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[Support] spikhalskiy - ZeroTier

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There will be no updates from me here. There were no changes in the container and its configuration and the same exact container with the same exact configs continues to work successfully on Servers with other Linux distributions. So the problem is in the Unraid update and the fix if any will come from the Unraid team.


What I personally observe, with the following Docker settings at least, Zerotier can connect to the service just fine, and other devices in the virtual network can successfully ping the Unraid virtual IP address. And I even can open a directory listing on <unraid virtual ip>:6080. But Unraid UI and docker container ports are not available for devices in the virtual network.


My only guess is that 6.12 brought some unannounced changes in isolation causing it. iptables? nginx? I can't figure it out.



Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 8.08.51 PM.png

Edited by Dmitry Spikhalskiy
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For anyone looking for a solution, I was able to connect to my unraid 6.12.2 from a phone on zerotier 1.10.6.


Just go to settings -> Network Settings. In Routing Table section find your zerotier ip and copy interface name from gateway column. Paste the interface name into "Include listening interfaces" field under Interface Extra section, hit apply, and it should all be working.


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I'm not anyone else, but I've just tested it on windows client (also 1.10.6). It took about 1 or 2 minutes to establish the connection, but I can access both unraid GUI and shares. Windows client was connected through the same internet connection as phone (LTE) in previous test. Additionaly I can mention, that currently my unraid server is on network without public ip to the internet (fighting with ISP about it), so it's definietly going through zerotier

Connection to docker containers also works. Currently listening to music from Jellyfin with zerotier ip

Edited by Vivent
addition info
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/14/2023 at 5:48 PM, Vivent said:

For anyone looking for a solution, I was able to connect to my unraid 6.12.2 from a phone on zerotier 1.10.6.


Just go to settings -> Network Settings. In Routing Table section find your zerotier ip and copy interface name from gateway column. Paste the interface name into "Include listening interfaces" field under Interface Extra section, hit apply, and it should all be working.



Thank you ! This worked for me when I could no longer ssh via Zerotier (connection refused). I opened a pull request to add this in the readme of the repo as I am sure others will come across this issue when they upgrade their Unraid server.

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The above solution originally published by @Vivent that includes setting "Include listening interfaces" works for me with the latest 6.12.4-rc18 and 6.12.4-rc19. unRaid UI, shares, and docker containers are fully available for other nodes in Zerotier virtual network again.

Important, if you upgrade from 6.12.3 and have the listening interfaces already set up as suggested: wipe them out, save, and put your zerotier gateway name back again. It was a necessary step for me to make things work after 6.12.3 -> 6.12.4-rc18/19 upgrade.

Edited by Dmitry Spikhalskiy
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since 3days I have ao problem with my Zerotier connection:


Unraid: 6.12.3


/ # zerotier-cli status
200 info 0f6e035011 1.12.1 OFFLINE
/ # 
/ # zerotier-cli join 8bxxxxxxxxxx18
200 join OK
/ # 
/ # zerotier-cli peers
200 peers
<ztaddr>   <ver>  <role> <lat> <link>   <lastTX> <lastRX> <path>
62f865ae71 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
778cde7190 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
cafe04eba9 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
cafe9efeb9 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
/ # 
/ # zerotier-cli listnetworks
200 listnetworks <nwid> <name> <mac> <status> <type> <dev> <ZT assigned ips>
200 listnetworks 8bxxxxxxxxx18 ds_lan 1a:e9:ff:d5:1f:03 OK PRIVATE ztyqbyhkoo
/ # 

...and yes, the button on the Zerotier Panel is checked - but no Updates since 3-Days...


Restart of the container - no change.


Any help or hints?


Thanks Dirk



I have another Unraid Server, same configuration, everything is fine 🙅‍♀️

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On 7/14/2023 at 6:48 PM, Vivent said:

For anyone looking for a solution, I was able to connect to my unraid 6.12.2 from a phone on zerotier 1.10.6.


