [Registry] => https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/google/cadvisor/
            [Repository] => google/cadvisor:latest
            [Environment] => Array
                    [Variable] => Array
                            [Name] => detach
                            [Value] => true


            [Networking] => Array
                    [Mode] => bridge
                    [Publish] => Array
                            [Port] => Array
                                    [HostPort] => 8081
                                    [ContainerPort] => 8080
                                    [Protocol] => tcp



            [Data] => Array
                    [Volume] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /
                                    [ContainerDir] => /rootfs
                                    [Mode] => ro

                            [1] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /var/run
                                    [ContainerDir] => /var/run
                                    [Mode] => rw

                            [2] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /sys
                                    [ContainerDir] => /sys
                                    [Mode] => ro

                            [3] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /var/lib/docker/
                                    [ContainerDir] => /var/lib/docker/
                                    [Mode] => ro



            [Icon] => https://i.imgur.com/stlnoKR.png
            [Repo] => smdion's Repository
            [Support] => http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34009.0
            [TemplateURL] => https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smdion/docker-containers/templates/smdion-repo/cAdvisor.xml
            [ModeratorComment] => This dockerHub repository has been deprecated and will no longer receive any updates.  You should uninstall and reinstall the container from SelfHosters which utilizes the correct and updated repository from Google
            [Deprecated] => 1
            [Overview] => Dokuwiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.
            [templatePath] => /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/smdionsRepository/smdion-repo/cAdvisor.xml
            [CategoryList] => Array
                    [0] => Tools-Utilities

            [downloads] => 1624577423
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                    [5] => 0.14
                    [6] => 0.116

            [trendsDate] => Array
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                    [2] => 1640574233
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                    [4] => 1645772606
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            [downloadtrend] => Array
                    [0] => 1537653325
                    [1] => 1558664556
                    [2] => 1582900693
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                    [4] => 1620423111
                    [5] => 1622687293
                    [6] => 1624577423

            [LastUpdateScan] => 1650967418
            [LastUpdate] => 1629082624
            [FirstSeen] => 1
            [topTrending] => -0.768
            [topPerforming] => 0.116
            [Category] => Tools:Utilities
            [ID] => 0
            [Displayable] => 1
            [Author] => google
            [DockerHubName] => cadvisor
            [RepoName] => smdion's Repository
            [SortAuthor] => google
            [SortName] => dokuwiki
            [random] => 1462868356
            [Blacklist] => 
            [MinVer] => 6.0
            [Path] => /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates-community-apps/smdionsRepository/google-cadvisor-latest.xml
            [trendDelta] => -0.768
            [trendAverage] => 0.9069
            [Compatible] => 1
            [CardDescription] => Dokuwiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.
            [InstallPath] => /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-dokuwiki.xml
            [NoPin] => 1
            [Uninstall] => 1

    [1] => Array
            [Name] => mariadbnextcloud
            [Registry] => https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/google/cadvisor/
            [Repository] => google/cadvisor:latest
            [Environment] => Array
                    [Variable] => Array
                            [Name] => detach
                            [Value] => true


            [Networking] => Array
                    [Mode] => bridge
                    [Publish] => Array
                            [Port] => Array
                                    [HostPort] => 8081
                                    [ContainerPort] => 8080
                                    [Protocol] => tcp



            [Data] => Array
                    [Volume] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /
                                    [ContainerDir] => /rootfs
                                    [Mode] => ro

                            [1] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /var/run
                                    [ContainerDir] => /var/run
                                    [Mode] => rw

                            [2] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /sys
                                    [ContainerDir] => /sys
                                    [Mode] => ro

                            [3] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /var/lib/docker/
                                    [ContainerDir] => /var/lib/docker/
                                    [Mode] => ro



            [Icon] => https://i.imgur.com/stlnoKR.png
            [Repo] => smdion's Repository
            [Support] => http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34009.0
            [TemplateURL] => https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smdion/docker-containers/templates/smdion-repo/cAdvisor.xml
            [ModeratorComment] => This dockerHub repository has been deprecated and will no longer receive any updates.  You should uninstall and reinstall the container from SelfHosters which utilizes the correct and updated repository from Google
            [Deprecated] => 1
            [Overview] => An Enhanced drop in replacement for Mysql
            [templatePath] => /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/smdionsRepository/smdion-repo/cAdvisor.xml
            [CategoryList] => Array
                    [0] => Tools-Utilities

            [downloads] => 1624577423
            [stars] => 449
            [trending] => 0.116
            [trends] => Array
                    [0] => 0.884
                    [1] => 1.348
                    [2] => 1.531
                    [3] => 1.127
                    [4] => 1.202
                    [5] => 0.14
                    [6] => 0.116

            [trendsDate] => Array
                    [0] => 1635379402
                    [1] => 1637975020
                    [2] => 1640574233
                    [3] => 1643173393
                    [4] => 1645772606
                    [5] => 1648368210
                    [6] => 1650967418

