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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Kodi-Headless

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  • 1 month later...

Is it possible to change the default webserver to chorus or chorus2? There's a streaming option, like yatse, as well as a whole "tool box" of JSON commands you can send to your kodi box. Apologies if I don't quite wrap my head around why doing a clean library or update from the headless box itself would cause everything to vanish. Wouldn't the "initial" scan to create a DB be done on the docker kodi ? So I guess I don't understand why updating it there would cause an issue.

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Is it possible to change the default webserver to chorus or chorus2? There's a streaming option, like yatse, as well as a whole "tool box" of JSON commands you can send to your kodi box. Apologies if I don't quite wrap my head around why doing a clean library or update from the headless box itself would cause everything to vanish. Wouldn't the "initial" scan to create a DB be done on the docker kodi ? So I guess I don't understand why updating it there would cause an issue.


you can change whatever you like, the shared folder is the place to put things.


it's tricky, the best way is to use a surrogate system to install things and tweak the settings then copy over the whole userdata folder.


i'm not installing things there by default.

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I've rearranged my servers and HTPC such that sleeping them is now an option, so I figured I'd give this a try.


I've got Sonarr communicating with this container (testing says completed successfully).  According to Kodi's UI, its communicating with the mySql database no problems.


However, the db isn't getting updated after a d/l is completed.  I've switched all of my sources to reference IP addresses, rescanned the entire library, and have copied over advancedsettings and sources

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I've rearranged my servers and HTPC such that sleeping them is now an option, so I figured I'd give this a try.


I've got Sonarr communicating with this container (testing says completed successfully).  According to Kodi's UI, its communicating with the mySql database no problems.


However, the db isn't getting updated after a d/l is completed.  I've switched all of my sources to reference IP addresses, rescanned the entire library, and have copied over advancedsettings and sources


This is how I have Sonarr set up Squid if that's any help, but I suspect that's not the problem..



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Yeah, that's not the problem.  I have a feeling that its something with the database itself.  The HTPC originally scanned everything in using the Universal Movie Scraper, which isn't part of Kodi Headless.  However, when I switched the sources over to reference IP addresses, I changed it back the TMDB (default).  But, maybe there's still remnants of it around (I know that if I didn't have UMS installed on the other HTPCs, they wouldn't be able to update the DB.)


I think that I'm going to delete MariaDB, Kodi, and the HTPC and then start everything over again from scratch (grr)


Beyond that, Kodi's log is getting spammed with:


tdb(__NULL__): tdb_open_ex: called with name == NULL

over and over again (couple of hundred appear -> possibly corresponds with attempts to scan).  Additionally, manual attempts at updating through the WebUI don't appear to work either.

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Got it going.


Trashed the entire mariaDB & kodi containers.  Reloaded with MySQL (doubt if that made a difference).


Recreated the database from a virgin install of Kodi.  At that point, at least Kodi headless was trying to scan but telling me that such and such folders didn't exist during its scan.


Copied over mediasources.xml, sources.xml, and passwords.xml and everything looks good to go.


Thanks guys

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all these userful docker containers, 90% of mine are from you guys.


I know this is not a question related specifically to this container (as it installs and works without any visible problems) but could someone please point me in the right direction for documentation in setting kodi up once installed.

I mean I've used Kodi for years but always with a GUI so setup that way is simple and something I've done many times.


This is what I've tried so far.

Added a mediasources.xml with this format




        <location id="0">smb://myusername:mypassword@myserver/Movies</location>

        <location id="1">smb://myusername:mypassword@myserver/TV Series</location>

        <location id="2">smb://myusername:mypassword@myserver/Music</location>




I've also added a sources.xml with this format



        <default pathversion="1"></default>



        <default pathversion="1"></default>


            <name>TV Series</name>

            <path pathversion="1">smb:// Series/</path>




I've then connected (successfully) with YATSE app from my android and send the "update video" command but no updates to the library occur.


Any advice is welcome.


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it would be superb if you could also show us the actual kodi version number of the docker, as for my part I'm running Kodi 14.2 on one linux htpc, two rpi's (running openelec w/14.2) and kodi 14.1 as a docker for library updates. As with every new kodi release there are changes to the database and stuff stops getting library updates because stuff isn't compatible any more.

