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[Support] binhex - rTorrentVPN

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I've searched for an answer to the following question, but couldn't find anything:


Is it possible to run multiple instances of this rTorrentVPN container with the same VPN connection? I imagine that each container establishes its own VPN connection and many providers don't support/allow multiple connections.


Or am I imagining this wrong and the VPN connection established e.g. in container rTorrentVPN 1 can be used/shared in rTorrentVPN container 2, 3, ... as well?

Edited by Paradido
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Hi guys.I have managed to install it on Xpenology who is Synology system installed on a pc!


I have just a simple question because i live in Germany and here is a big restriction regardin torrent download ( movies , series etc )


My question is how safe it is? If the Vpn connection go down the download is stopped in the next second or?

Is 100% safe?


I don't want to let it open and vpn to disconnect and after to get a DCMA bill because they are like thousands of euro.


Thanks alot.Binhex ill buy you a german beer :)

Edited by Marian
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I consider myself very new to Dockers and unRAID still, and after installing this container, I'm having difficulty connecting to the WebUI. I'm running unRAID 6.6.6 and trying to open the web GUI via Safari browser, but I just get an error that Safari can't connect.



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Hello, just want to start by saying that this is by far the best torrent docker that I have come across and has been a life-saver. I am having an issue that I was hoping to get some support on or see if anyone else is having the same problem.



I use a combination of Autotools, the unpack feature and Ratio Groups to automatically label new torrents, move them to a folder once the download is complete and then remove them after a certain period of time. When a torrent is added by either Sonarr or Radarr it gets a label of either TV or Movie. Pretty standard stuff. The path to that item is /data/Torrents/Download/TV or /data/Torrents/Download/Movie and once completed I have the auto move set to move the torrent to /data/Torrents/Complete/TV or /data/Torrents/Complete/Movie respectively. Once completed if there is anything that needs to be unpacked that is completed at that time as well. The downloaded item then remains on my server in that folder for 2 weeks and is removed regardless of the seed ratio (this is completed via ratio groups.) When I initially set this up it worked just fine. I tested it multiple times and everything went swimmingly. The problem I am having now is the all of my docker containers are automatically shut down every night for the CA Backup Plugin to run and backup all of my configs. For some reason after that plugin runs all of the features mentioned above stop working and won't start again until I go and stop and restart the container, but everything that should have happened between then doesn't. It will remove old downloads after I restart usually, but anything added after the plugin runs won't get assigned a RatioGroup, Nothing gets auto unpacked or moved to the correct folder when complete. I don't see anything in the logs that would cause this and there shouldn't be anything in the rtorrent.rc file that needs to be edited for this either. Is anyone else having this issue or know of a fix?


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Hi guys,


Just wondering if anyone managed to expose rTorrent's interface to the web over IPv6.

So far I have:

  • Deleted the default admin user / created a non-standard one
  • Created an SSL certificate and replaced the original certs in /config/nginx/certs
  • Exposed ports 9080 and 9443 in my router's firewall
  • Add an AAAA record on my domain pointing to my IPv6 address

From inside my LAN everything works fine. I can access rTorrent using my custom domain over http and https with no problem.

From outside my LAN I can only access rTorrent through http, and the UI only loads partially (it gets stuck trying to request getplugins.php).

And I missing something?

It definitively looks like I need to open a few more ports. Plus, I may be missing something regarding the container's iptable rules. I.e., what should LAN_NETWORK be?

Edited by Cat_Seeder
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Hi guys,


I'm sorry to bother but I'm still struggling with this. Although I understand that external connectivity is not a functionality of the container per see, any help would be very welcome.
I really think that this is a problem related with IPv6 and the container iptable and network settings. If I tunnel traffic through IPv4 (i.e., ngrok) everything works well.
However, I'm stuck behind cgnat and would very much like to have a direct connection to my host.

The symptoms that I'm witnessing are very similar to the ones reported by people trying to set up a reverse proxy (with nginx, traefick, etc). Has anyone managed to get their reserve proxy working? If so, could you please share a copy of your configuration?


Kind regards,  

Edited by Cat_Seeder
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Hi guys,
I'm sorry to bother but I'm still struggling with this. Although I understand that external connectivity is not a functionality of the container per see, any help would be very welcome.
I really think that this is a problem related with IPv6 and the container iptable and network settings. If I tunnel traffic through IPv4 (i.e., ngrok) everything works well.
However, I'm stuck behind cgnat and would very much like to have a direct connection to my host.

The symptoms that I'm witnessing are very similar to the ones reported by people trying to set up a reverse proxy (with nginx, traefick, etc). Has anyone managed to get their reserve proxy working? If so, could you please share a copy of your configuration?
Kind regards,  
Ipv6 is not supported in any of my VPN containers and is actually actively blocked via ip6tables

Sent from my EML-L29 using Tapatalk

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Dear all,


I've been trying to connect to "Remote Torrent Adder" (an extension on Chrome) to ruTorrent, but I seem not to be able to do it.

