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[Support] binhex - Radarr

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On 01/10/2017 at 2:12 AM, dstanley said:

This docker has been working GREAT for me - thank you so much!


Noticed an error in my log files about fonts:

StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-semibold.ttf not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-semibold.woff not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-semibold.woff2 not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-light.ttf not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-regular.ttf not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-light.woff not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-regular.woff not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-light.woff2 not found
StaticResourceMapper	File /usr/lib/radarr/UI/Content/fonts/opensans-regular.woff2 not found

When I ssh into the docker and check the folders in the Content directory I see that the fonts folder is called Fonts (with a capital) and apparently Radarr is looking for fonts (no capital).


I am very limited in my linux so some help in correcting this would be appreciated - thanks!




NOTE: I copied Fonts folder and contents to 'fonts' within the container - need to know how this could be done permanently I think!?



this is most definitely a coding issue with radarr, so you will need to open an issue on their github repo (assuming its not already been fixed in master branch), link:-




edit - looks like its been submitted as a bug and fixed, so will appear in the next release (whenever they press the button).



Edited by binhex
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  • 1 month later...

My Radarr install was working great until I had I had an issue with my cache drive getting full before mover kicked in and moved everything. This caused all sorts of problem with my dockers as they didn't have the available space to run.  


I removed all my dockers, cleared my cache drive and replaced it with a larger drive.  I have since re installed my dockers but for some reason now Radarr is not working correctly.


System Info

Unraid - 6.3.5

binhex Radarr - Up To Date

binhex NZBGet - Up To Date


Also Running Sonarr with no issues...


Whats Working.

Tested Radarr to connect to Indexers (nzbGeek) - Sucessful

Tested Radarr to connect to Download Client - Successful

nzbGet Test to Eweka - Successful


The Problem.

When I add a new movies, either from my library or a new title I'd like to add to my library I can do a manual search (my preferred method for movies) Click on the download in the search field and it tells me in the lower right its been added to active que but never shows up in nzbgets.  something in the move from sonarr to nzbgets is broken and I've looked an poked around but didn't know what could be wrong.

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i've recently re-installed sab, sonarr and radarr using gridrunners excellent youtube walkthroughs, i deleted my previous versions due to them never working correctly. Sab and Sonarr are now doing their thing thing flawlessly. 


Radarr however isn't moving completed movies into my movie folder (mnt/user/Video2/Movies/) , this is how the mappings are set in Radarr


/data  /mnt/user/downloads/
/media  /mnt/user/Video2/Movies/
/config  /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr


then in sab i have the category called "movies" with the path /data/complete/movies (the folder i created as advised in the walkthrough).


the completed files are downloading into that folder and staying in there.


should i set the path in the sab category to /media? then this will download directly into my movie folder?


apologies if these are stupid questions but i'm just trying to get everything working as it should for once:)


many thanks for your time

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1 minute ago, ThEgOg said:

i now have it set up like this 


/media  /mnt/user/Video2/Movies/
/config  /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr
/data  /mnt/user/downloads/complete/movies/


is that what you meant? i've tested a download and it still downloads to the folder set in sab /data/complete/movies then it remains in that folder?


many thanks for the help


/data does not match between the two applications.


Here's why it doesn't work the way you have it. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086


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thanks for the help Squid:)


so in my case to copy the faq like below:


App Name Container Volume Host Volume
nzbGet /config /mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget
  /downloads /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads
sonarr /config /mnt/cache/appdata/sonarr
  /downloads /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads



i've now setup like this:




/data  /mnt/user/downloads/
/media  /mnt/user/Video2/Movies/
/config  /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr





data  /mnt/user/downloads/
/config  /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd


the completed movie download files are still going into downloads/complete/movies/ which i'm assuming is as i have the movie category path in sab set to /data/complete/movies?? i want when finished to go into my main movie folder on the server


should i be mapping another path in the sab docker to my movie folder on my server /mnt/video2/movies/ then making that the movie category path in sab?


thanks again for your time



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thanks for the help Squid:)


so in my case to copy the faq like below:


App Name Container Volume Host Volume
nzbGet /config /mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget
  /downloads /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads
sonarr /config /mnt/cache/appdata/sonarr
  /downloads /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads


i've now setup like this:




/data  /mnt/user/downloads/
/media  /mnt/user/Video2/Movies/
/config  /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr





data  /mnt/user/downloads/

/config  /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd


the completed movie download files are still going into downloads/complete/movies/ which i'm assuming is as i have the movie category path in sab set to /data/complete/movies?? i want when finished to go into my main movie folder on the server


should i be mapping another path in the sab docker to my movie folder on my server /mnt/video2/movies/ then making that the movie category path in sab?


