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[SUPPORT] malvarez00 - MotionEye

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't seem to passthrough my camera.

lsusb gives me this

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 045e:075d Microsoft Corp. LifeCam Cinema


I passthrough a device pointing to : /dev/bus/usb/002/003

And the container doesn't recognize the camera.  (no cameras found)


And in /dev there's no device with ttyusb# either...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not had success resolving the timezone issue. I did find this, which may be a solution, but I am not knowledgable enough to implement it to test:



Use the following command to start motionEye inside a Docker container. You don't need to download the images first. If you just fire the start command, the images are downloaded automatically, if they do not exist locally.

docker run --name="motioneye" \
    -p 8765:8765 \
    --hostname="motioneye" \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /etc/motioneye:/etc/motioneye \
    -v /var/lib/motioneye:/var/lib/motioneye \
    --restart="always" \

Add additional port mappings with the -p parameter if you want to use the streaming feature of motion. Change the two bind paths /etc/motioneye and /var/lib/motioneye according to your needs. The first contains the configuration files for motionEye and the second will be used as file storage for still images and movies. The bound file /etc/localtime is necessary for a proper timezone configuration inside the container using the timezone of the host.

Source (Highlighting added)


Can anyone determine if this is a viable/applicable methodology?

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Hi all,


I've been able to fix the time zone issue. Seems like the time was off because this docker isn't including the tzdata package (https://github.com/aartrost/Docker-MotionEye/commit/acfd7929ab1a989bcb6c6f0bb48dd991aeb365b8). I've created a fork of this repository that does include this package as a temporary work-around. If somebody is interested you can find it here: https://hub.docker.com/r/aartr/docker-motioneye/. To apply this fix to your own unraid docker container, just edit the docker container config and update the Repository field to aartr/docker-motioneye . Hopefully malvarez00 can update the official docker with this minor change so that everybody will get the fix automatically.



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Just now, Ruthalas said:

aartr's fork works well to solve this issue!

Looking forward to his changes being merged into the main branch.

Thank you aartr!


Good to hear! After posting I also updated the container to the latest version of Motion (4.0 -> 4.1.1) and updated MotionEye from 0.39 -> 0.39.1. This required an update to Ubuntu 18.04 as well. 


Doing so fixed some issues for me with video saving. Stored videos were playing back too fast, updating to Motion 4.1.1 fixed this.

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11 minutes ago, steve9992000 said:

hi ruthalas, thanks for your answer. i have the orphan image but no new-motioneye at all. I'm sure it's me doing something wrong, just dunno what :))

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 01.00.04.png

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 01.00.28.png


Hey Steve,


Not quite sure what's up. I'd just try to fully remove all the motioneye related containers and do a fresh install. This shouldn't affect your container's config in stored in appdata.

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hi aartr, thanks for your answer. tried it, but no success. I've even removed my config dir starting a brand new motioneye instance, then changed the repo field, but once again, orphan image and no new one. Is it possible that I kinda have to add your repo somewhere before tryng to pull from it? it says data pulled 0 bytes (?). maybe I just don't reach your repository?

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 01.54.00.png

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12 minutes ago, steve9992000 said:

hi aartr, thanks for your answer. tried it, but no success. I've even removed my config dir starting a brand new motioneye instance, then changed the repo field, but once again, orphan image and no new one. Is it possible that I kinda have to add your repo somewhere before tryng to pull from it? it says data pulled 0 bytes (?). maybe I just don't reach your repository?

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 01.54.00.png


I'm guessing there's something wrong in your container's config or your server can't reach dockerhub properly. I just tried and everything seems to be working well for me. I don't have a lot of experience with docker either so I'm afraid I can't help any further.

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Kinda solved my issue, just reporting in case someone ever had the same problem. Attaching screenshot of CA settings, so that the writing "click here to get more results..." appeared after a "motioneye" search in ca. than I finally found the aart repo/app listed, created a new installation with a different name and port nr, then copied/pasted the config folder from the original motioneye image config using krusader.

Then deleted the original motioneye image.

Sorry, didn't mean to write so much in the tread, hope it can be useful to other al least. Thanks everyone.

ps. aartr/docker-motioneye actually solved the time zone issue thanks1087407139_ScreenShot2018-06-21at02_19_55.png.1239a95b17ed1a7c205abf3c27df1554.png1252054036_ScreenShot2018-06-21at02_19_48.png.4d24ddbdee5b8c679b3097631223d67a.png

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  • 2 months later...

Timestamp was incorrect for me, so I executed a band-aid fix -- installing NTP inside the container.


Note if anyone else does this (bad) fix, you will need to re-install NTP after every update.

docker exec -it MotionEye bash

apt-get install ntp


Restart container.




Note I have snapshots + Motion recording (h264) working on a pair of Amcrest ip2m-841b. Thanks for the template :)

Edited by andrew207
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/21/2018 at 6:44 PM, jonathanm said:


@opticon, your post is a little difficult to read, you may want to quit messing with font, color, or size.

I think that might be because your on the light theme? I've just left mine at the new default dark theme.


If there's a fix etc let me know. First time posting with this new forum so I don't know if it's a issue for everyone etc



Edited by opticon
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16 minutes ago, opticon said:

I think that might be because your on the light theme? I've just left mine at the new default dark theme.


If there's a fix etc let me know. First time posting with this new forum so I don't know if it's a issue for everyone etc

It's definitely because of the theme difference. If you leave the text default and just type, it's fine. If you really MUST play with fonts, colors and sizes then I recommend you spend the time to switch back and forth between the themes to make sure it's visible for everyone. You can switch themes quickly at will, and preview how your post will appear. An unposted reply will seem to be gone when you switch, but as soon as you click reply it will come back.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, LondonDragon said:

Hi everyone, every time I reboot the unraid server I loose all my camera settings, any idea why this is happening?



Not that I use the container, but that *sounds* like you've got an incorrect path mapping which is resulting in the settings being written to ram.


To eliminate at least that, https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345



And, do you have a cache drive?

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4 minutes ago, Squid said:

And, do you have a cache drive?

Many thanks for guiding in the right direction, indeed I do not have a cache drive and it was trying to save by default to cache rather than users :( should have spotted that, I am still new to this. Many thanks


Now off to crawl for answers on why ">_ Terminal" menu no longer works and reports 502 Bad Gateway :(

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