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[Support] Ninthwalker - NowShowing

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45 minutes ago, ninthwalker said:

If you look at this path, is there an avatar.png file? Does it have that '?' as it's image?


appdata config path: www/img/avatar.png

No avatar.png there. I’ve entered my token in the nowshowing settings so looks like that results in no avatar and a question mark. Of course I could just use my own avatar perhaps. Is there a size requirement?


Edit: It might also be that I have never set an avatar in Plex. Don’t even see any setting for it unless it’s “ Photo”?

Edited by wgstarks
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1 hour ago, wgstarks said:

No avatar.png there. I’ve entered my token in the nowshowing settings so looks like that results in no avatar and a question mark. Of course I could just use my own avatar perhaps. Is there a size requirement?


Edit: It might also be that I have never set an avatar in Plex. Don’t even see any setting for it unless it’s “ Photo”?


Plex should default to the first letter of your account name I believe if nothing set. All those ‘H’ and ‘S’ and letters you see in circles for your friends list. 


In the next small bug update i’m going to include a blank default avatar.png file so it won’t generate a ‘?’ Or invalid image if one doesn’t get downloaded from Plex. 


As mentioned prior, the path is www/img/avatar.png. 


So you can put your own there if you wanted. It gets resized down to 60px wide and auto height for the dimensions. 

Edited by ninthwalker
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@ninthwalker -  this is a great tool - so thank you.


The folder images on my WebGUI disappears as soon as I hover over them, the information and the hyperlink to IMDB still works as intended.


It looks like this when I first access the page:



After I Hover over the movies it looks like this:



Any idea why this is happening - I am using Chrome to access the WebGUI. All help appreciated.

Edited by abhi.ko
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14 minutes ago, abhi.ko said:

@ninthwalker -  this is a great tool - so thank you.


The folder images on my WebGUI disappears as soon as I hover over them, the information and the hyperlink to IMDB still works as intended.


It looks like this when I first access the page:



After I Hover over the movies it looks like this:


14 minutes ago, abhi.ko said:

Any idea why this is happening - I am using Chrome to access the WebGUI. All help appreciated.


Definitely haven't seen that before.

A couple things:


- Assuming you are on v2, what is the specific version. Find that under Tools > Help Links.

- Can you replicate the same behavior in another browser?

- maybe a chrome addon or something interfering/no javascript plugin or something?

- last thing to check would be the chrome developer console (F12) and see if that says any error.




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I believe i found the cause/fix for the stat issues.

Fat fingering some code on my part was the issue for the stat checkboxes not displaying the true saved values in the web gui.


As for some stats reporting/failing.

1 - my code would make all stats fail to report if one selected failed. This will be changed in the next small bugfix update to still report on all the stats it can.

2 - Failures seem to be caused if tautulli didnt report back a value. Or an empty array in some cases.

This is caused for example, if the reporting days is set to say 3, and you have top song statistic selected, but no song has been played in the last 3 days of the report window.


I still haven't replicated your proxy timeout though.

Been running through my public nginx proxy to access my tautulli instance and no timouts occur.


Thanks again for the bug report.


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NowShowing v2.0.2 is now available.


Mainly a little bugfix release with a couple small quality of life additions:



  • Added: Tautulli Stats 'Test connection' button
  • Added: Total song stat is now optional
  • Added: Auto selection logic for total stats
  • Added: Norwegian language (Thanks @Hertizch [github])
  • Fix: Stats that are empty will not cause other stats to fail
  • Fix: Show correct stat selection in web gui
  • Fix: Mobile Background adjustment
  • Fix: Email re-alignment (Thanks @luisv)
  • Fix: Web GUI announcement display fix
  • Fix: Add default blank avatar image on new installs
  • minor text fixes
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On 4/13/2018 at 4:02 AM, ninthwalker said:



Definitely haven't seen that before.

A couple things:


- Assuming you are on v2, what is the specific version. Find that under Tools > Help Links.

- Can you replicate the same behavior in another browser?

- maybe a chrome addon or something interfering/no javascript plugin or something?

- last thing to check would be the chrome developer console (F12) and see if that says any error.




Yeah it doesn't happen on other browsers. Edge and Chrome on Android works just fine. So I will ignore it. It could be one of the addon scripts causing the issue.


Also to check the version I don't see a tools button on the home page - sorry I might be looking at the wrong place. 