Just go to settings -> Network Settings. In Routing Table section find your zerotier ip and copy interface name from gateway column. Paste the interface name into "Include listening interfaces" field under Interface Extra section, hit apply, and it should all be working.



this was solving the issue on my end, thank you very much!


unraid 6.12.3


ok (tested):

zerotier 1.8.8 on windows 11

zerotier 1.8.4 on windows 11

zerotier on iphone


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On 8/28/2023 at 12:41 PM, drds said:

since 3days I have ao problem with my Zerotier connection:


Unraid: 6.12.3


/ # zerotier-cli status
200 info 0f6e035011 1.12.1 OFFLINE
/ # 
/ # zerotier-cli join 8bxxxxxxxxxx18
200 join OK
/ # 
/ # zerotier-cli peers
200 peers
<ztaddr>   <ver>  <role> <lat> <link>   <lastTX> <lastRX> <path>
62f865ae71 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
778cde7190 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
cafe04eba9 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
cafe9efeb9 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
/ # 
/ # zerotier-cli listnetworks
200 listnetworks <nwid> <name> <mac> <status> <type> <dev> <ZT assigned ips>
200 listnetworks 8bxxxxxxxxx18 ds_lan 1a:e9:ff:d5:1f:03 OK PRIVATE ztyqbyhkoo
/ # 

...and yes, the button on the Zerotier Panel is checked - but no Updates since 3-Days...


Restart of the container - no change.


Any help or hints?


Thanks Dirk



I have another Unraid Server, same configuration, everything is fine 🙅‍♀️


Did you find a solution to this? I came here with the same issue.

Zerotier is not working in "host mode", seems to work fine in bridged or Custom:bond0 when trying to debug but that is useless to me as I cannot access unraid itself.


Getting the following when trying to debug via the container console:




have the recommended settings for unraid 6.12 under Network settings:





Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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16 hours ago, drds said:

My solution: change the network interface from ipvlan to macvlan - after this change, everything works like expected.


I hope the macvlan  Bug is fixed in the new update.


Best regards Dirk

 Thank you so much for this, I had moved to ipvlan as per all the official advice. Confirmed the container is fixed on host settings when changed my Docker settings back to macvlan


Is this ipvlan issue new in Unraid 6.12 releases or has it always been an issue?


@Dmitry Spikhalskiy Thanks so much for your work on this. Do you think it may be worth noting the issue with ipvlan in the OP or github readme?


UPDATE 12 hours later:


Just had my first system crash in long long time, I remember why I left macvlan!!

I have a few dockers with custom IPs and macvlan causes traces and crashes.


I have had to revent to ipvlan again, is there any way of having ipvlan and working zerotier?


Edited by Capt.Insano
update about crashes
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  • 1 month later...

I setup ZeroTier 1.12.1 docker on Unraid 16.12.4, moreover I have Gitea (at docker) on same host, and Gitea claim about "port in use"
And yes, host say 

root@Tower:~# lsof -i :22
sshd    17749 root    3u  IPv4 80233634      0t0  TCP 10.147.20.xxx:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd    17749 root    4u  IPv4 80233636      0t0  TCP fffffffff:ssh (LISTEN)


Not sure - why we are need listened ssh at ZeroTier network from docker?

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Whenever I reboot my NAS, ZeroTier won't work until I do this:


Settings -> Network Settings -> Interface Extra -> Remove text, paste text again, click "Apply"


Can this be fixed? I don't have to change any settings, but for some reason I need UnRAID to Apply the Interface Extra settings again.

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On 10/25/2023 at 9:40 AM, nmkd said:

Whenever I reboot my NAS, ZeroTier won't work until I do this:


Settings -> Network Settings -> Interface Extra -> Remove text, paste text again, click "Apply"


Can this be fixed? I don't have to change any settings, but for some reason I need UnRAID to Apply the Interface Extra settings again.


That's exactly right. The below solution works but not after reboot, I did what you said and it's working again, this is an Unraid bug.


We should notify this.


On 7/14/2023 at 6:48 PM, Vivent said:

For anyone looking for a solution, I was able to connect to my unraid 6.12.2 from a phone on zerotier 1.10.6.


Just go to settings -> Network Settings. In Routing Table section find your zerotier ip and copy interface name from gateway column. Paste the interface name into "Include listening interfaces" field under Interface Extra section, hit apply, and it should all be working.



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