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FileBot containers

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11 minutes ago, coppit said:


Well that's vague. It's clearly finding your /input directory.


Does the amc.log in the container say anything interesting? Run:

docker exec -t FileBot bash -c 'cat /files/amc.log' | less

Use whatever your container name is instead of "FileBot".


Wild guess... Did you forget to map the /output directory in your container settings? To verify that the mount it correct, put a file in the output dir in the host, then run this:

docker exec -it FileBot ls /output

and make sure the file is listed inside the container too.



Well, are you trying to tell the GUI to output the files into the nonexistent path /Music?


Firstly, I'm going to make sure to respond to your requests, although I have an update on my situation.


From amc.log - nothing new.

Use excludes: /config/amc-exclude-list.txt (80875)
Input: /input/Ylvis/Work It - Ylvis.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Calle_ fu__ you!.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Jan Egeland.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Janym (?????).mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Jeg heter Finn.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Kjempeform.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - La det på is.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Massachusetts.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Mr Saxobeat.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Pressure.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Sammen finner vi frem.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Someone Like Me.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Stonehenge.mp3
Input: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - The Fox.mp3
Group: [music:ylvis] => [Work It - Ylvis.mp3, Ylvis - Calle_ fu__ you!.mp3, Ylvis - Jan Egeland.mp3, Ylvis - Janym (?????).mp3, Ylvis - Jeg heter Finn.mp3, Ylvis - Kjempeform.mp3, Ylvis - La det på is.mp3, Ylvis - Massachusetts.mp3, Ylvis - Mr Saxobeat.mp3, Ylvis - Pressure.mp3, Ylvis - Sammen finner vi frem.mp3, Ylvis - Someone Like Me.mp3, Ylvis - Stonehenge.mp3, Ylvis - The Fox.mp3]
Rename music using ID3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Work It - Ylvis.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Calle_ fu__ you!.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Jan Egeland.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Janym (?????).mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Jeg heter Finn.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Kjempeform.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - La det på is.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Massachusetts.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Mr Saxobeat.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Pressure.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Sammen finner vi frem.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Someone Like Me.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - Stonehenge.mp3
Failed to process music file: /input/Ylvis/Ylvis - The Fox.mp3
CmdlineException: Failed to identify or process any files
Finished without processing any files

The output path is well defined for the docker. I used the unRAID GUI to reassign it as a precaution. 


root@Athena:~# docker exec -it FileBot ls /output
Documents  Google Drive  Movies  Photos    TV Shows
Downloads  Installs      Music   Pictures  Videos


It looks like stopping the Docker service and restarting it resolved the issue; a restart of the container alone wasn't enough. I still get the same message in the webUI, but my files are being processed automatically again via the script. Turns out the Ylvis CD isn't in any databases (hard to imagine, right?). So, in the webUI i'm still seeing "AccessDeniedException /Music" when I attempt to manually move files. I suppose I can live with this. :/ It's still tremendously powerful and useful.


EDIT: Thanks again for your help. If you have any other ideas about the webUI, let me know. 

Edited by FlexGunship
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I'm a super noob when it comes to linux, but I had an idea for a (possibly) better form of change detection: when Filebot detectgs a change, get the size of each of the files in the input directory. After the wait duration, get the size again and compare. If it's different, the files are still being written. It would be free to move the files that are the same size. This wouldn't stop Filebot from moving a file that is being read, but it would help prevent moves of files that are still being created. 


The reason I'm requesting this is because I'm trying to set up an automated workflow for ripping DVD's. It goes MakeMKV autoripper --> Filebot --> Handbrake --> Plex. The problem I'm running into is that Filebot keeps moving the files that are still being ripped. I'm not sure how to write a script to detect when the file is done being ripped, and MakeMKV doesn't have move-on-complete functionality (I'll be making a feature request there too). Any other ideas are welcome.

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Hi Guys,


Just found this docker. I have my paths setup correctly, from what I can tell, but the input folders do not match the input path. It appears to be looking at the flash drive or an Unraid OS folder of some kind. Settings and problem images attached. 


Any help would be appreciated





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24 minutes ago, Squid said:

Its looking at the root (/) folder of the docker container.   Select input or output on that dialog you've got up.


Ha, OK, that's really weird. i tried that logic, because i saw "output" there originally. No input. After refreshing the docker, it is now visible.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I just pushed a pretty big set of fixes to the container. There were several file ownership, process owner, and file permissions problems that I fixed. Hopefully <fingers crossed> the UI is working well now. One thing you can do to see if it's saving your prefs properly is see if it shows the "getting started" dialog, then stops showing it after restarting the container. You can also check for "<entry key="getting.started" value="1"/>" in <config dir>/java_prefs/prefs.xml.


Please try it again and let me know if you're still seeing issues!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I am running the coppit/filebot container and testing  different movie naming formats. I have run into an issue (in non-interactive mode) with the following format: "{plex.derive{" [$vf, $vc, $ac]"}}". I assume it is to do with quotes inside quotes and have tried a few things but with no success. The format works fine in interactive mode.

