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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nginx

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10 hours ago, xaositek said:

Any chance of getting the 'calendar' extension loaded in this container?

<?php var_dump(extension_loaded('calendar')); ?>


Results: bool(false)

Don't find any extension called calender for nginx.

For us to include it, it has to be available in the alpine linux package repository.

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5 hours ago, saarg said:

Don't find any extension called calender for nginx.

For us to include it, it has to be available in the alpine linux package repository.

@saarg I apologize this is a PHP extension, not Nginx - https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.calendar.php. This permits functions similar to <?php echo cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 1, 2020); ?>

Edited by xaositek
Fixed space in sample code
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 12/29/2020 at 6:41 AM, saarg said:

Not until alpine release it in alpine 3.13.

@saarg - was curious it looks like Alpine 3.13.1 is out at this point. I know LinuxServer.IO tends to rebase everything across the board in a rolling fashion, but I apologize I don't know where to look for the status on that, if it has even began in any packages. Thanks in advance!

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I want to run multiple websites, but I cannot get past the 403 forbidden message if I use anything other than the


root /config/www;


line in the default file.  I want to run webtrees as it's on site (webtrees.mydomain.com) and not as (mydomain.com/webtrees).


I can get it to work, but say I want to run another website in the same container with a different domain, how do I define another document root in nginx and not get the 403 forbidden?  Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there!


First things first, thank you for the container, as well as your support. I have a game server container and many others containers such as plex, tautulli, deluge running on my unraid machine and until now, I've been able to proxypass through nginx all the containers I've needed to (plex, tautulli, etc.), but, when talking about my steamcmd game server...here comes my headaches!


I can only reach it on steam server searching if I write the URL:PORT, such as: subdomain.mydomain.com:PORT. But I'd like to reach it just writting the url (without specifying the port).


I've tried the stream module onto nginx.conf with no luck at all, also tried to make a site.conf but again failed...


Do anybody knows how could I make a subdomain.mydomain.com proxypassed to my game_server (unraid machine) IP:PORT and then be able to find it on steam just with my "subdomain.mydomain.com" without writting the PORT? Cause when my ISP provider changes my public IP the gameserver saved on steam favourites is no longer available and I have to search it again with "subdomain.mydomain.com:PORT" to reach my new public IP through my url.


I have my CNAME entry on my domain cpanel pointing to my duckdns url. Also a subdomain entry on the swag container for my gameserver.


What can I be missing here?


Thanks in advance!😃

Edited by blinkito
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

i am new to unraid and new to docker. ;-)

Unfortunately it's not supported to add native HTTP share in unraid.

Therefore i installed the nginx docker container. Nginx i already used on my windows pc.


What i want to do:

I want to share some files in already existing folder on unraid "/mnt/user/share1/HTML".

Protocol should be HTTP (not HTTPS) with port 8080.


I tried to modify /mnt/user/appdata/nginx/nginx/nginx.conf but without success.

Unfortunately i do not get nginx working for this simple task, hopefully somebody can help me here.

Thanks for your help!!!

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  • 1 month later...

This may be a stupid question, but is there any reason why the nginx container keeps creating a default file under /config/nginx/site-confs every time it's restarted? I'm trying to set up 3 websites with 3 different conf files in the site-confs folder. My main nginx.conf file has an include statement referencing the path. I was copying my settings over from default to the "custom" conf file, then deleted the default file. Restarted the container and the default file is back.

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It gets copied on every start, so no point in deleting it. Edit it instead of deleting it.

It is set up this way so we can supply a working setup the first time you use the container and in case the user has messed up the default file, can delete it and get it back to a working state.

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3 hours ago, saarg said:

It gets copied on every start, so no point in deleting it. Edit it instead of deleting it.

It is set up this way so we can supply a working setup the first time you use the container and in case the user has messed up the default file, can delete it and get it back to a working state.

I figured as much. No worries, that's exactly what I did. It doesn't overwrite my changes, so that works just fine. Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have multiple Websites Running on Nginx Docker and Nginx Reverse Proxy Docker on Unraid 6.9.2. All works absolutely perfect from any Computer or Phone. The issue is only with iPhone that I am aware of. If my iPhone is on wifi I can connect no problem, but if I turn off wifi and go to cellular data, the phone will not connect to any of my websites. Every browser I have tried gives similar messages like this: Website ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR


I have been troubleshooting this for over 3 weeks now and have tried every trick I could find, but nothing works. it has me puzzled that it will work fine for computers inside and outside of the network and phones inside and outside of the network, but will not work when switched to cellular data. If anyone could help me get this working I would really appreciate it. If I need to provide more information I can try an do that as well. Also, when I run tests with SSL Labs, I get A+ rating so I am just at a loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 2/12/2018 at 2:22 PM, aptalca said:

For pretty permalinks, I had to add this to the nginx/wordpress container's site-config:

        if (!-e $request_filename) {
                rewrite ^.*$ /index.php last;


I installed the container uploaded wordpress to appdata/nginx/www/


I opened from Unraid Docker link and got the Wordpress Setup I connected the MariaDB and it went flawless.


After testing pretty much everything is working for my needs except one thing. Permalinks


I have tried and tried what ever I find on the web but for the life of me nothing works even the instructions do not match what I see on my appdata/nginx/nginx/nginx.conf


Where exactly do I add:

       if (!-e $request_filename) {
                rewrite ^.*$ /index.php last;


I have a really basic setup of linuxserver/mariadb with linuxserver/nginx and wordpress 5.8 install with the Woffice - Intranet/Extranet WordPress Theme from Themeforest. The only thing I need is to have permalinks works so I can use BuddyPress


I am not looking for reverse proxy or anything fancy.


All I am looking to do is to have a family portal from my unraid server that is accessed locally from inside of our home.


Please any help would be really appreciated.





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Hi Vic,

I have several instances of Wordpress running on my server and I did not have to do anything like you are talking about. Are you using the Wordpress template? If not, I highly recommend it, you don't have to change much to get it working. Once you do, all you have to do is log into your dashboard and go to Settings - Permalinks and set it however you want from there. Hope this helps! If you need anything further please feel free to ask.

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4 minutes ago, SMCSUser said:

Wordpress template?

What do you mean by this?


4 minutes ago, SMCSUser said:

Settings - Permalinks and set it however you want from there.

Yup just like any other Wordpress Install and nothing it breaks the site.


nginx by default does not work with Wordpress permalinks as you can see they have made a special wiki on configuration Nginx Wordpress Config the problem is that this differs by the type of setup hence a windows machine a debian detup etc etc or as us inside the docker.


So I really do not know how your Nginx install accepted permalinks of the bat.


So any help appreciated.



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