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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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14 hours ago, pervin_1 said:

Hey binhex, can you help me with this warning line in the log file, Is it something I should worry about, Everything works just fine, have few extra plugins such as Extractor, Ltconfig, Blocklist and AutoAdd added, please. Thank you!!!


2018-05-03 13:31:19,995 DEBG 'deluge-web-script' stderr output:
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:1235: UserWarning: /home/nobody/.cache/Python-Eggs is writable by group/others and vulnerable to attack when used with get_resource_filename. Consider a more secure location (set with .set_extraction_path or the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable).
warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)




it is, as shown just a warning, in a docker container environment its less of a worry as the container will not be logged onto by multiple (or any for that matter) users so the fact its writeable by 'group/others' is really of no concern.

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5 hours ago, binhex said:


it is, as shown just a warning, in a docker container environment its less of a worry as the container will not be logged onto by multiple (or any for that matter) users so the fact its writeable by 'group/others' is really of no concern.

True, thank you!!!

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Hi, I would like to start off by saying thank you for this wonderful docker app.

Whenever I start my server the delugevpn app gets stuck in a loop and won't start.
If i stop it and then start manually after boot it starts up no problem.

I was wondering if anyone else had this issue and how to fix it.


I have mostly found info on the app just having problems starting but my app does start okay just not at boot for some reason.

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On 5/9/2018 at 10:18 PM, clowncracker said:

My docker was working fine last night, but now it won't start.  I keep getting the following error:



Here is the log:



Any help would be greatly appreciated!

//attachment deleted//


thats the wrong log file, but i think i can guess as to the issue, the above looks like the error message you get when you have a clashing port, check that you dont have conflicting port numbers on the host side (privoxy perhaps?), my guess is you do have.

Edited by ChatNoir
attachment deleted in the quote
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Is anyone else using this docker having issues with both complete and incomplete torrents erroring out. I find this happens randomly while the docker is running and sometimes after resetting the docker also. It seems like files are disappearing and getting corrupted. I have tried both rutorrent and qbittorrent and had no trouble with either. I am running unRaid 6.5.1 and the latest DelugeVPN.

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Hi erveryone !

I have been running this container for a few months without any issue.

But since last week, I have a lot of python errors in my log files and the VPN tunnel seems highly instable (it seems like it fails to connect about 90% of the time).


OpenSSH seems to be crashing non stop and the python errors seems to happen when updating deluge ip/ports.


Tried to recreate the container, the image is up to date and tried to change vpn endpoint without any success.


Does anyone have any idea of what could be happening there ?

Thank you very much for your time and assistance in this matter :)






Python and curl errors seems to be gone after rebooting the NAS but they come back after some time...

Edited by Fl4shBack
Adding informations
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My download speed doesn't go above 500-550 kbps total using PIA VPN. I followed SpaceInvaderOne's guide, changed the opvn file to CA Toronto per PIA's updated info, and have installed the itconfig plugin for deluge and no change. I haven't done anything with my router because I couldn't get into it until just recently after discovering I can't access it while deluge is running. Any advice? Thanks

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On 10/24/2017 at 11:38 AM, binhex said:


i personally think blocklists are a waste of time, they generally are out of date, and as you're using a vpn there is no point. 


the banned by ip filter message is not related to pia btw, this is purely telling you the site you are trying to connect to is in the blocklist, you would get the same message whether you were connected to a vpn provider or not, it makes no difference.

Thanks Binhex, this is definitely helpful info. I could not figure out why this was happening to most of my torrents. Could also explain my low upload ratio. The only issue I am still having is that when I reboot the Docker container, it re-enables Blocklist. It is a built in plugin to Deluge. What is the best way to remove it?

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I'm having significant issues getting DelugeVPN to work. Every fifteen seconds or so it soft resets even though it successfully connects to NordVPN. I can access the deluge webgui no problem, but proxy connections only get a few seconds of uptime between resets. My docker run parameters are here: pastebin link. I've included the full logs with this post.


I'm not running in a standard linux distro (using rancherOS), but I've tested in a ubuntu vm and it behaves in the same way. Also I'm using a TCP server from NordVPN because as far as I can tell UDP servers simply don't work at all. Any assistance would be appreciated.


EDIT: I had the test VM instance of DelugeVPN running in the background for about five hours and it seems to have stabilized. I don't know if that would continue if I restarted the container though. I'll include the log files for this as well, even though it wasn't running in debug mode.


EDIT 2: I just realized that my problems (at least the recent ones) were caused by having two instances running on the same internal network. Every time I would turn one off the other would start working. I suppose this will be useful to anyone in this exact scenario in the future.




