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  • I have a VM (shutdown) but the XML file is not in 'Community_Applications_VM_XML_Backup'. Is this OK?

If the VM service is disabled, then the XML's don't actually exist anywhere (they are mounted in a loopback image) and can't be retrieved.  Only if the service is enabled is access to the xml's available.  As far as running or not it won't matter


I have enabled the backing up of appdata, flash and vms. Only thing not working is vm backup. No file is showing up, even though I have 2 vms up and running daily (24/7).. Any idea why the folder stays empty?

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  • I have a VM (shutdown) but the XML file is not in 'Community_Applications_VM_XML_Backup'. Is this OK?

If the VM service is disabled, then the XML's don't actually exist anywhere (they are mounted in a loopback image) and can't be retrieved.  Only if the service is enabled is access to the xml's available.  As far as running or not it won't matter


I have enabled the backing up of appdata, flash and vms. Only thing not working is vm backup. No file is showing up, even though I have 2 vms up and running daily (24/7).. Any idea why the folder stays empty?

See above.  Bug...
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Fixed: VM XML backups not working under certain circumstances

Fixed: Do not delete VM XML backups if source is not available

Added: Dynamic adjustment of templates based upon user input *


* This is probably the biggest change to the basic UI of CA in quite awhile.  If the template authors choose to implement this, then when adding an application, a popup will appear prompting the user to decide which branch of the application to install.


The implementation supports merely changing the "tag" on the repository from :latest to whatever the author dictates, or only changing environment variables, or completely changing the repository, or basically changing any of the default template values to something else.


There are a couple of demonstration templates to see what its capable of (within the Uncategorized section).  The templates themselves won't actually install via dockerMan (as its a bogus base repository), but you'll be able to see how the variables / tags change as you select the options.


Full technical specifications of the template changes required to implement are here:



Side note is that this addition (and probably more in the future) are only functional when using the application feed (ie: if you hit Update Applications, the feature will be lost until the next appFeed update).  The time and effort required to backport this feature to legacy mode isn't worth it IMO (especially when there is no real reason to ever hit the Update Applications button)


Right off the top of my head, I see this as being useful for any app that has tags available on the repository (plex / kodi headless / mysql / mariadb), or for apps that are identical but pull from different sources (binhex-couchpotato & binhex-couchpotato-git) or for tuning environment variables based upon common configuration changes (vpn?)


Don't understand any of the above?  Try adding one of the demonstration templates after updating CA and tell me if you think it's potentially useful...

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I just want to say thanks to whomever created this. I've been trying to get SSH working all day with keys I already use, and it's been damn near impossible to figure out.


Finding the SSH plugin in this plugin made setup and disabling root login so easy! And this is coming from someone who is used to setting up ssh keys on a VPS, but doing it on unRAID, where it took me 5 hours just to figure out the damn command to restart ssh (why 'service ssh restart' does not work, I will never understand) was a real PITA. I eventually found that this worked. '/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart'


But I don't need it with that great plugin :D


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Have you even thought of allowing remote backup locations?  Maybe with this method = https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46663.msg445897#msg445897



Started looking at incorporating rclone backups to offsite servers (onecloud, amazon, etc)


Have decided to not incorporate it simply because configuration (via rclone --config) would be a major pita to utilize via CA's GUI (especially since I don't use those services)

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Quick suggestion. The top right button is currently called "Update Applications". Instead of being ambiguous over what is actually being updated, why not call it "Update App List" or "Refresh App List" or something like that? Since your program does app backup and such, it's not a stretch to imagine the current button would literally update your installed applications.

Next release it's called Legacy Mode, and when in legacy mode it switches to be called appFeed Mode (new behaviour since when CA's in legacy mode not all functions may be available, so needed an easy way to get back to appfeed mode without waiting for a template author to update a container)
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6.1 doesn't support hardlinks on user shares so CA won't allowed the you to switch to them. Under 6.2 RC3+ it will.  (CA will not let you store backups in a location which it knows is going to fail)


Doesn't a cursor show up and you can type a number in on delete after so many days.


