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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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I can't see anything wrong in that log, but you need to post a debug log. Edit the container and set the debug variable to "true", start the container and let it run for a few min. Then post the entire suprervisord.log file (remove username/password. Also, is your unraid server IP 10.10.10.x? Do you have any special characters in your username/password? This container only supports characters 0-9, a-z,A-Z any other characters can cause issues.  

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1 hour ago, strike said:

I can't see anything wrong in that log, but you need to post a debug log. Edit the container and set the debug variable to "true", start the container and let it run for a few min. Then post the entire suprervisord.log file (remove username/password. Also, is your unraid server IP 10.10.10.x? Do you have any special characters in your username/password? This container only supports characters 0-9, a-z,A-Z any other characters can cause issues.  

Debug log attached. I do use the 10.10.10.x scheme on my network. I changed my password removing the special characters, but still no joy.


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28 minutes ago, Biloxi_1 said:

Debug log attached. I do use the 10.10.10.x scheme on my network. I changed my password removing the special characters, but still no joy.



And to be clear, you're not reaching the webui at all or do you reach the webui but it's blank? The warning about special characters in your password is gone, but it still complains about your username, you're sure it does not contain any special characters? Everything else seems to be ok.

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9 minutes ago, strike said:


And to be clear, you're not reaching the webui at all or do you reach the webui but it's blank? The warning about special characters in your password is gone, but it still complains about your username, you're sure it does not contain any special characters? Everything else seems to be ok.

I get a timeout. I do have a special character in my username, an "@" because it is an email address. Looking through my options on nord vpn I don't see where I can change it however. It was working fine for months  =/

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9 minutes ago, Biloxi_1 said:

I get a timeout. I do have a special character in my username, an "@" because it is an email address. Looking through my options on nord vpn I don't see where I can change it however. It was working fine for months  =/

Ok. Early on in your log you were having authentication issues possibly due to the special characters in your password.  It looks fine at the end of the log though (no more authentication issues), but these things with special characters can be unpredictable. It doesn't look like you have to have an e-mail address as your login, you can have a username, but it doesn't say how to change it. If they were offering a trial period you could simply just create a new account and try with another username, but it doesn't look like that they offer that? Maybe you can contact support about changing the login? 


Other than that I'm not sure what could be causing the issue. Maybe you can try a different browser if you haven't tried it. And as I mentioned earlier you can try to nuke the docker image and re-download all your containers using CA's previous apps. You don't have to configure anything and you won't lose any settings/data. If you don't know how to do it just ask :) I'm not sure it will have any effect in this case, but you said it has been working for months and then suddenly it stops so it could be worth a try. Recreating the docker image has helped me more than once.

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12 minutes ago, strike said:

Ok. Early on in your log you were having authentication issues possibly due to the special characters in your password.  It looks fine at the end of the log though (no more authentication issues), but these things with special characters can be unpredictable. It doesn't look like you have to have an e-mail address as your login, you can have a username, but it doesn't say how to change it. If they were offering a trial period you could simply just create a new account and try with another username, but it doesn't look like that they offer that? Maybe you can contact support about changing the login? 


Other than that I'm not sure what could be causing the issue. Maybe you can try a different browser if you haven't tried it. And as I mentioned earlier you can try to nuke the docker image and re-download all your containers using CA's previous apps. You don't have to configure anything and you won't lose any settings/data. If you don't know how to do it just ask :) I'm not sure it will have any effect in this case, but you said it has been working for months and then suddenly it stops so it could be worth a try. Recreating the docker image has helped me more than once.

Roger. Thanks for looking at it for me. I will try to email them about the user name , and maybe redo the docker image. I'll post back here if I get it working again.

