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On 11/8/2019 at 3:25 AM, xthursdayx said:



I may have come across this issue because I was using an old version of your Bitwarden unRAID template, but just in case you don't know the mprasil docker image has been depreciated in favor of this one: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitwardenrs/server


In case you haven't you may want to update your template accordingly. Cheers. 

Your a star! Thanks for spotting this. I will test, and make the necessary changes! Thank you.

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On 10/23/2019 at 9:24 AM, pXius said:

I'm having an issue with the BitWarden container.
Version 1.9.1-8be2ed62


Unraid Version: 6.8.0-rc 3


Regardless of what I set the port to in the template, it will keep using port 80. This makes my port forwarding tricky considering port 80 is already being used.


Any ideas?

Strange, may be a bug with 6.8.0-rc3 as I don't have mine running on port 80 and it works all fine. Post your config?

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3 hours ago, cheesemarathon said:

It should take you to the diyhue UI. Did you set the IP variable to the same IP as your unraid machine? You need to set it to a different IP, the same as the one you should have set in the network settings as it must be on the bridge (br0) network. If the link to go to the web UI still doesn't work, then just browse to the IP you set.

I am now taken to the IP address I put in but nothing comes up.  I get an error that the site can't be reached.  

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On 11/8/2019 at 4:25 AM, xthursdayx said:



I may have come across this issue because I was using an old version of your Bitwarden unRAID template, but just in case you don't know the mprasil docker image has been depreciated in favor of this one: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitwardenrs/server


In case you haven't you may want to update your template accordingly. Cheers. 



looks like I missed that info. How do I migrate my database to the new docker template?



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On 11/24/2019 at 12:25 AM, gizmer said:

looks like I missed that info. How do I migrate my database to the new docker template?

I also randomly spotted another Bitwarden container popping up in the community apps and was kinda confused. Maybe it's that easy to point it to the already existing data folder.


Did someone already tested this?

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1 hour ago, bastl said:

I also randomly spotted another Bitwarden container popping up in the community apps and was kinda confused. Maybe it's that easy to point it to the already existing data folder.


Did someone already tested this?

Yes, I'm using the new container now. Works as it should, all data is still there. 
I'm using the same Bitwarden Appdata directory I used with the old container, now with the new container.

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On 11/28/2019 at 10:55 PM, Ben93p said:

Is anyone else having issues with Uplay not being able to connect or download after enabling the steamcache bundle? It appears to be caching Steam and functioning as a DNS server for regular web traffic.

The steamcache software has ceased development in favour of a new version fixing a large number of bugs. @mlebjerg and I have not yet had time to move the docker image over to the new version of steamcache. Apologies.

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On 11/22/2019 at 11:29 PM, Masterism said:

I have a quick question about the SteamCacheBundle container. Is there a way to see what exactly is being cached?

What exactly do you wan't to know? If it's caching or if a game has been cached. If there is data in the cache directory, then it's working. As for if a game is cached, there is no way to check that other than download it and see if any of the files hit the cache.

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On 11/22/2019 at 2:13 PM, mgranger said:

I am now taken to the IP address I put in but nothing comes up.  I get an error that the site can't be reached.  

I have just installed this container on my machine and it worked perfectly first time. Take a look at my settings in the screenshot below and make sure they match yours. The fixed IP for br0 can be anything, so long as its in the same subnet as your unRAID machine and is not already in use. The MAC value should be the same as the MAC address for br0. The IP value should be the same as the value you set for br0. That should then work perfectly. Then you just need to browse to the IP you set for br0. In my case this is


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27 minutes ago, cheesemarathon said:

What exactly do you wan't to know? If it's caching or if a game has been cached. If there is data in the cache directory, then it's working. As for if a game is cached, there is no way to check that other than download it and see if any of the files hit the cache.

I just wanted to know if it was possible to see what has been cached. Thanks for the reply.

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On 12/5/2019 at 7:29 PM, jenga201 said:

Is there a way to view the UNRAID folder by default in the Cloud Commander container?

On page load, view the mounted files, not the docker's file system.


Also, why does Cloud Commander change the file extension for downloaded files?

Yes just set the root variable in the cloudcmd.json file located in your appdata folder. Just change it to /UNRAID

You can also find all documentation for cloud commander at https://cloudcmd.io/


Cloud commander shouldn't change anything unless your telling it to. Is this when your renaming files? or are you downloading files using the terminal in cloud commander?

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On 12/1/2019 at 10:52 AM, cheesemarathon said:

The steamcache software has ceased development in favour of a new version fixing a large number of bugs. @mlebjerg and I have not yet had time to move the docker image over to the new version of steamcache. Apologies.

Do you have more information on the new version? It is it a "it's ready when it's ready" kinda thing?

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20 hours ago, Masterism said:

Do you have more information on the new version? It is it a "it's ready when it's ready" kinda thing?

Yes, it requires quite a bit of rework so may take some time. Hopefully I'll have some time of this festive period to work on it. Work has kept me very busy of recent. As for @mlebjerg, I believe he has been busy with his studies! Don't worry, there will be a big post here as soon as it is ready! 

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1 hour ago, cheesemarathon said:

Yes, it requires quite a bit of rework so may take some time. Hopefully I'll have some time of this festive period to work on it. Work has kept me very busy of recent. As for @mlebjerg, I believe he has been busy with his studies! Don't worry, there will be a big post here as soon as it is ready! 

No worries, I was just curious as I couldn't find anything about it. :) Thanks a bunch for your work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it normal to get relatively low speeds on steamcache? I have it working right now on a SSD and I am only getting 6 to 10Mb redownload speeds? I can see what looks like about a 100% hitrate in the logs during the download and I have a gigabyte lan and nothing I can see on the server or my computer looks like it is maxing out.

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On 12/21/2019 at 5:20 AM, Ben93p said:

Is it normal to get relatively low speeds on steamcache? I have it working right now on a SSD and I am only getting 6 to 10Mb redownload speeds? I can see what looks like about a 100% hitrate in the logs during the download and I have a gigabyte lan and nothing I can see on the server or my computer looks like it is maxing out.

Yup sounds about typical. A new version is being worked on to improve this. 

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8 hours ago, cheesemarathon said:

Everything you should need to know you can find here:




Anything else you need, feel free to ask


I did try to research, but wasn't sure if anyone had already figured out the recommended configuration.  For instance, what is the Admin token used for? Is there a default login?  When I try to use the Admin token for the Master Password when logging into the web GUI, i get an import key error - when I google it, there appears to be a lengthy process to get it working in https, but I'm not clear on how to do that in Unraid.


I figured someone has already worked out the kinks and is running it, which is why I was curious if there was a written guide out there.

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