Planning upgrades is a bit easier that way, for me at least.


anyhow, fantastic work, I really appreciate your dedication in all aspects unraid, best choice I ever made :)


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it would be superb if you could also show us the actual kodi version number of the docker, as for my part I'm running Kodi 14.2 on one linux htpc, two rpi's (running openelec w/14.2) and kodi 14.1 as a docker for library updates. As with every new kodi release there are changes to the database and stuff stops getting library updates because stuff isn't compatible any more.

Planning upgrades is a bit easier that way, for me at least.


anyhow, fantastic work, I really appreciate your dedication in all aspects unraid, best choice I ever made :)


it's any version you want it to be from 14 to 16 (jarvis beta4) by setting the VERSION variable.


and you only have to keep the same major version across a mysql setup, point releases are immaterial because the mysql d/bases don't change.

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I have been running XBMC/Kodi for years now but really would like to switch to a central database. I was wondering: is there a tutorial for this apart from the official Kodi documentation that you would suggest to read? Also, is there a MYSQL or MariaDB already included in this docker?



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it's any version you want it to be from 14 to 16 (jarvis beta4) by setting the VERSION variable.


Mr. Balls - Is the VERSION variable something that you can set via the UNRAID web interface, or is that command line only? Can you see what version it's running from the web interface once the docker is up and running?

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it's any version you want it to be from 14 to 16 (jarvis beta4) by setting the VERSION variable.


Mr. Balls - Is the VERSION variable something that you can set via the UNRAID web interface, or is that command line only? Can you see what version it's running from the web interface once the docker is up and running?


On Mr. Balls' behalf....  ;D


Click the advanced switch in the docker setup screen and add VERSION like below..


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I finally set up Kodi-Headless as a docker.  I also have mariaDB as a docker to sync the libraries across my client devices.


In regards to the headless instance, at this point, my usage is utilizing the fact that it's running on a server and always on.  CP and Sonarr are set to notify this instance of Kodi when downloads are completed and then prompt for a library scan.  After the scan, all other devices can see the updated library.


Question #1 - Besides this, what are the uses of Kodi-Headless?


Question #2 - If it is important to make sure that all library scans/updates are done through the same client (Kodi-Headless), what's the optimal way to make changes to the library, such as changing which artwork you would like to appear for certain movies?  Since there is no GUI do I have to do this directly in the db?  Can I do it on another client device without everything burning in an eternal grease fire?


Thanks again for all the hard work guys.  I'm going to have to think about making some more tutorials soon to give back and possibly lessen the load on all of the questions you guys are bombarded with!




EDIT 1:  I'm also having a random issue with Couch Potato and Kodi.  I can send a notification for a full system scan, but when I ask to just scan the specific folder of the new movie, CP says it does, but Kodi never seems to get the message.


Couch Potato Log Excerpt:


[o.core.notifications.xbmc] Sending request to [{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Downloaded ****", "image": "https://raw.github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer/master/couchpotato/static/images/notify.couch.small.png", "title": "CouchPotato"}, "method": "GUI.ShowNotification", "id": "GUI.ShowNotification"}, {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"directory": "/movies/****"}, "method": "VideoLibrary.Scan", "id": "VideoLibrary.Scan"}]


[o.core.notifications.xbmc] Returned from request [{u'jsonrpc': u'2.0', u'id': u'GUI.ShowNotification', u'result': u'OK'}, {u'jsonrpc': u'2.0', u'id': u'VideoLibrary.Scan', u'result': u'OK'}]


I thought I had the answered solved when I realized I had never mapped /movies in the container to my movie folder on the server, but this didn't solve the problem.  As I mentioned, the Kodi log doesn't even have a line for this scan request.  However, if I change to perform a full scan, I receive the same as above except Kodi actually runs the scan and it is shown in the Kodi log.




After turning on debugging, I get this message when trying to only scan specific folders:


02:20:24 T:46959299913472  DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc

02:20:24 T:46959299913472  DEBUG: JSONRPC: Value does not match any of the enum values in type

02:20:24 T:46959091689216  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true

02:20:24 T:46959091689216  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..

02:20:24 T:46959091689216  DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnScanStarted from xbmc

02:20:24 T:46959091689216  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00

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