thanks again for your time


Nope. Radarr handles all the moving for you from the completed folder that sab tells radarr the file is sitting in


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with it setup like above it is still leaving the files in downloads/complete/movies/, not moving them to my movie folder?
do i even use the movie category in sab or just leave all the categories blank?
Post the logs from radarr after you've made the adjustmebt
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a strange problem.   I have sonarr and radarr.  Sonarr is working great.  Radarr works great initially but at some point (I think it's server reboot, but not sure) I come back to it with no response from radarr gui on port 7878.   Removing and reinstalling the docker doesn't work either until I delete all the associated appdata and start all over again.  There is no change to the configuration.   It just fails to start after being stopped and then never starts again.  Could this have something to do with Mono?  Googled and found others with this issue, but no solution or real discussion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like another user, I'm getting "Press enter to exit... " in my log after services are started and when I try to access the webui:


_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
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User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.

Press enter to exit...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to use `nightly` instead of `develop` branch of Radarr. Perhaps a separate docker is required for that? Same goes for the nzbget, `develop` instead of `stable`, and sonar.


Any chance you could create those dockers if there's no way with the current ones.

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11 hours ago, woble said:

Is there a way to use `nightly` instead of `develop` branch of Radarr. Perhaps a separate docker is required for that? Same goes for the nzbget, `develop` instead of `stable`, and sonar.


Any chance you could create those dockers if there's no way with the current ones.


im afraid this isn't going to get done, i only produce docker images based off the most stable releases, maybe look at LS versions, these may support bleeding edge versions via env var

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I don't know what happened, or when, but my radarr thinks I'm new all of a sudden.

"You must be new around here, before you start adding movies you may want to check out the following links on our wiki"

But it also says:

  • Downloaded and Monitored: 35
  • Downloaded, but not Monitored: 624


It may have happened when I updated unraid to 6.4 - that was a few weeks ago and I don't know that I've been in here since.  But even though I can look at my /media folder from inside the docker and see everything, Radarr doesn't "know" about it?  I tried to bulk import the folders, and it says no movies were found.  My equivalent Sonarr works fine.


Do I have to delete this docker's appdata and start over?  Or is there something I can do to fix this?


Appreciate any tips.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure this is just something dumb that I am missing, a button not clicked somewhere or something. But I have looked through it for a bit and can't seem to figure it out.


Radarr is downloading to "incomplete" folder via deluge

When DL is finished, it moves it to "complete" folder via deluge setting

Radarr is then renaming to the correct format, and placing in my media->movies folder (or, I guess mover is actually moving them?)


The problem lies in the fact that it doesn't seem to just be renaming and moving the file, it seems to be copying and renaming, leaving the original file in the "complete" folder.


Like I said, I am sure I just missed a setting somewhere to delete this, or possibly I am messing it up by removing the torrent from deluge when the completed ones start to pile up. Or, maybe it is copying the file and renaming due to the fact that the original is seeding at that point? Just a couple ideas, none of which I am certain how to solve. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Don't want to mess with the settings and mess something else up. :)

Edited by jebusfreek666
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Ok, So now I think what is really happening is that it is creating hardlinks with the files original name. Here is what I am seeing:


Screenshot 2018-02-09 at 11.30.51 PM.png

Screenshot 2018-02-09 at 11.30.41 PM.png

Screenshot 2018-02-09 at 11.29.55 PM.png

Screenshot 2018-02-09 at 11.29.43 PM.png


As you can see, in my media share everything is renamed correctly and placed in the correct place. But in my downloads share, it still remains with the downloaded torrent name. Both say they are on disk 2. Both are the "same size". my understanding is that they both point to the same file, but only use up the stated 14Gb once. The issue comes in that I want to clean up the download folder. How do I get rid of these? Can I just delete them? If so, how to I do this? Is it as simple as navigating to mnt/download/completed and deleting everything in there or will this mess something else up? Also, do I change the option from hardlink to copy, and then just manually delete the second copy periodically? I originally left this option on because it said it may not be able to move/rename if it wasn't on. Which would create a different problem....

Edited by jebusfreek666
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27 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

You don't mention you're settings, but I think what you need is this-


Be sure that "Use Hard Links Instead Of Copy" is set to NO.


Also, "Remove Completed Downloads" must be set to YES (don't copy my setting).


Will that remove the hard links that are already there from previous downloads, or will I have to go manually to the share mnt/downloads/completed and just delete everything there?


My settings currently in download client are the same as the pic above, except I have completed download handling "remove" set to yes. And for media management I have rename folders, and hard links set to yes. All others set to no from the picture above.

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