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On 9/16/2017 at 7:05 PM, DoHa said:

Hi all,

I am running the coppit/filebot container and testing  different movie naming formats. I have run into an issue (in non-interactive mode) with the following format: "{plex.derive{" [$vf, $vc, $ac]"}}". I assume it is to do with quotes inside quotes and have tried a few things but with no success. The format works fine in interactive mode.


Yeah, quotes in quotes don't work. Try one of the following:

"{plex.derive{' [$vf, $vc, $ac]'}}"
"{plex.derive{\" [$vf, $vc, $ac]\"}}"


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  • 2 months later...

Hi, may i ask if someone uses comskip edl and vdr files and knows how they get also moved with the video file to target ?


already tried the min file size but that didnt really worked ...


my goal, tvheadend record shows and creates comskip files, then move to filebot /input ... then rename and move to /output, moving regular videos are all fine, just the edl and vdr files are left alone ...


for an tip thanks ahead ;)

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as i figured that companion files are not working with amc ... problem solved.


now i tried to move better then before according the manual



Advanced Configuration when Moving Files in FileBot

When using the non-interactive method, combined with FileBot's option to move instead of copy files, the moves can be slow if the container is configured with separate /input and /output directories. In this case, you can configure the container to operate on a single mounted volume. First, mount only the /media path:

docker run --name=FileBot -d -v /media/dir/path:/media:rw -v /config/dir/path:/config:rw coppit/filebot

Then, specify the INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR variables in your filebot.conf as subfolders of /media. Make sure that your output is not a subfolder of your input, or you'll confuse the change monitor.



now, my setup as follows


docker extra parameter

-v /mnt/user/Media/:/media:rw






replaced /input and /output with "$INPUT........"


moving now works as should, real move and not a slow move ;), but my issue is


when the job is done and clean files starts it always deletes my /Temp Dir ... then its broken ... i always have to mkdir /Temp again ...


any ideas what im doing wrong ?


for an Tip thanks ahead.


## for now i added a .keep file and chown, chmod ... so no delete is possible ...

Edited by alturismo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone,


I just got got the container set up to rename my entire existing Plex media directory. Once I accomplish that I will then set it up to be automated with my Deluge downloads.


I added /input as an exception so that it was not running automatically on my downloads from Deluge. Some downloads such as epub and audiobooks I don't want to process. For now I only want to operate from the GUI with custom presets. Is this the right way to configure this?


One issue I am having is with renaming TV shows and verifying the info from The TVDB. If the renamer doesn't recognize the file at first and I am prompted to select an option, after I select something the container completely locks up. The TVDB window stays open but is completely grey, and the container is unresponsive (See attached) I can move the TVDB window around, but nothing else. Any ideas?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Happy Holidays everyone!

2017-12-24 02_42_30-Filebot.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off thanks for the container, I have been running it for ages.


I find since you merged the UI and non UI versions it seems to be fairly resource hungry, much more than the old basic version.


I noticed on the docker page you have a command to run without UI, and I removed the ports from my template so the docker command seems similar, but in the logs it still seems to launches the UI anyway.


My question is, can you stop the UI running so as to free up some resources, I have seen some slowdowns lately and I want to eliminate the UI as the cause.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't used the container in a while but now that I started it up I'm getting the following error in the docker container log


WARNING: A sub-resource method, public void

throws org.glyptodon.guacamole.GuacamoleException, with URI template, "/", is treated as a resource method


Edited by jrdnlc
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Checking back in after months away...


On 9/26/2017 at 3:45 AM, DoHa said:

Thanks coppit :) Unfortunately, though the [ ] are now in the right place, the $vf, $vc and $ac are not printed (e.g. I get Easy A (2010) [, , ].mp4). As said, this is working fine in interactive mode.


It's the bash quoting that's biting you. Try putting a \ in front of each of the $.


On 12/10/2017 at 11:38 AM, alturismo said:

when the job is done and clean files starts it always deletes my /Temp Dir ... then its broken ... i always have to mkdir /Temp again ...


It's not the container deleting anything. My guess is that it's some sort of filebot behavior to delete empty dirs after move is done. You could try putting some file in there like "dont-delete-this" that FileBot can't process. Then it will probably leave the dir behind.


On 12/24/2017 at 3:44 AM, LFTech said:

The TVDB window stays open but is completely grey, and the container is unresponsive (See attached) I can move the TVDB window around, but nothing else.


I've found the UI running in a container to be pretty... finicky. I had to modify the filebot startup to deal with some rendering problems. So it's possible that this is another rendering problem. I bumped the version of Java, which might fix this, but probably won't. I could try playing with this some if you can give me precise repro instructions. Does the log say anything interesting when you pop that window up? Does the close window button work?


There's also a chance that this has nothing to do with the container or Guacamole. Maybe try asking your question on the FileBot forums.