Edited by abhi.ko
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1 hour ago, abhi.ko said:

Yeah it doesn't happen on other browsers. Edge and Chrome on Android works just fine. So I will ignore it. It could be one of the addon scripts causing the issue.


Also to check the version I don't see a tools button on the home page - sorry I might be looking at the wrong place. 


If you edited the advanced.yaml file by hand then you are on the old v1. 


v2 has a web interface for settings and other features. 


v2 has to be installed fresh though, as a direct upgrade path from v1 wasn’t possible. 


once on v2, you can get to the admin page by adding /admin on to the end of the URL:



Edited by ninthwalker
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48 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

This isn't a major issue, but I notice that I never get extra details even though I have them enabled (not even really sure how they should appear).



The web does not have extra details. Only the email. That would be too much information to try and fit cleanly on the website. 


If you run a test email with extra extra details and then again without you will see the difference. Extra details adds ratings and actors names and director and things like that

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54 minutes ago, ninthwalker said:

If you run a test email with extra extra details and then again without you will see the difference. Extra details adds ratings and actors names and director and things like that

It works for test emails but not for the scheduled ones.


Here is a test email-



Here is a scheduled email with the same settings-




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Can’t replicate that issue. 

If I set details to yes, then wait for the cron schedule to run it adds extra details. 


Are you sure you have it set to ‘yes’ on the report tab?


optionaly, to manually check another way, after saving the cron setting, go to command line and run the following. It should have the -d flag next to the command in the cron:


docker exec NowShowingv2 crontab -u xyz -l



Edited by ninthwalker
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Here is the email-



As you can see there are no details included. I've attached my advanced.yaml (redacted).

This only happens when running the report from the cron schedule. If I use "test" or run it on the command line everything works.

Is there a way to increase verbosity in settings so that the cron schedule will generate a more detailed log?



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10 minutes ago, wgstarks said:




Here is the email-



As you can see there are no details included. I've attached my advanced.yaml (redacted).

This only happens when running the report from the cron schedule. If I use "test" or run it on the command line everything works.

Is there a way to increase verbosity in settings so that the cron schedule will generate a more detailed log?




I see you have test enabled in your advanced.yaml file, what happens when you set it to disable?

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i have been having a bit of drama trying to work out why my emails haven't been sent turns out it has been shortening my mail password, i have 3 characters in the password replaced *****�* so every time i tried to make a change to cron job or stats to test mail, it failed the email authentication i went in to the advanced.yaml only to see an upside down question mark replacing the 3 places in the password, not sure if anyone else has had this problem or if its just the combo of characters in my password that cause this, apart from this one hick-up great piece of software.

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11 hours ago, fr05ty said:

i have been having a bit of drama trying to work out why my emails haven't been sent turns out it has been shortening my mail password, i have 3 characters in the password replaced *****�* so every time i tried to make a change to cron job or stats to test mail, it failed the email authentication i went in to the advanced.yaml only to see an upside down question mark replacing the 3 places in the password, not sure if anyone else has had this problem or if its just the combo of characters in my password that cause this, apart from this one hick-up great piece of software.


Can you provide a mock-up of what your password looks like, including those 3 characters you're using?

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2 hours ago, GroxyPod said:


Can you provide a mock-up of what your password looks like, including those 3 characters you're using?


I think I know what the issue is. Has to do with taking input characters from the web and cleaning them for malicious code prior to saving. I should have left that off of password fields but apparently left it on. 


I’ll pm you @fr05ty to double check so you don’t have to post part of your password, then add to the next little update I push out. Thanks for the bug report. 


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RESOLVED: Removed 

test: "enable"

Test was stopping emails, I thought I needed this enabled in order to use the Test report option....





First what a GREAT project - I use TauTulli but spamming people with 21 emails isn't very nice :-) so this is a lifesaver

I installed the docker image on my Synology NAS, (For everyone who wants to do this you should run the Wizard, - command line will give you error and cant run)

I am running version 2.0.2 and have not changed any of the cron settings and I have gmail working BUT...


I have trouble understanding the rules for sending emails (I use on-demand for testing, which I assume would email everyone listed?)

Also having two plex servers with different users, but only adding one plex server to ShowingNow, would it still send to all users associated with my account?

