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Has Flood stopped working with the new update for anyone else? Rutorrent works fine, but flood isnt. Im seeing 

2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 DEBG fd 17 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22911187286784 for <Subprocess at 22911187284840 with name flood-script in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 DEBG fd 21 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22911187287072 for <Subprocess at 22911187284840 with name flood-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 INFO exited: flood-script (exit status 0; expected)

In the logs. 

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Hello, I just installed rtorrentvpn and got it all setup. I'm trying to use autodl-irssi however it isn't connecting to ANY irc servers. I've done it on other rtorrent's with no problem. Any ideas on what would be causing this? I use PIA as my vpn and rtorrent is running just fine. No errors on autodl or rtorrent. Just doesn't try to connect to irc servers I set.


Thanks for the container and any help!


EDIT: I fixed the issue, it's not irssi, it's the irc server has banned VPN access. So to fix this, A workaround is use rtorrent and irssi to download ONLY watch files with VPN disabled. Then use Binhex's deluge or Qbittorrent docker to pick up said watch files and have VPN turned on with them.

Edited by Turbo123
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I have a problem.


ruTorrent isn't displaying the full path of a torrent in the ‘Save As’ field of the ‘General’ tab for a selected torrent. Regardless of what the full path is it only displays the ‘Save to’ location (for me: ‘/media/downloads/torrent/completed’). This is making it impossible for me to copy a path or filename for a torrent within ruTorrent.


Example - same torrent:

This docker: https://i.imgur.com/WxutTCm.png

linuxserver docker: https://i.imgur.com/0f2jU7r.png


How to fix this?


PS: I have it like that from start.

Edited by bonk1990
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On 1/6/2019 at 5:07 AM, wisemanofhyrule said:

Has Flood stopped working with the new update for anyone else? Rutorrent works fine, but flood isnt. Im seeing 

2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 DEBG fd 17 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22911187286784 for <Subprocess at 22911187284840 with name flood-script in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 DEBG fd 21 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22911187287072 for <Subprocess at 22911187284840 with name flood-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 INFO exited: flood-script (exit status 0; expected)

In the logs. 

yep flood is currently broken, basically the last release is now so old it no longer builds, thus i was forced to switch to the latest master commit, which is quite different in the procedure for building, so short story is im aware of it being broken and its on my todo list.

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4 hours ago, bonk1990 said:


I have a problem.


ruTorrent isn't displaying the full path of a torrent in the ‘Save As’ field of the ‘General’ tab for a selected torrent. Regardless of what the full path is it only displays the ‘Save to’ location (for me: ‘/media/downloads/torrent/completed’). This is making it impossible for me to copy a path or filename for a torrent within ruTorrent.


Example - same torrent:

This docker: https://i.imgur.com/WxutTCm.png

linuxserver docker: https://i.imgur.com/0f2jU7r.png


How to fix this?


PS: I have it like that from start.


I think I know how to fix your issue,


https://prnt.sc/m41qls - in your rutorrent settings you need to go to autotools and select the two check boxes "Add torrent's label to path" & "Add torrent's name to path"


After doing so only new torrents will show the full path. 


Example: https://prnt.sc/m41tei

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On 1/5/2019 at 11:07 PM, wisemanofhyrule said:

Has Flood stopped working with the new update for anyone else? Rutorrent works fine, but flood isnt. Im seeing 

2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 DEBG fd 17 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22911187286784 for <Subprocess at 22911187284840 with name flood-script in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 DEBG fd 21 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22911187287072 for <Subprocess at 22911187284840 with name flood-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
2019-01-06 00:01:11,964 INFO exited: flood-script (exit status 0; expected)

In the logs. 

Just noticed this as well.


Glad to know you are working on it. For now I have switched back to the main rutorrent interface.

Edited by weirdcrap
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On 1/7/2019 at 8:05 PM, weirdcrap said:

Just noticed this as well.


Glad to know you are working on it. For now I have switched back to the main rutorrent interface.

new image created, please pull down, should have flood working again (works for me).

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2 minutes ago, Spies said:

Great, could I just copy the configuration files from Linux | Server.io's in yours?

probably :-), depends on how far ahead they are from latest release, as i know they go bleeding edge latest commit, you can try, make sure the volume mappings are the same.

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3 hours ago, jrdnlc said:

I know custom is an option but was curious since it will simplify the setup if its baked in

simplify it in what way?, you mean the end user wouldnt need to download the ovpn file and certs?, if thats what you are talking about then im afraid this wont happen, ive been down that road before and all that happens is it means more frequent rebuilds of the image due to ever changing ovpn config files.

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Do you still have to write watch and download folders to the .rtorrent.rc file like


schedule = watch_tv_series, 5, 5, "load.start=/home/torrent/watch_tv_series/*.torrent,d.set_directory="/Media/TVSERIES/"


Or is there some GUI way to do it nowdays? Migrating from an old server I set up like 4 years ago ( rtorrent+rutorrent+autodl-irssi)


How do I acess IRSSI in this docker? From the Terminal? Is it run in an screen session or something?


What does the "Account" options like write your name/pass for certain torrent websites do? Does it auto-login according to rule set to avoid being locked out for activity?

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When using PIA, the incoming port is grabbed and reconfigured on connection, I have my torrent client set to 51413 but in the log I see the line:


2019-01-12 16:39:55,968 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] rTorrent incoming port 49160 and VPN incoming port 26572 different, marking for reconfigure


and the client is showing as un-connectable, where do I need to change this so that it matches?


Worked it out, I had un-commented the line #network.port_range.set so I could forward the relevant port from the router but this broke the auto reconfigure in your script, re-commented the line and its working :)

Edited by Spies
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2 hours ago, Spies said:

Worked it out, I had un-commented the line #network.port_range.set so I could forward the relevant port from the router but this broke the auto reconfigure in your script, re-commented the line and its working

If you are indeed connected through VPN, your router ports have nothing to do with your connection.

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On 6/4/2018 at 2:30 PM, Heciruam said:



I have a question regarding the ratio groups.

Now that I set up sonarr and radarr, I had to set up some ratio rules. And everything works great.

My problem is that the ratio groups are set to default after the docker gets restarted (within rutorrent). I checked the config file if I can change it there so my ratiogroups survive a restart. 

What am I doing wrong? Or where can I make my ratio settings permanent?


Thanks in advance.


p.s. thanks binhex for your great dockers

Did you ever get this solved? I tried to use ratio groups for the first time today and even though I edit the group options, they always seem to go back to default. How can I make these settings permanent? Thank you.

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1 minute ago, theGrok said:

Did you ever get this solved? I tried to use ratio groups for the first time today and even though I edit the group options, they always seem to go back to default. How can I make these settings permanent? Thank you.

At some point it just stopped resetting itself. Not sure why. At the time I just told myself to not restart or update the docker until I also have time to re-enter everything.

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