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[support] limetech's docker repository

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I was using the PHAZE plugin for Plex  for many years. It stopped working and I upgraded to the newest Unraid and then was forced to use the official PlexMediaServer app on Unraid. Now it recognizes my server, but when I try to add my libraries, it shows "var/lib/plexmediaserver" (which I believe is my appdata folder)  where as before I could see all my drives and movie and TV folders.  This is very frustrating. 


Here are all the folders I used to be able to add (https://imgur.com/a/FNoacv6)

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18 minutes ago, Mike L said:

I was using the PHAZE plugin for Plex  for many years. It stopped working and I upgraded to the newest Unraid and then was forced to use the official PlexMediaServer app on Unraid. Now it recognizes my server, but when I try to add my libraries, it shows "var/lib/plexmediaserver" (which I believe is my appdata folder)  where as before I could see all my drives and movie and TV folders.  This is very frustrating. 


Here are all the folders I used to be able to add (https://imgur.com/a/FNoacv6)

I suspect you haven't mapped any of your media.


Post your docker run command as explained in the first link in the Docker FAQ:





You might also take a look at a few of the other things in that FAQ to get a better idea how to use dockers.

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@Mike L


The Limetech Plex docker container is also no longer supported and they have encouraged users of the Limetech container to move to the linuxserver.io, Binhex or Plex Official docker container. 


The first two are well-supported in these forums and the Plex Official container is supported through the Plex forums.


You need to learn about docker container volume mappings and map your host (unRAID) paths to container paths which will be the paths you specify in the Plex Media Server when adding folders to Plex libraries.


Here is a screenshot of my Movies mapping in the linuxserver.io Plex docker container as an example of what you need to do:



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10 hours ago, Hoopster said:

@Mike L


The Limetech Plex docker container is also no longer supported and they have encouraged users of the Limetech container to move to the linuxserver.io, Binhex or Plex Official docker container. 


The first two are well-supported in these forums and the Plex Official container is supported through the Plex forums.


You need to learn about docker container volume mappings and map your host (unRAID) paths to container paths which will be the paths you specify in the Plex Media Server when adding folders to Plex libraries.


Here is a screenshot of my Movies mapping in the linuxserver.io Plex docker container as an example of what you need to do:



Thank you. I did this and it worked well. 

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Hello everyone,


I appologize for my lack of understanding when it comes to dockers and the like here but I'm really confused and scared that my Plex server is screwed up. Here is a rundown of what I have going on. 


Unraid 6.7.2


Current Plex Docker

Plex Limetech docker

Media: /mnt/user/MEDIA/



New Plex Docker? 

Plex linuxserver docker


/mnt/user/MEDIA/TV Shows/




So I think there was an update to the Limetech docker earlier and now I my server is not showing up in plex at all. It says it can not find my server. I'm trying to understand what happened but no other changes were made. If I'm understanding others correctly, I need to move away from the Limetech docker? 


I've downloaded the linuxserver docker but I really don't want to have to lose all the data from my Limetech docker such as album art, thumbnails, etc. It seems like there should be a way to transfer all that over to the linuxserver docker and as best I can tell I've set it up the same way as far as the paths for all my media but once I start the linuxserver docker it is asking me to set up all the paths to my media and there is no album art or anything on the items it's imported. 


I've spent the last week letting my plex docker generate thumbnails on hundreds of movies and tv shows and can not stand the thought of having to do all that again if the Limetech docker is no longer supported. If someone would be willing to help me understand what I need to do to get this plex server up and running again I would be extremely grateful. If any additional information is needed I'd be glad to provide it. 

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To be honest I really don't understand docker that well or the file structure for Unraid that well either so please forgive my lack of ability to communicate what I'm trying to say. 


I'm struggling to understand where plex stores the database of watched movies, the artwork, etc. 


May I ask what you mean by they don't look like they are set the up the same? Would it help if I post pictures of how they are configured? 


No I have not backed up appdata. Is that just a matter of copying the folder to another location? 

Edited by BudgetAudiophile
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Those screenshots show that you have several more mappings to your media in linuxserver, so it will be seeing these in separate root folders, whereas your limetech has a single media mapping, so it will be seeing a single root folder for your media.


And the plex library database, with all the things you say you don't want to lose, is in the appdata. And that database is going to have references to the media paths that you setup, so if you want it to work they have to be exactly the same.


Have you actually started the linuxserver plex? If so, then you have probably already overwritten whatever the limetech docker had.

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Yes the linuxserver plex had been started after it installed. Is there any way I can verify if that data got overwritten? Is this where that information would be? 


appdata\PlexMediaServer\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server


Could you point me towards anything to look for to see if that data still exists? 


I understand if I screwed things up by installing a new docker for plex and overwriting things but I'm confused as to why my limetech plex docker stopped working in the first place.


When I look at the log in the limetech docker this is what I see: 



Furthermore, I show that the appdata folder still has like 22 GB worth of data in it. So i'm hoping that means nothing is overwritten. When I try to access the Plex UI I just get the server is unavailable message when running the limetech docker. Is it possible the database is corrupt and I need to revert to a backup version? 