  1. I don't want to email to all my user accounts only a selection of them so I have set Cron test YES and
    Email Plex Users: NO
  2. I then added e-mails below for the ones I did want to inform on updates but only received emails to the first email (My own)
  3. I then added Plex user-names to the second box and tried again but still only received email to myself?

When selecting Email Plex users: NO does it then "Blacklist" all Plex emails? because I use selected users emails?


I have checked the config file and I can't see any problems - emails are listed like they should be


UPDATE: Test announcement works, so maybe On-demand report is not what I thought it was? I thought that test report was only for me and theOn-demand report would be sent to everyone on my list.....


Best regards



  title: "Plex Nyt for denne Uge!"
  image: "http://i.imgur.com/LNTSbFl.png"
  footer: "Thanks for watching!"
  language: "en"
  title_image: "img/nowshowing.png"
  logo: "img/logo.png"
  headline_title: 'Just added:'
  headliners: "Laughs,Screams,Thrills,Entertainment"
  footer: "Thanks for watching!"
  language: "en"
  plex_user_emails: "no"
    - "TV Shows (DVR)"
    - "Movies (DVR)"
  server: ""
  from: "Plex Server"
  subject: "Now Showing"
    - "[email protected]"
    - "[email protected]"
    - "Plexuser_A"
  provider: "gmail"
  address: "smtp.gmail.com"
  port: "587"
  username: "[email protected]"
  password: "longsecretpassword"
  interval: "7"
  report_type: "both"
  email_report_time: '30 10 * * 5'
  web_report_time: '30 23 * * *'
  extra_details: "yes"
  test: "enable"
  server: ""
  port: "8181"
  https: "no"
  httproot: ""
  api_key: "long&secret"
  title: 'Statistics:'
  stats: "mvadDtT"
  api_key: "long&secret"



Edited by casperse
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7 hours ago, casperse said:


RESOLVED: Removed 

test: "enable"

Test was stopping emails, I thought I needed this enabled in order to use the Test report option....





First what a GREAT project - I use TauTulli but spamming people with 21 emails isn't very nice :-) so this is a lifesaver

I installed the docker image on my Synology NAS, (For everyone who wants to do this you should run the Wizard, - command line will give you error and cant run)


Best regards






Glad you figured it out.

the test cron is only for making sure the cron schedule goes off as planned and will only send an email to yourself as you found out. 


It was left over from v1, when there was no GUI and a docker restart was required to change cron. 


I left it in v2 for cron testing still, but maybe I should remove it or make it more clear what it does. 


Thanks for letting me know, and glad you like the app!

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NowShowing v2.0.3 is now available.


Web Statistics, Movie/TV Trailers and a few bug fixes:



  • New: Added Statistics to web (table and grid layouts)
  • New: New Stat - Movie/TV added counts
  • New: Anonymous app count stats
  • New: Update notification on Welcome page
  • New: Warn user if test cron mode is enabled
  • New: Webpage updated with trailers & slight color scheme change
  • Fix: Special characters in password now save correctly
  • Fix: Wording & mobile web adjustments

Note: Since web statistics were added, an extra option has been added to the Stats tab to enable/disable stats for each report type.
This defaults to 'none'. After updating you will need to enable it. There is also an option for the web layout. Table or grid.
See Screenshots at the bottom of the Github wiki for an example of the 2 layouts.


As usual, open an issue on Github or post here if you have any issues/questions.

  • Like 1
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On 4/30/2018 at 8:24 PM, ninthwalker said:

NowShowing v2.0.3 is now available.


Web Statistics, Movie/TV Trailers and a few bug fixes:



  • New: Added Statistics to web (table and grid layouts)
  • New: New Stat - Movie/TV added counts
  • New: Anonymous app count stats
  • New: Update notification on Welcome page
  • New: Warn user if test cron mode is enabled
  • New: Webpage updated with trailers & slight color scheme change
  • Fix: Special characters in password now save correctly
  • Fix: Wording & mobile web adjustments

Note: Since web statistics were added, an extra option has been added to the Stats tab to enable/disable stats for each report type.
This defaults to 'none'. After updating you will need to enable it. There is also an option for the web layout. Table or grid.
See Screenshots at the bottom of the Github wiki for an example of the 2 layouts.


As usual, open an issue on Github or post here if you have any issues/questions.


I'm having issues with mine where it's not pulling any episode/season data. You have any idea why this might happen?

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