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Hi I accidentally screwed up my container by adding a container path and now the container wont show up i unRaid, how can I manually delete this path?
Apps tab, previous apps, hit the download button not the checkbox and then edit out what you did and hit apply

Sent via Tapatalk because I'm either at work or enjoying the summer

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I just got a new username and password from PIA. I changed the two fields in the Docker XML GUI editor (https://TOWER/Docker/UpdateContainer?xmlTemplate=edit:/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-binhex-delugevpn.xml), clicked "Save", and noticed it didn't change the 'binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf', so I changed that as well. Going back to that XML I see the new username and password are saved. When I clicked to start the Docker container, I saw in the log "SIGTERM[soft,auth-failure] received, process exiting" and when I `cat credentials.conf` I noticed the old user and password are shown(!) So, it seems somehow the old user and password are still saved somewhere, and each time I start the container (I've tried it 3Xs now) it overwrites the credentials.conf file but leaves the Docker XML alone so the new user/password remains in the Docker XML.


Is there anywhere else I should change the user and password?

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I just got a new username and password from PIA. I changed the two fields in the Docker XML GUI editor (https://TOWER/Docker/UpdateContainer?xmlTemplate=edit:/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-binhex-delugevpn.xml), clicked "Save", and noticed it didn't change the 'binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf', so I changed that as well. Going back to that XML I see the new username and password are saved. When I clicked to start the Docker container, I saw in the log "SIGTERM[soft,auth-failure] received, process exiting" and when I `cat credentials.conf` I noticed the old user and password are shown(!) So, it seems somehow the old user and password are still saved somewhere, and each time I start the container (I've tried it 3Xs now) it overwrites the credentials.conf file but leaves the Docker XML alone so the new user/password remains in the Docker XML.


Is there anywhere else I should change the user and password?

If by docker XML GUI editor you mean NOT left clicking the icon and selecting edit and changing the cred values then you are doing it wrong.


In short you shouldn't be editing the XML directly, use the docker edit option


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk




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The container doesn't seem to be maintaining the VPN connection for longer than a day or two at a time for me. There's nothing added to the log after the initial "[info] Successfully retrieved external IP address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" but Privoxy starts returning a 404 for everything until the container is restarted. It doesn't look like the container was auto-updated overnight.


Is there a way to get it to try to reconnect every 10 minutes or so if the VPN drops? At the moment, the VPN seems to just stay down permanently until I manually restart the container.


Failing that, as a temporary workaround, does unRAID have a way to schedule regular restarts of a container? That would at least leave everything working most of the time…

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7 hours ago, binhex said:

If by docker XML GUI editor you mean NOT left clicking the icon and selecting edit and changing the cred values then you are doing it wrong.

@binhex that's what I did to change the username and password. Left click icon -> "Edit" -> change "Key 2" (VPN_USER) and "Key 3" (VPN_PASS) -> "Save". The new username and password are retained there and don't change when I start the container. Each time I try to start the docker container, it immediately changes the binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf file to the old username and password, so of course it returns a can't connect error. Just changing Key 2 and Key 3 doesn't work, so I'm curious where else the user and password are saved? It looks like when the container starts, the 'credentials.conf' file is overwritten with a user/pass saved from somewhere but I can't find where it's pulling that information from.


This was before starting the Docker container (at 12:43):

    ls -lh /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf 
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 20 Jul  1 02:11 /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf

This was after starting the Docker container (at 12:43):

    ls -lh /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf 
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 20 Jul  1 12:43 /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn/credentials.conf


Attached is the logfile. Before starting, I've also `find /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-delugevpn -type f -maxdepth 3 -exec grep -H Old_Username {} \;` and only find it listed in the supervisord.log before starting the container, and of course after the container starts and I see the file modified, it shows up in the credentials.conf file.