Edited by BudgetAudiophile
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Ok, so it appears that perhaps my database got corrupted again. I did a restore and all is well. 


Looking forward is it recommended to switch to the linuxserver docker? If I do that I should set it up like this, correct? 


If I install the linuxserver docker with the settings exactly the same way, everything will be exactly as it was on the older docker? Is there an easy way to backup my current setup in case it does not work? 


Edited by BudgetAudiophile
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1 minute ago, BudgetAudiophile said:

I did a restore and all is well. 

OK. I assume you mean the limetech plex is working for you again.


Let's get some more information to get a more complete picture of how you have your Unraid configured, and how you have that docker configured.


Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your next post.


Also get us the docker run command for that limetech plex. See the first link at the top of the Docker FAQ for instructions:




It might be useful to you if you read some of the other entries in the Docker FAQ.

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Yes, that is correct. The limetech docker is up and running again. 


Docker Run Command: 

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='PlexMediaServer' --net='host' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -v '/mnt/user/MEDIA/':'/MyMedia':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer':'/config':'rw' 'limetech/plex' 


The command finished successfully!


I really do appreciate your help in all this, especially on a Saturday. It probably doesn't sound like it but I do IT help desk work at my job so I know how dumb questions or issues users have are, so please forgive my ignorance. I do need to read up on docker but just had never got around to it. I'll take a look at the FAQ. 


Edited by BudgetAudiophile
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18 minutes ago, BudgetAudiophile said:

Yes, that is correct. The limetech docker is up and running again. 

Your array disks are pretty full. You should probably plan to have more capacity.


Your appdata is set to cache-no. It has some data on cache and some on various array disks. This isn't the recommended configuration. You want your apps on cache so they will perform better, and so they won't keep parity and array disks spun up.


Your cache is pretty small though, so it might be best if you don't cache any of your other shares and just have your dockers on cache.


In order to get mover to move your appdata user share to cache, you will have to set it to cache-prefer. You will also have to temporarily disable the docker service (Settings - Docker) since mover won't move open files.


Before you run mover though, let's get a better idea how much of each user share is on each disk. Go to Shares - User Shares and click the Compute All button. It will take a while to produce the result. If it hasn't shown the result after several minutes refresh the page. Post a screenshot showing the results.

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Looks like you should have enough capacity on array and cache to move things where they belong.


You will have to stop the docker service so none of your dockers are running. Mover can't move open files. Then set your appdata to cache-prefer to get it moved from array to cache. Looks like total amount that would get moved from array to cache is less than 20G and you have a lot more than that free.


The downloads share would move only 15.5G from cache to array and you have more free space than that on the array, so that should be OK too. So:

  1. Settings - Docker - Disable.
  2. Shares - User Shares - set appdata share to Use cache: prefer
  3. Main - Array Operation - Move Now. Wait for it to complete.

Then post a new diagnostic.


You need to consider your Minimum Free for each of your user shares and for the cache drive.


When Unraid begins to write a file, it doesn't know how large the file will become. Once it has chosen a disk to write it won't change its mind or try to move it to another disk if it runs out of space. It will just fail. Minimum Free is how you get it to choose a different disk before it begins to write. Any disk that doesn't have more than Minimum Free on it will not be chosen. Each user share has a Minimum Free setting. It should be set to larger than the largest file you expect to write to the share.


Cache Minimum Free setting is in Global Share Settings and works similarly. Cache-yes shares will overflow to the array when cache has less than minimum, and cache-prefer shares won't get moved to cache if cache has less than minimum.


Here is a wiki that gives a lot more detail about how the Use cache settings work:




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Wow, thank you! Things are looking much better now. 

I believe I've got all my app data now on the cache and it seems like things are running much smoother! 

Still need to figure out if I need to move to a new Plex docker but since the limetech one is still working fine I'm afraid to mess with it again since I don't want to screw anything up. 


Edited by BudgetAudiophile
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Just got notified that the Plex docker I have been using since the dawn of time is no longer supported, and I have to switch.


Fantastic, considering I have a library so large, it usually takes days to index.


What is the best method for transitioning to a new Plex image while keeping 100% of existing configs?  I have lots of users, over a hundred customized movies configs (fixing broken ratings so kids can't watch bad stuff etc), etc etc etc etc



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37 minutes ago, tucansam said:

Just got notified that the Plex docker I have been using since the dawn of time is no longer supported, and I have to switch.


Fantastic, considering I have a library so large, it usually takes days to index.


What is the best method for transitioning to a new Plex image while keeping 100% of existing configs?  I have lots of users, over a hundred customized movies configs (fixing broken ratings so kids can't watch bad stuff etc), etc etc etc etc




Got new docker installed, paths are same, plex starts.  Of course sees no content.  I copied /mnt/disks/ssd/appdata/PlexMediaServer (old) to ~/plex (new) and it had zero effect.  New plex sees no content, looks like I have to rebuild libraries.  And then go through 3k movies looking for Ratings errors.


Any ideas how to xfer library content so I don't have to do this?



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