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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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after work.  just waking up now, and coffee takes priority over all else.


I woke up and did nothing but start writing up and committing this crap without any coffee !!!! :D


Midday now better get my coffee in !


Have a nice day Squid, touch base later

Had a quick look now that there is some caffeine coursing through my veins, and no major problems so I'll try and get the time at work to add it.


One minor little problem:




This sets the webUI to whatever host port container port 8888 is mapped to (which is backwards from what you want)


it should be




Create a support thread somewhere for it, add the link to <Support> and PM jonp for developer status and we're off to the races later this morning

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One minor little problem:




This sets the webUI to whatever host port container port 8888 is mapped to (which is backwards from what you want)


it should be




Thanks Squid, I'm not sure I follow, if I make your suggested change this simply directs users to port 80 on the unRAID IP which is not what we want ? (ie the unRAID interface)


Ahhhhhhhh I think this is making sense ....


If function [PORT:80] correctly extrapolates the port mapping for port 80 ie 8888 then it'll work. I'll give it a shot


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Wow it works beautifully, thank you Squid for making me realise the function [PORT:


So now users can easily change the webui port


Many thanks

Will be available on CA within 2 hours.  You've still got to do the support thread, and set the categories according to the Application Template Categorizer plugin. (and change the webUI entry)  All changes will be picked up automatically within 2 hours of the change.
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Will be available on CA within 2 hours.  You've still got to do the support thread, and set the categories according to the Application Template Categorizer plugin. (and change the webUI entry)  All changes will be picked up automatically within 2 hours of the change.


Crikey, you're making me work today :)


Thanks, I'll get this done now

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Will be available on CA within 2 hours.  You've still got to do the support thread, and set the categories according to the Application Template Categorizer plugin. (and change the webUI entry)  All changes will be picked up automatically within 2 hours of the change.


Crikey, you're making me work today :)


Thanks, I'll get this done now

You should have seen the hoops I made Sparklyballs jump through.  Needless to say, he's my nemesis now  8)
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Thanks for your help.


Seems to be working I can see the app on CA and have installed successfully.


Link to the support forum doesn't seem to work but I'm sure I'll (we  ;D) will find out what's wrong with it



Because I don't know where you grabbed this tag from

should be <Support>


EDIT: I figured out where you found it (looking at CA's generated XML files).  Its an undocumented CA specific entry that's autogenerated and not user modifiable.  But is rather set by myself outside of the xml files.

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Before I get punched in the nose by each and every developer here :) .....


Have any of you used Travis CI for building test docker builds ?


I've got a basic test here in my repo (https://github.com/shaf/docker-munin-server) which will be expanded with real unit tests instead of just testing for a successful docker build. The tests can happen on other branches so you can catch errors prior to committing to master and docker hub.


The basic need for this is to run a build check not only when you commit changes but also when your dependencies change.


eg if the phusion or ubuntu base image is updated you'll want an automatic build check to test if your build succeeds (Travis doesn't trigger dependencies but I've got scripts that I'll share to show you how)


LMK what you think and I hope you've not spilt your beer whilst reading :)

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I believe you put your root repository to Squid and then it is rescanned at an interval (which I think is a couple of hours) So you don't need to tell him about every XML, just let him know where you are storing the XMLs in github.



Hi would someone be kind to update the template URL for plugin munin-server to




I'll be adding more apps from that repo


Many thanks


ps Which tag triggers a refresh from CA ?

Done.  Add / remove / edit XML's from that repo to your heart's extent


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Added in support for user shares to be both a source and destination for appdata backup when running 6.2-rc3+





- Will allow you to utilize split levels on the backup destinations (ie: different backup sets on different drives)

- Allows you to backup your appdata if you don't have a cache drive




- New feature of 6.2 (supporting hardlinks on user shares), so you *may* have issues with backups / restores - I myself didn't find any problems with it, hence why I'm including the support for it.

- If using user shares as a destination, make sure the share is set to be useCache=no.  Firstly, if you're backing up your cache-only appdata in the event of a cache drive failure, you don't want the backup of it to be sitting on the cache drive.  Additionally, the mover script will take forever to move the files off of the cache drive onto the array (my test showed 8 hours for my 200,000+ files whereas backing up directly to a userCache-no share only took 1 hour)


The old method of backing up directly to a disk share is still fully supported, and if you're worried about any issues with hardlinks and user shares is the method which is recommended as it is guaranteed to work 100%


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How do I pull a different branch of a repository from hub.docker.com?