            [downloadtrend] => Array
                    [0] => 1537653325
                    [1] => 1558664556
                    [2] => 1582900693
                    [3] => 1600940236
                    [4] => 1620423111
                    [5] => 1622687293
                    [6] => 1624577423

            [LastUpdateScan] => 1650967418
            [LastUpdate] => 1629082624
            [FirstSeen] => 1
            [topTrending] => -0.768
            [topPerforming] => 0.116
            [Category] => Tools:Utilities
            [ID] => 0
            [Displayable] => 1
            [Author] => google
            [DockerHubName] => cadvisor
            [RepoName] => smdion's Repository
            [SortAuthor] => google
            [SortName] => mariadbnextcloud
            [random] => 1462868356
            [Blacklist] => 
            [MinVer] => 6.0
            [Path] => /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates-community-apps/smdionsRepository/google-cadvisor-latest.xml
            [trendDelta] => -0.768
            [trendAverage] => 0.9069
            [Compatible] => 1
            [CardDescription] => An Enhanced drop in replacement for Mysql
            [InstallPath] => /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-mariadbnextcloud.xml
            [NoPin] => 1
            [Uninstall] => 1

    [2] => Array
            [Name] => red-discordbot
            [Registry] => https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/google/cadvisor/
            [Repository] => google/cadvisor:latest
            [Environment] => Array
                    [Variable] => Array
                            [Name] => detach
                            [Value] => true


            [Networking] => Array
                    [Mode] => bridge
                    [Publish] => Array
                            [Port] => Array
                                    [HostPort] => 8081
                                    [ContainerPort] => 8080
                                    [Protocol] => tcp



            [Data] => Array
                    [Volume] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /
                                    [ContainerDir] => /rootfs
                                    [Mode] => ro

                            [1] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /var/run
                                    [ContainerDir] => /var/run
                                    [Mode] => rw

                            [2] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /sys
                                    [ContainerDir] => /sys
                                    [Mode] => ro

                            [3] => Array
                                    [HostDir] => /var/lib/docker/
                                    [ContainerDir] => /var/lib/docker/
                                    [Mode] => ro



            [Icon] => https://i.imgur.com/stlnoKR.png
            [Repo] => smdion's Repository
            [Support] => http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34009.0
            [TemplateURL] => https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smdion/docker-containers/templates/smdion-repo/cAdvisor.xml
            [ModeratorComment] => This dockerHub repository has been deprecated and will no longer receive any updates.  You should uninstall and reinstall the container from SelfHosters which utilizes the correct and updated repository from Google
            [Deprecated] => 1
            [Overview] => The newest Red-Discordbot in a convenient multi-arch container 

How to create a bot account: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.0.1/discord.html#creating-a-bot-account

Readme: https://github.com/PhasecoreX/docker-red-discordbot
            [templatePath] => /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/smdionsRepository/smdion-repo/cAdvisor.xml
            [CategoryList] => Array
                    [0] => Tools-Utilities

            [downloads] => 1624577423
            [stars] => 449
            [trending] => 0.116
            [trends] => Array
                    [0] => 0.884
                    [1] => 1.348
                    [2] => 1.531
                    [3] => 1.127
                    [4] => 1.202
                    [5] => 0.14
                    [6] => 0.116

            [trendsDate] => Array
                    [0] => 1635379402
                    [1] => 1637975020
                    [2] => 1640574233
                    [3] => 1643173393
                    [4] => 1645772606
                    [5] => 1648368210
                    [6] => 1650967418

            [downloadtrend] => Array
                    [0] => 1537653325
                    [1] => 1558664556
                    [2] => 1582900693
                    [3] => 1600940236
                    [4] => 1620423111
                    [5] => 1622687293
                    [6] => 1624577423

            [LastUpdateScan] => 1650967418
            [LastUpdate] => 1629082624
            [FirstSeen] => 1
            [topTrending] => -0.768
            [topPerforming] => 0.116
            [Category] => Tools:Utilities
            [ID] => 0
            [Displayable] => 1
            [Author] => google
            [DockerHubName] => cadvisor
            [RepoName] => smdion's Repository
            [SortAuthor] => google
            [SortName] => red discordbot
            [random] => 1462868356
            [Blacklist] => 
            [MinVer] => 6.0
            [Path] => /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates-community-apps/smdionsRepository/google-cadvisor-latest.xml
            [trendDelta] => -0.768
            [trendAverage] => 0.9069
            [Compatible] => 1
            [CardDescription] => The newest Red-Discordbot in a convenient multi-arch container 

How to create a bot account: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.0.1/discord.html#creating-a-bot-account

Readme: https://github.com/PhasecoreX/docker-red-discordbot
            [InstallPath] => /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-red-discordbot.xml
            [NoPin] => 1
            [Uninstall] => 1



Link to comment
On 2/27/2022 at 6:02 AM, Squid said:

Just post back your investigation results.