I put in the IP address, port (9443), also checked the SSL box and put the correct username and password.


The settings work fine on nzb360 and Transdrone on my Android...


Has anyone got this to work for them?

Or know of an alternative method? (Windows client?)



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17 minutes ago, hypno-techie said:

Dear all,


I've been trying to connect to "Remote Torrent Adder" (an extension on Chrome) to ruTorrent, but I seem not to be able to do it.

I put in the IP address, port (9443), also checked the SSL box and put the correct username and password.


The settings work fine on nzb360 and Transdrone on my Android...


Has anyone got this to work for them?

Or know of an alternative method? (Windows client?)



You don't specifically mention Unraid or the docker this thread is about. Since this is your first post here I have to wonder if you didn't just come here to ask some question that has nothing at all to do with our forum.


Are you using this docker? Are you interested in Unraid?

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1 hour ago, trurl said:

You don't specifically mention Unraid or the docker this thread is about. Since this is your first post here I have to wonder if you didn't just come here to ask some question that has nothing at all to do with our forum.


Are you using this docker? Are you interested in Unraid?

My apologies...


I am using rtorrentvpn via docker on a Synology NAS.


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6 hours ago, binhex said:

Ipv6 is not supported in any of my VPN containers and is actually actively blocked via ip6tables

Sent from my EML-L29 using Tapatalk

Humm... That's interesting. At the moment I can access the rutorrent exposed port through my host IP address (i.e., http://[20xx:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy]:9080 works when the request comes from inside my lan). Is the IPv6 request getting translated to IPv4 somehow when I access it inside my LAN?

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2 hours ago, hypno-techie said:

Dear all,


I've been trying to connect to "Remote Torrent Adder" (an extension on Chrome) to ruTorrent, but I seem not to be able to do it.

I put in the IP address, port (9443), also checked the SSL box and put the correct username and password.


The settings work fine on nzb360 and Transdrone on my Android...


Has anyone got this to work for them?

Or know of an alternative method? (Windows client?)



I gave my server a domain name and it is working fine with Remote Torrent Adder. I have a real domain with a DNS entry pointing to my box so that I can access it from the internet. However, inside a LAN you can get away with setting a Domain Name in your DHCP server (e.g., your Router) and a hostname for your NAS. I don't own a Synology router, however, most Linux based distros will update /etc/hostname with whatever you have selected as the server name.


I wouldn't bother with SSL if you are only using it in your LAN (Port 9080 / SSL off should be fine). If you are outside of your LAN you will need to either generate a valid SSL certificate (e.g., with Let's Encrypt) or import the container self signed certificate (https://github.com/bogenpirat/remote-torrent-adder/wiki/Import-self-signed-certificates)

Edited by Cat_Seeder
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I've been unable to resolve port forwarding with PIA (Switzerland which allows port forwarding). Any ideas what I need to change to make it open?


Currently I see:



The reason I ask is if I do the PIA speed tests I get great speeds. When actually seeding as it seems like I'm limited  and that's with 1k torrents and multiple trackers.




Any suggestions?

Edited by Fiala06
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On 3/1/2019 at 10:05 AM, binhex said:

hi all, just to make you all aware of this:-



I've been using rtorrent-ps + tmux in a VPS for a while. It works great.

Version downgrade is fine by me. Just need to double check if that specific version is not blacklisted in any major private trackers.


Unrelated to above: Did anyone manage to get FileManager, FileShare and / or Unpack to work? If so, can you please share the version and installation instructions that you have used? I've tried the custom plugin folders but all plugins end up in "unloaded" state.

Edited by Cat_Seeder
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I just did a fresh install and eventually got it to run and the GUI to display. Now, my syslog is flooded with messages like this every minute:



Mar 2 20:27:47 SS nginx: 2019/03/02 20:27:47 [error] 10424#10424: *68675 connect() to unix:/var/tmp/binhex-rtorrentvpn.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /dockerterminal/binhex-rtorrentvpn/ws HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:/var/tmp/binhex-rtorrentvpn.sock:/ws", host: "ss"


I found a possible solution here: https://serverfault.com/questions/317393/connect-failed-111-connection-refused-while-connecting-to-upstream


... but I am too noob with dockers to even grasp what to do.

Within rtorrent this error message is logged: Bad response from server: (0 [error,getplugins])

supervisod.log contains:

2019-03-02 20:38:34,021 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] nginx running
[info] Initialising ruTorrent plugins...

2019-03-02 20:38:34,115 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] ruTorrent plugins initialised


What is really strange is that the error messages keep occurring even after the rtorrentvpn docker was stopped!


This makes me suspect that the problem might be outside of the docker, despite the fact that it is referenced in the error message.


Really appreciate a nudge in the right direction on how to get this fixed!







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