Edited by steamedhams
More information
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I switched from NordVPN to PIA to try to increase Deluge's speed, and it works fine, but for some reason Privoxy doesn't seem to be working. Sonarr and radarr can't connect to any trackers and tests on a browser fail. Pretty strange since obviously Deluge is successfully connecting to the VPN. I've included the logs.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by steamedhams
Forgot to remove login info from logs
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40 minutes ago, steamedhams said:

I switched from NordVPN to PIA to try to increase Deluge's speed, and it works fine, but for some reason Privoxy doesn't seem to be working. Sonarr and radarr can't connect to any trackers and tests on a browser fail. Pretty strange since obviously Deluge is successfully connecting to the VPN. I've included the logs.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




it maybe the breaking change with the later version of privoxy, try stopping the container and deleting the /config/privoxy folder, then restart and check it again.

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29 minutes ago, binhex said:


it maybe the breaking change with the later version of privoxy, try stopping the container and deleting the /config/privoxy folder, then restart and check it again.


Unfortunately, it's still not working.


EDIT: When I was using NordVPN I found that using a UDP server never seemed to work with Privoxy. Changed the PIA server to a TCP one and bam it worked flawlessly. I haven't seen anyone else with this issue as far as I can tell. I'm primarily using docker-compose to build/run my containers. Could this issue be caused by not exposing the DelugeVPN ports over UDP?

Edited by steamedhams
Found the solution
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11 hours ago, sreed77 said:

I have tried everything I can thing read the faq 10 times checked the network and still no GUI at my wits ends as I love this docker 


 https://pastebin.com/ZKSEzeqH    supervisord.log ( hide my PIA account and password)


what the heck I'm I missing 


There is nothing wrong in that log, its showing a successful start, you can try the following:-

  • Ensure you have any proxy settings turned off for your browser
  • Ensure you are connecting from inside your home LAN
  • Ensure your lan_network value is correct - see here - Q3 for details
  • Try clearing down all cookies on your browser
  • Try a different browser, IE, Firefox and Chrome.
  • Ensure the machine you are browsing from has any firewalls turned off
  • Try connecting to the web ui from another machine

Still not working?

  • Post a screenshot of your configuration for the container
  • Post the URL you are using in your browser to attempt connection


  • Like 1
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14 minutes ago, steamedhams said:


Unfortunately, it's still not working.


  • Ensure the enable_privoxy value is set to 'yes'
  • Ensure the lan_network value is defined correctly - see here Q3. for details
  • Ensure the machine you are configuring the proxy for has any firewalls turned off

Still not working?

  • Post a screenshot showing the proxy settings for your browser
  • Post a screenshot showing the config for the container
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1 minute ago, binhex said:


  • Ensure the enable_privoxy value is set to 'yes'
  • Ensure the lan_network value is defined correctly - see here Q3. for details
  • Ensure the machine you are configuring the proxy for has any firewalls turned off

Still not working?

  • Post a screenshot showing the proxy settings for your browser
  • Post a screenshot showing the config for the container


Sorry for the (maybe?) double post. As you were responding I edited my post with the solution. UDP VPN servers aren't working for me. Maybe related to me using docker-compose?

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14 minutes ago, steamedhams said:


Sorry for the (maybe?) double post. As you were responding I edited my post with the solution. UDP VPN servers aren't working for me. Maybe related to me using docker-compose?


hmm highly unlikely, its more likely that your isp is blocking UDP, most people (including myself) is using UDP to connect to PIA endpoints with no issues.

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Just now, binhex said:


hmm highly unlikely, its more likely that your isp is blocking UDP, most people (including myself) is using UDP to connect to PIA endpoints with no issues.


UDP servers work with Deluge, in fact it's much faster than TCP, but privoxy only seems to work when using TCP servers. I wonder what could cause this behavior?

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2 minutes ago, steamedhams said:

but privoxy only seems to work when using TCP servers.


This is not true, im connected to PIA using UDP and privoxy works a treat, privoxy won't be aware of the underlying protocol used to connect to the vpn endpoint in any case so i think your seeing something else going on, not sure what.

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I've been using this docker for some time with no issues but now it has stopped working on both my unRaid machines. I removed the docker and installed it again and no luck.


I've left everything as the default values except for PIA username and password obviously, added LAN_NETWORK, and changed the path. I also added the opvn file and crt file downloaded from PIA. I choose the strong option if that makes a difference.


I can't access the WebGUI. I get a connection refused error. 


The last line in the supervisord.log is 


2018-05-24 08:50:35,675 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN started



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15 minutes ago, Naldinho said:

I've been using this docker for some time with no issues but now it has stopped working on both my unRaid machines. I removed the docker and installed it again and no luck.


I've left everything as the default values except for PIA username and password obviously, added LAN_NETWORK, and changed the path. I also added the opvn file and crt file downloaded from PIA. I choose the strong option if that makes a difference.


I can't access the WebGUI. I get a connection refused error. 


The last line in the supervisord.log is 


2018-05-24 08:50:35,675 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN started




see here 


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