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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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Is it possible to run Deluge with Privoxy using a custom network interface (br0)?  


I tried doing this and I wasn't able to connect to the WebGUI nor the Privoxy port.  Example:  My server is and I set the docker network type to Custom (br0) and set the IP to static 


I can ping from any host on my local LAN ( but cannot connect to webGUi or Privoxy.  I have the LAN network set to


Everything is working fine using Network Type: Bridge.

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All torrents "paused", unable to resume. I can add new torrents via Sonarr, Radarr, or directly in the Deluge web UI, however they do not start and are perpetually in "paused" state.

  • I have followed Spaceinveader's tutorial on DelugeVPN, including the connection with Sonarr and Radarr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AEzm5y2EvM
  • VPN is configured in the docker (PIA)
  • docker volume mappings:
    • /data  <-> /mnt/user/Downloads/
    • /config <-> /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn

Any advice appreciated.

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22 minutes ago, Odessa said:

All torrents "paused", unable to resume. I can add new torrents via Sonarr, Radarr, or directly in the Deluge web UI, however they do not start and are perpetually in "paused" state.

  • I have followed Spaceinveader's tutorial on DelugeVPN, including the connection with Sonarr and Radarr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AEzm5y2EvM
  • VPN is configured in the docker (PIA)
  • docker volume mappings:
    • /data  <-> /mnt/user/Downloads/
    • /config <-> /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn

Any advice appreciated.

What endpoint are you using?

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1 hour ago, ZoZat said:

Does the ovpn  need to be executable?

idk actually, but mine is anyway


You should change your password tho as you forgot to redact that in your last log. Good news is that the warnings from your last log are gone. But I think you're missing some files in your openvpn folder. If it's not baked into your .ovpn file you usually have to have a .crt file and a .pem or .key file in your openvpn folder. You'll get them form your vpn provider. 


The other thing that could be an issue is your username. If you are able to change it you should, please use only 0-9, a-z, A-Z if you're able to change it. 



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If that doesn't help you should search the thread and you'll find at least a couple users having the same issue. I don't remember how/if they solved it tho. If all else fails nuke your docker image and reinstall all your containers, usually helps with weird issues.

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I doubt he'll respond today, he normally doesn't work weekends. You'll just have to chill til tomorrow if nobody else will take a shot. Why do you use slickvpn anyway? From what I can see they don't support port forwarding so torrenting is gonna be slow and peers can't really connect with you. You and everybody else would be better off if you switch to another provider which supports port forwarding.

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5 minutes ago, ZoZat said:

Actually, all there servers support port forwarding as of Nov 2017.  My speeds have been good (3.5 mb) before I started having troubles.  Now my speeds max out at 680 kb.


Oh, then my bad.. Doesn't say on their website, at least what I could see

Edited by strike
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1 hour ago, ZoZat said:

I deleted the docker image and reinstalled.  No difference.  Same problem. 


I really need  @binhex to take a look at this.


I've included a new log.



dunno where you got that ovpn file from but its incorrect, the port is wrong (defined as 8888), its port 443 for that endpoint, this is the correct file for slickvpn atlanta endpoint:-



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I used this link:  https://www.slickvpn.com/tutorials/using-openvpn-configuration-files/.  I had changed the port to 443 when strike was helping me. Didn't seem to make a difference.  I grabbed a new ovpn file with the link you provided - still didn't work, so I decided to reset password through vpn provider.  Made the appropriate change in delugevpn  and restarted.


Now everything is working as it should.


Thank you to @strike and @binhex.



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58 minutes ago, ZoZat said:


yes that page is misleading, and out of date i would guess, the port now looks to be 443 for some/all of the endpoints, so it looks like 8888 is now defunct, glad you got it working tbh there is little to go wrong nowdays, its either wrong endpoint, wrong port, wrong password, or isp blocking, thats all there is, the rest is handled for you.

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I sincerely apologize if im posting in the wrong place im fairly new to unraid i am having a problem with binhex deluge vpn the issue is that sometimes ill lose connection and when it comes back for whatever reason i am unable to resume my torrents they are stuck paused and will not resume and these a partially completed this has happened to me 4 times and the only fix i have been able to use is to delete all traces of deluge and set it up all over again i dont have the option for add torrents paused enabled i am using unraid 6.5.0 and have setup the application using space invaders tutorial down to the letter my other containers i use with this radarr and sonarr are all bnhex any help with this would be extremely appreciated

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