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Tips and Tweaks Plugin to possibly improve performance of Unraid and VMs

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4 hours ago, Rhuarc said:

Any chance of getting fs.inotify.max_user_instances added to this plugin?  I had to increase that because of a Plex issue, but not sure if it is going to persist after reboot.  Would love to be able to set that and the existing one (max_user_watches) both.


Thank you!


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I only seem to have powersave and performance in the scaling governor. Does anyone know why?


Update. Okay having read through it is because that is all that is offered by Intel P-state driver it seems. Do you get to choose a driver or just have to haev the one it defaults to? I have an Intel i7 9700 8 core CPU.



Edited by planetwilson
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  • 4 weeks later...

The issue with a server hangup when changing from turbo ON to turbo OFF can be mitigated by stopping the main array. Making the change then starting array again.


I'm still not sure what causes the issue but basically the server looses responsiveness and cannot be pinged.


Doe anyone else have any issues? I am on 6.12.6 with a intel 11900t



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Anyone here with an AMD Ryzen? I’m using the 5800x3d on unraid. Changed the governor from performance to ondemand. But I read that there’s an AMD specific driver that is supposedly tailored for these Ryzen cpus? Is that true? Like it’s stated here:


amd_pstate_epp This "active" driver implements a scaling driver with an internal governor for AMD Ryzen (some Zen 2 and newer) processors.


Has anyone used this at all in unraid? Or should I leave it as ondemand/performance realistically?

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I haven't heard of that driver, but I will confirm that "Ondemand" does work for my 3960x (Zen2) as far as I can tell, within the "Tips & Tweaks" plugin.  *Also, "Enable Intel Turbo/AMD Performance Boost?" seems to work as well.  The biggest difference is between "Power Save" and "Performance". YMMV I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

CPU Intel 13500H


The issue is if I turn turbo off then turn back on it stays off until a reboot.

It's a minor issue but have seen it on 2x Intel cpus. First one is a 11900T & this one is a 13500H.


Does anyone else experience this? The new CPU is very good at stepping down so not such an issue.






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12 minutes ago, dopeytree said:

The issue is if I turn turbo off then turn back on it stays off until a reboot.

Turn off turbo boost and then go to a command line and run this command:

/usr/bin/flock -x -w 1 /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo -c 'echo "0" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo'

Let me know if this command generates any errors.  If there are no errors, does the turbo boost turn back on?

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1 hour ago, dopeytree said:

Hmm thanks yeah turbo seems to turn back on with this command as now boosting back up past 2.6Ghz which is the turbo off limit. 


Does the right side of Tips and Tweaks show the proper status of the turbo mode when you turn it back on?

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  • 3 months later...
4 hours ago, amix said:

In the first reply to your opening post, by @RobJ. And then later in some signature (or so), if memory serves me right.

Those links are to the older documentation system that has been replaced.  Trying to fix those now would be pretty impractical and I cannot change a person's signature content.  About all I can do is strike out the links in the text that no longer work.

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