I am trying to set up the develop branch of this docker https://hub.docker.com/r/ashex/pokemongo-map/  But everytime I pull it down, it only pulls the "latest" branch.  Is there any way to tag it so it pulls the "develop" branch?

If you use ashex/pokemongo-map:develop in the repository field it should pull the development branch. It did her on 6.2 rc1.

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Fix Common Problems is giving me 2 false positives since upgrade to 6.2 RC.


docker appdata location is stored within /mnt/user


Only thing I can see that is >> user are my volume mappings for media shares in Plex. I did not get this warning with 6.1.9.


The plugin dynamix.scsi.devices.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server


I wish you kids wouldn't squabble like that. :D May need to be whitelisted?

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Fix Common Problems is giving me 2 false positives since upgrade to 6.2 RC.


docker appdata location is stored within /mnt/user


Only thing I can see that is >> user are my volume mappings for media shares in Plex. I did not get this warning with 6.1.9.


The plugin dynamix.scsi.devices.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server

I wish you kids wouldn't squabble like that. :D May need to be whitelisted?

Wrong thread...


But, the first "error" probably says default docker appdata location.  Its adjustable within settings - docker, and wouldn't have done anything on 6.1 since that option didn't exist.


The dynamix scsi thing is all because bonienl has as of yet not published it to CA (probably because it may be a WIP).  That warning is basically to stop people from running 6.0 plugins, etc since CA only has 6.1+ compatible plugins


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Fix Common Problems is giving me 2 false positives since upgrade to 6.2 RC.


docker appdata location is stored within /mnt/user


Only thing I can see that is >> user are my volume mappings for media shares in Plex. I did not get this warning with 6.1.9.


The plugin dynamix.scsi.devices.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server
Wrong thread...


But, the first "error" probably says default docker appdata location.  Its adjustable within settings - docker, and wouldn't have done anything on 6.1 since that option didn't exist.


The dynamix scsi thing is all because bonienl has as of yet not published it to CA (probably because it may be a WIP).  That warning is basically to stop people from running 6.0 plugins, etc since CA only has 6.1+ compatible plugins


I wish you kids wouldn't squabble like that. :D May need to be whitelisted?


I am unable to change the path to a /cache/ path. the helpful drop down only shows User shares. I put in the path manually and saved and it claims the path doesn't exist. See Screen.


[FIXED] by deleting and recreating docker.img


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Fix Common Problems is giving me 2 false positives since upgrade to 6.2 RC.


docker appdata location is stored within /mnt/user


Only thing I can see that is >> user are my volume mappings for media shares in Plex. I did not get this warning with 6.1.9.


The plugin dynamix.scsi.devices.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server
Wrong thread...


But, the first "error" probably says default docker appdata location.  Its adjustable within settings - docker, and wouldn't have done anything on 6.1 since that option didn't exist.


The dynamix scsi thing is all because bonienl has as of yet not published it to CA (probably because it may be a WIP).  That warning is basically to stop people from running 6.0 plugins, etc since CA only has 6.1+ compatible plugins


I wish you kids wouldn't squabble like that. :D May need to be whitelisted?


I am unable to change the path to a /cache/ path. the helpful drop down only shows User shares. I put in the path manually and saved and it claims the path doesn't exist. See Screen.


[FIXED] by deleting and recreating docker.img

Once unRaid hits the next RC (or final), I'm probably going to be removing that test if you're on 6.2 because hardlinks *should* work on user shares.
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Hey Squid, do you know that your Community Applications doesn't work in China.


It won't populate the list.  Keeps searching and finding nothing.


Google is blocked in China.  Is that possibly what is wrong?

Are you still having problems with this?  Popped into my head an easy fix (on my end) to work around this issue.
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Added in the ability to flag / pin any app for future viewing.


Hitting the width=30https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/source/community.applications/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/images/redButton.png[/img] will pin the app, and width=30https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/source/community.applications/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/images/greenButton.png[/img] will un-pin it.



I'm not following regarding CA. Isn't that simply a plugin that manages other plugins/makes it easier to search and install?

That's what it originally was. I think it's fair to say that it has suffered somewhat from 'feature bloat' :)


Joking aside, I wouldn't use Unraid without it, it's essential.


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

where do I stand on this graph:



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