Hey Squid sorry for late reply . It was definitely an issue within Firefox. I cleared Firefox cache and then updated . Boom. access to Community Apps. Thanks for your help. in case you don't get told enough.. You rock!!

Link to comment
On 5/9/2022 at 5:35 AM, Squid said:

Thanks.  It thinks you've got 3 deprecated apps installed, but they're all referring to cAdvisor and I think I know why

Hey @Squid after upgrading to 6.10.0-rc8 I am seeing similar issues to @Crovaxon with the Action Centre showing a warning sign but clicking on it simply takes back to the main Apps page. Also, the Apps page is all of a sudden taking abnormally long to load. I can provide you with the /tmp/blah file as well if you would like.


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On 5/9/2022 at 2:35 PM, Squid said:

Thanks.  It thinks you've got 3 deprecated apps installed, but they're all referring to cAdvisor and I think I know why

With the recent update to CA I only had entries for apps that had updates and after installing those updates, Action Centre does not show up with anything unexpected :) 

Link to comment

That is the docker folders plugin, which has some issues.  If you post in it's support thread with exact instructions on how to replicate I can do my best to try and keep the plugin alive and not mark it as being incompatible with 6.10 (since the author looks to be MIA)

Link to comment
On 5/8/2022 at 8:52 AM, Squid said:

Today's update brings forth the basis for new features, namely an "Action Centre" (and yes that's spelled correctly, eh)




Anything that you have installed which is deprecated / blacklisted, or has an update available for it will appear here.  If there is nothing that meets the criteria, then Action Centre will not appear.

Glad I went searching, because it appears on mine about half of the time and I wondered what it was for.  But every time I click/tap it, it comes with No matching applications found.  There has to be something it’s seeing, correct?  Or, is this hopefully just a UI glitch (which I can live with).




Link to comment
20 hours ago, Squid said:

Is CA up to date?

It is.  Oddly enough, it’s showing me things today.  Icon beside Action Centre is alternating between yellow and red, but what’s in there is just things that have been updated, all Docker images I believe.  I did recently upgrade to 6.10, but that was done before posting, so I don’t know why it’s suddenly working, but I’m glad it is.  Does the icon always alternate colors like that, or does the red mean there’s something else that should be showing?

Link to comment
8 hours ago, Squid said:

If the Action Centre shows up, then yes the Icon always flashes.  If there's nothing to handle, the Action Centre shouldn't ever appear.  If it does then it's my issue.

But updates are supposed to show up there?  That’s all I see. 

Link to comment

I've found loads of references to enabling the setting `enable additional search results from dockerhub`, but it's not where any of the posts say it is, nor the YouTube videos  


Posting what I see - in one of the videos it shows it as the 4th option here, but that's not what I have. How do I find this setting?


Link to comment
On 5/25/2022 at 5:33 PM, Aquenon said:

But updates are supposed to show up there?  That’s all I see. 

Yes -> Updates being available, any incompatible app installed, anything deprecated / blacklisted etc.  Eventually some more things also

Link to comment

What language is the OS running in?  Are you running the OS in English and the browser is automatically translating the content to your language of choice?  The latter is NOT supported and will definitely result in display aberrations, as there's not much I can do about it.


There is 100% no English text (OS running in English) that says "OFFICIALI" or "INSTALLEDDD"

Link to comment
23 minutes ago, Squid said:

There is 100% no English text (OS running in English) that says "OFFICIALI" or "INSTALLEDDD"

this is just an example that the styles are different


Word "Uninstall" and  "Install" does not want to be translated



"Results Per Page" can't be translated either.




"Trands", "Show"...

Edited by Barboska
Link to comment

Thanks.  I found "Install" earlier today doing something different, but didn't know about "Trends" - It is now set to be translated on the next rev.


That all being said, every translation available for the OS is missing certain phrases.  There isn't any which is 100% complete, and in the case of a missing translation the system will always display the English phrase

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
Link to comment
50 minutes ago, Barboska said:

Word "Uninstall" does not want to be translated, although it is in plugins.txt

Each page utilizes it's own .txt file, along with translations.txt  CA is somewhat unique that it uses apps.txt, docker.txt and translations.txt  It never touches plugins.txt


That being said, Uninstall was missing from the en_US apps.txt so it'll be available to translate on the next round.


One difference between the OS itself and any given plugin is that the OS is able to be "scraped" for what translations need to be done and the en_US files are updated automatically.  Plugins do not have this luxury.

  • Like 1
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  • 2 weeks later...



It would be nice if MOVER TUNING could:

  1. Always make sure that 50% of the cache pool storage is in use.
  2. Find out what the oldest files are and remove them until it hits the 50% in-use threshold.
  3. Repeat daily.
  4. This way, all the newest files can have quick access from the cache pool.
Edited by HDT
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