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[Support] Djoss - Avidemux


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ill give a I re try..  

I don't do  docker console I don't mess with that stuff..  I only use  SSH or the unraid  console  

but I did try the console under Avidemux   as  I only ever do  Edit or Webgui  I don't touch any other settings


but ill give it a try again.. thanks for helping so far.. I appreciate it and have a great weekend


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1 hour ago, joghurt said:

How can I roll back to an older version. Is there a chance by changing the repository path?



yes it is, but as advice, you rather should ask or check what your issue is ...


1 hour ago, joghurt said:

the actual entry says: jlesage/avidemux



as sample to roll back one tag, add like marked instead ... but again, this is sure not the solution to your issue ...




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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I had to reinstall this docker, I lost my extra arguments indication the /dev/srX and /dev/sgX numbers for the drives. I know the numbers but am not getting the drives to be recognized in avidemux, can someone share a working parameter set with me? This is for some reason not in the documentation as far as I could find.



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On 9/2/2023 at 9:59 PM, jpurdy647 said:

I had to reinstall this docker, I lost my extra arguments indication the /dev/srX and /dev/sgX numbers for the drives. I know the numbers but am not getting the drives to be recognized in avidemux, can someone share a working parameter set with me? This is for some reason not in the documentation as far as I could find.




Each drive has its how devices.  You can run "lsscsi -g" to see which devices are associated to your drive.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I would very much appreciate if you could help a newbie around queue processing for Avidemux.
I have it installed on my Unraid, in a docker, and I have quite a few videos (camera surveillance footage) which I need to cut parts and save them separately for a montage. Just family stuff, with family members coming and going when they visit us.
I want to go through a few hundred of those footage files, execute the cut for each and add to queue processing. I am able to add a cut to a job, now Avidemux is asking me for a job name and output file. After filling that form, I assume the job is added to some list somewhere.
Opening the docker container's command line from Unraid, I managed to find "/usr/bin/avidemux3_jobs_qt5", when running, the docker application shows an "Avidemux jobs" window and the CLI shows the following output:


/usr/bin # ./avidemux3_jobs_qt5 
Directory /root/.avidemux6/ exists.Good.
Using /root/.avidemux6/ as base directory for prefs, jobs, etc.
  Avidemux Jobs v2.8.1
 Code      : Mean, JSC, Gruntster 
 GFX       : Nestor Di , [email protected]
 Design    : Jakub Misak
 FreeBSD   : Anish Mistry, [email protected]
 Audio     : Mihail Zenkov
 MacOsX    : Kuisathaverat
 Win32     : Gruntster

Compiler: GCC Alpine Clang 13.0.1
Build Target: Linux (x86-64)
 [jobInit] 21:14:57-696  Initializing database (/root/.avidemux6/jobs.sql)
 [ADM_jobCheckVersion] 21:14:57-697  Db version 3, our version 3
 [ADM_jobCheckVersion] 21:14:57-697  Same version, continuing..
 [jobInit] 21:14:57-697  Successfully connected to jobs database..
QStandardPaths: runtime directory '/tmp/run/user/app' is not owned by UID 0, but a directory permissions 0700 owned by UID 99 GID 100
 [loadTranslator] 21:14:57-708  Using system language
 [loadTranslator] 21:14:57-708  Initializing language en_US
 [loadTranslator] 21:14:57-708  Translation folder is </usr/share/avidemux6/qt5/i18n/>
 [loadTranslation] 21:14:57-708  [Locale] Loading language file /usr/share/avidemux6/qt5/i18n/qtbase_en_US  [loadTranslation] 21:14:57-708  FAILED
 [loadTranslation] 21:14:57-708  [Locale] Loading language file /usr/share/avidemux6/qt5/i18n/avidemux_en_US  [loadTranslation] 21:14:57-708  succeeded
 [loadTranslator] 21:14:57-708  Updating translations...
 [loadTranslator] 21:14:57-708  [Locale] Test: &Edit -> &Edit

 [createBindAndAccept] 21:14:57-741  Binding on
 [createBindAndAccept] 21:14:57-741  Socket bound to port 45445
 [jobWindow] 21:14:57-741  Socket bound to 45445
 [refreshList] 21:14:57-741  Found 0 jobs


The job list window is empty, though. 

...And this is where I am not sure how to continue any more. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

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