Removing the credentials.conf file and starting the container also generates the credentials.conf file with the old username and password. I'm looking for something simple like `cat FILE_WITH_OLD-USER-PASS.txt > credentials.conf` but don't see anything like it here https://github.com/binhex/arch-delugevpn/search?q=credentials.conf&type=Code


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14 hours ago, AndrewT said:

so I'm curious where else the user and password are saved?


there are only two places the credentials are stored:-


1. inside the credentials file (if previously run, otherwise it will be blank) /config/openvpn/credentials.conf

2. inside the xml template on your flash drive, location \\<server ip>\flash\config\plugins\dockerMan\templates-user\my-binhex-delugevpn.xml


Thats it, there are no other locations, so you could try deleting the credentials file and deleting the xml template from your flash drive, then delete container (and image for good measure) and then pull down and re-configure from scratch, if that doesnt do it then i suspect one or both of the following is the culprit:-


1. flash drive is corrupt - fix it up by running chkdsk on a windows machine

2. docker img file is corrupt - stop docker, delete docker img file then re-create docker img file and restore all containers.

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I never knew the XML files were on the flash drive! I cleaned those up, removing old ones I'll never use again. The new username and password were saved in there as expected.


The docker image file was the culprit. OP perfectly explained how to do it, and not too scary even for 16 containers. Seeing all the custom config info saved on the flash drive helped before deleting the img file. Thanks for the help!


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9 hours ago, AndrewT said:

I never knew the XML files were on the flash drive! I cleaned those up, removing old ones I'll never use again. The new username and password were saved in there as expected.


The docker image file was the culprit. OP perfectly explained how to do it, and not too scary even for 16 containers. Seeing all the custom config info saved on the flash drive helped before deleting the img file. Thanks for the help!



Instead of following the advice in that 3 year old post, it is even easier it so just use Community Applications, Previous Apps to get all your dockers reinstalled. Just go to Apps - Previous Apps and you can choose any and all of your previous apps and get them all installed at once.

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I have installed binhex delugevpn on my reinstalled unraid server.

I used the youtube video of spaceinvader one which was very helpfull.


I think i have all the settings right but when I want to open the webUI my browser says error connection refused.

When I turn of the VPN section everything is working. Can somebody help me?


Below is my docker configuration and the files in my openvpn folder in appdata/binhex-delugevpn



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52 minutes ago, Wouter said:

I think i have all the settings right but when I want to open the webUI my browser says error connection refused.

When I turn of the VPN section everything is working. Can somebody help me?

If you are still having issues after reading the newbie vpn section, post the /config/supervisord.log file after censoring your login credentials.

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19 minutes ago, Wouter said:

I think i did everthing according to the newbie vpn section. Did you mean this file supervisord.log? I can't find login credentials that needs to be censored in it.

Check that the username and password you specified in the docker settings actually work to log in to PIA, also, change to an endpoint that supports port forwarding.

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27 minutes ago, Wouter said:

I can't find login credentials that needs to be censored in it

It's in the log, so you should change it asap. If you still can't get it to work after doing what @jonathanm said, please edit the container and set the DEBUG variable to "true", delete the supervisord.log, then start the container and let it run a few min before you post a new log

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5 hours ago, Magic815 said:

Can anyone tell me how to enable 'debug' mode with this docker? I'm having an issue with the BlockList plugin inside Deluge, and I'm being told that step one is to enable 'debug' mode. Thanks!


Using blocklist while you're using vpn is pretty useless as @binhex once said:


On 10/24/2017 at 6:28 PM, binhex said:


yes indeed, most probably that blocklist (which is pretty useless btw) has in its list the sites your trying to use to get your external ip.


On 10/24/2017 at 6:38 PM, binhex said:


i personally think blocklists are a waste of time, they generally are out of date, and as you're using a vpn there is no point. 


the banned by ip filter message is not related to pia btw, this is purely telling you the site you are trying to connect to is in the blocklist, you would get the same message whether you were connected to a vpn provider or not, it makes no difference.





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I check my username and password on the pia site and they worked. i changed the openvpn file to sweden which is to the pia site a endpoint with port forwarding.

It is still not working. hereby the log again supervisord.log. Also what line in the log is the sensitive information that i need to change? I don't see anything special in it.

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