Alternatively you can also go to the miscellaneous tab and delete all errored out backups or delete all backup sets


But you gave me an idea for a new script for the misc tab.  Delete all backups in advance of a new backup which fall under the deletion criteria.


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


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I am using dated sub folders. The 3 folders with the date show in the share, the latest of which was today. But under the restore heading in CA Backup nothing is listed and everything is greyed out except the "Restore" button. When I click this I get the following...


This will restore your appdata folder from /undefined to


Which I'm sure isn't right.

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Some Screenies...







Think I see where the problem is, but I can't figure out how it's displaying what it is.


The issue is that destinationShare is set to /mnt/user/CABackup which should be outright impossible for it to ever be set to because that is not a share.  It should be set to CABackup (Clicking it should bring up a folder browser to allow you to select that.), and destination disk should be set to user.

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I've just changed destination disk to "user". When I click the Destination share box it does show the list, but no matter what share I pick it adds /mnt/user/ to the start.

all user shares reside under the /mnt/user mount point at the Linux level so that sounds like correct behaviour.


Not for this particular scenario it ain't :)

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Just discovered another symptom. The "apply" button in the settings page appears to not do anything. I can change all the settings and hit apply, but when I reload the page they have all reverted back to what they were.

Couple of questions:


What browser are you using?

When entering the module, does the pop up warning about erasing all the files in the destination appear?

Is Apply greyed out when you enter the module?

When pressing apply does a warning pop up appear (and after hitting ok is apply greyed back out?)

If you change appdata Source to be "Select a source" does red warning text appear at the top about having to select a source?

What dynamix plugins are you running?

Are you running unRaid 6.2RC5?


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Just discovered another symptom. The "apply" button in the settings page appears to not do anything. I can change all the settings and hit apply, but when I reload the page they have all reverted back to what they were.

Couple of questions:


What browser are you using?

When entering the module, does the pop up warning about erasing all the files in the destination appear?

Is Apply greyed out when you enter the module?

When pressing apply does a warning pop up appear (and after hitting ok is apply greyed back out?)

If you change appdata Source to be "Select a source" does red warning text appear at the top about having to select a source?


Chrome usually, but FF exhibits the same behaviour.


Yep, the pop up works fine.


No, Apply isn't greyed out when entering.


When I hit Apply nothing happens, no pop up, no nothing.


Nope, no warning when changing to "select a source".


Thanks for efforts :)

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Just discovered another symptom. The "apply" button in the settings page appears to not do anything. I can change all the settings and hit apply, but when I reload the page they have all reverted back to what they were.

Couple of questions:


What browser are you using?

When entering the module, does the pop up warning about erasing all the files in the destination appear?

Is Apply greyed out when you enter the module?

When pressing apply does a warning pop up appear (and after hitting ok is apply greyed back out?)

If you change appdata Source to be "Select a source" does red warning text appear at the top about having to select a source?


Chrome usually, but FF exhibits the same behaviour.


Yep, the pop up works fine.


No, Apply isn't greyed out when entering.


When I hit Apply nothing happens, no pop up, no nothing.


Nope, no warning when changing to "select a source".


Thanks for efforts :)

Perfect a browser I can work with.


The javascript for some reason is crashing on your system.  I use Chrome day-to-day, but also just tested with FF and it works fine for me.  But at least Chrome is something I can work with.


After dismissing the pop up when entering the tab, can you right click on any setting and then hit "Inspect"


And then post me a screen shot of the entire browser window.

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Sorry your defaults on Chrome are different than mine.


There's 12 errors (this # may be growing every second) and 1 warning listed.  Can you click on the ... at the top (next to where is showing 12 errors, 1 warning) and there should be Show Console.  Which should show another window at the bottom itemizing the errors.


EDIT: you might just be able to hit it by clicking Console.

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