On 1/5/2018 at 12:41 AM, Wob76 said:

I find since you merged the UI and non UI versions it seems to be fairly resource hungry, much more than the old basic version.


Dang! You're not kidding! I just pushed a new version that adds a new USE_UI config setting. The default "no" setting uses about 10x less memory and CPU!


On 1/18/2018 at 12:08 PM, jrdnlc said:

I haven't used the container in a while but now that I started it up I'm getting the following error in the docker container log


The base gui image spews a million errors and warnings, but seems to work okay. Are you seeing any real problems? Sadly, it doesn't seem to be maintained any more. There have been several forks, but it's not clear to me that anyone is providing a good alternative to the original image.


On 1/20/2018 at 7:06 AM, xhaloz said:

Is there anyway to use a proxy with this?  I need to use a proxy in order for it to poll the web for data.  Thanks in advance.


Maybe? I don't know what you're asking exactly. The container looks at the file system for changes. Are you wanting it to somehow look for new files on the Internet, and copy and rename them to your local machine?

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Hi everyone, I just pushed an update that adds a couple features that people asked for. (1) Don't remember files forever, so that if a file is put back into the input directory, it will be processed again, and (2) allow the user interface part to be disabled to save resources. This version also fixes a user/group ID issue.


NOTE: The container will exit after being updated. You need to compare filebot.conf with filebot.conf.new, merging in the new settings. Then do the same with filebot.sh and filebot.sh.new. After you do that, increasing the version number, the container will start normally.


Also note that the default setting for USE_UI is "no", meaning that if you want to use the UI, you'll need to set that to "yes". See the documentation for more information.

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11 hours ago, coppit said:

I've found the UI running in a container to be pretty... finicky. I had to modify the filebot startup to deal with some rendering problems. So it's possible that this is another rendering problem. I bumped the version of Java, which might fix this, but probably won't. I could try playing with this some if you can give me precise repro instructions. Does the log say anything interesting when you pop that window up? Does the close window button work?


There's also a chance that this has nothing to do with the container or Guacamole. Maybe try asking your question on the FileBot forums.

@coppit Thanks for the follow up. It has been some time since I have messed with this with the holidays and work. I will try and get some more information for you in the coming days. I will first try to remove the container completely and reinstall. As you mentioned this may also be another problem. Thanks again!

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On 21.1.2018 at 6:18 PM, coppit said:
On 10.12.2017 at 5:38 PM, alturismo said:

when the job is done and clean files starts it always deletes my /Temp Dir ... then its broken ... i always have to mkdir /Temp again ...


It's not the container deleting anything. My guess is that it's some sort of filebot behavior to delete empty dirs after move is done. You could try putting some file in there like "dont-delete-this" that FileBot can't process. Then it will probably leave the dir behind.


thats what i did ;) a .keep file with owner root, all good since then.

happened when adding the media r/w part to get a proper move ... not a copy/del ;)


thanks again for the latest update, before i also had some crashes, seems fine again now. 

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On 1/21/2018 at 6:18 PM, coppit said:

Checking back in after months away...



It's the bash quoting that's biting you. Try putting a \ in front of each of the $.



It's not the container deleting anything. My guess is that it's some sort of filebot behavior to delete empty dirs after move is done. You could try putting some file in there like "dont-delete-this" that FileBot can't process. Then it will probably leave the dir behind.



I've found the UI running in a container to be pretty... finicky. I had to modify the filebot startup to deal with some rendering problems. So it's possible that this is another rendering problem. I bumped the version of Java, which might fix this, but probably won't. I could try playing with this some if you can give me precise repro instructions. Does the log say anything interesting when you pop that window up? Does the close window button work?


There's also a chance that this has nothing to do with the container or Guacamole. Maybe try asking your question on the FileBot forums.



Dang! You're not kidding! I just pushed a new version that adds a new USE_UI config setting. The default "no" setting uses about 10x less memory and CPU!



The base gui image spews a million errors and warnings, but seems to work okay. Are you seeing any real problems? Sadly, it doesn't seem to be maintained any more. There have been several forks, but it's not clear to me that anyone is providing a good alternative to the original image.



Maybe? I don't know what you're asking exactly. The container looks at the file system for changes. Are you wanting it to somehow look for new files on the Internet, and copy and rename them to your local machine?

Where does Filebot get it's information to name the files properly?  If that is a internet data pull....id like that to be behind a proxy.

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10 hours ago, marshy919 said:

Using RDP (win10 client) or 8080 port doesnt bring up anything for me. 

First time using, and cant seem to get a UI to appear. 


Go to your appdata from filebot and edit your filebot.conf. Set the RUN_UI to yes. If u want to change its behavour u can also change the filebot.sh script.


The part to enable the UI:

# Run the UI in addition to the normal non-interactive behavior. The UI uses about 460MB of RAM, as opposed to about
# 20MB of RAM. On my machine it uses .33% CPU instead of .03% CPU.

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