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[PLUGIN] Disk Location

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I'm having this problem with Disk Location.
Both of my nvme cache drives, the manufacturer is not recognized.

I had a pair of Samsung before and I had to replace them.
Now, I can see the model but the manufacturer info is missing (Crucial Drives)
What can I do to force recognition of the manufacturer ?



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1 hour ago, LordVader said:

I'm having this problem with Disk Location.
Both of my nvme cache drives, the manufacturer is not recognized.

I had a pair of Samsung before and I had to replace them.
Now, I can see the model but the manufacturer info is missing (Crucial Drives)
What can I do to force recognition of the manufacturer ?

No way to force it, just wait for an updated smartmontools to arrive with that info. Maybe next version has it, maybe it won't be added, it's out of my control.


You can obviously add that info manually to the database, but next time it updates it will be overwritten again, so no point in that either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update 2024.07.25

  • Commit #315 - BUG: Export TSV did not export the list as intended.


Update 2024.07.26

  • Commit #319 - MINOR: ZFS Hot Spares status was not recognized.
  • Commit #318 - FEATURE: Possible to download TSV with RAW data (exception for the units read and written which is already calculated from the logical block size, it will show the actual bytes read and written).
Edited by FlamongOle
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On 7/28/2024 at 4:51 AM, cinereus said:

The plugin is saying my drive contents are being emulated (i.e. disk is buggered) even though unraid itself doesn't say this:


What's going on? Do I need to be worried about this disk?

Do a "force update all" and check again. If it's still says it's failing, you might need to look more into the drive. Can be a plugin bug, can be something delayed, can be something unsupported somehow.. there's possibilities. You might send in diagnostics to the unraid guys if it persists (not here). Hopefully you find out about it. Feel free to comment back about it in case I must look more into this later, but that will be after my vacation -- starting now!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I was a dumb-ass and clicked before reading and understanding, and now I've hidden a drive in Disk Location, permanently.

I assumed the — in History would undo/move it back to where I could re-add it to my drives. It hid it permanently.


I saw you mention that it's a manual task that needs to be done in the database, which is fine, I'm comfortable working in the database but

1) I have zero clue where to access the Unraid database

2) I have no idea where to access that drive and switch the hidden flag.


Can you help?

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Posted (edited)
On 8/16/2024 at 5:07 PM, edival said:

Hi, I was a dumb-ass and clicked before reading and understanding, and now I've hidden a drive in Disk Location, permanently.

I assumed the — in History would undo/move it back to where I could re-add it to my drives. It hid it permanently.


I saw you mention that it's a manual task that needs to be done in the database, which is fine, I'm comfortable working in the database but

1) I have zero clue where to access the Unraid database

2) I have no idea where to access that drive and switch the hidden flag.


Can you help?



Did you check and try the "Undelete all devices" under "System"? Would be my first thing, before "Force update all". If you don't see that button, then likely it's not in the database at all and are lost forever.


Original answer:

After removing it from the "History" under "Tray Allocations", a "Force update all" should bring it back as long as the drive is still in the system. If it is in fact a history drive, you might need to do a manual database task, unless you can use a backup (if you have). Backup the current one before restoring an old one or fiddling with it manually.


You can enter database by, in terminal:

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite


Then enter this to find your drive:

select id,device,model_name,smart_serialnumber,status from disks;


When you have identified your drive, type:

update disks SET status='' WHERE id=<ID OF THE DRIVE>;
update disks SET status='' WHERE id=23;


End the SQL with



After this, do a "Force update all" and fix the drive as you intend, unless it fixes itself. 

Edited by FlamongOle
Added another answer
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When I add some drives to a tray allocation, it crashes the gui for the disk location and the gui for the unraid dashboard until i uninstall the plugin and remove the disklocation directory in boot/config/plugins. The specific drives that cause this issue are old seagate drives. All other drives add nicely. Ive tested this to be sure, and have added the drives in multiple different orders to the tray allocation (uninstalling the plugin and removing directory each time), and it only fails when either of the two seagate drives are added. Any assistance in fixing this issue would be much appreciated! Ive attached images of the existing drive structure and the failed images.





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On 8/19/2024 at 12:22 PM, berrybites said:

When I add some drives to a tray allocation, it crashes the gui for the disk location and the gui for the unraid dashboard until i uninstall the plugin and remove the disklocation directory in boot/config/plugins. The specific drives that cause this issue are old seagate drives. All other drives add nicely. Ive tested this to be sure, and have added the drives in multiple different orders to the tray allocation (uninstalling the plugin and removing directory each time), and it only fails when either of the two seagate drives are added. Any assistance in fixing this issue would be much appreciated! Ive attached images of the existing drive structure and the failed images.






Okay, i think i made progress, but still cant add drives. Both seagate drives are older drives and have been powered on for about 65850hours each, which is more than the 2 byte value maximum of 65536 (2^16) that i believe is causing this issue. So for very old drives, i bet you will see this type of behavior. My theory is there is an overflow issue causing this. I dont have a fix, but maybe increasing the value to 4 bytes for drive power on hours, that could fix this.


I noticed an overflow in the Scrutiny docker that was giving me 94584 years for the drive power on age. So maybe same issue is happening here. When running

'''smartctl -a /dev/sde''',

i get

'''9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   025   025   000    Old_age   Always       -       65850''' .


Edited by berrybites
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On 8/24/2024 at 6:49 PM, berrybites said:

Okay, i think i made progress, but still cant add drives. Both seagate drives are older drives and have been powered on for about 65850hours each, which is more than the 2 byte value maximum of 65536 (2^16) that i believe is causing this issue. So for very old drives, i bet you will see this type of behavior. My theory is there is an overflow issue causing this. I dont have a fix, but maybe increasing the value to 4 bytes for drive power on hours, that could fix this.


I noticed an overflow in the Scrutiny docker that was giving me 94584 years for the drive power on age. So maybe same issue is happening here. When running

'''smartctl -a /dev/sde''',

i get

'''9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   025   025   000    Old_age   Always       -       65850''' .


As long as smartctl outputs something, Disk Location is quite agnostic to the numbers themselves. If it fails with smartmontools, then there's not much I can do.


What I find confusing here is that the drives in fact are already added to the database, it just fail being assigned for whatever reason. 


Please give the output of these to me:

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from disks WHERE model_name LIKE '%ST4000%';"
sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from location;"
sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from settings_group;"


Run this, it will create a TXT file that you can send to me (one drive is enough):

smartctl -x --all --json /dev/sdb > /tmp/dl_debug_sdb.txt

You might want to choose another output location if you want to grab the file easier, like somewhere on you array.


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On 8/29/2024 at 4:36 PM, FlamongOle said:

As long as smartctl outputs something, Disk Location is quite agnostic to the numbers themselves. If it fails with smartmontools, then there's not much I can do.


What I find confusing here is that the drives in fact are already added to the database, it just fail being assigned for whatever reason. 


Please give the output of these to me:

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from disks WHERE model_name LIKE '%ST4000%';"
sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from location;"
sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from settings_group;"


Run this, it will create a TXT file that you can send to me (one drive is enough):

smartctl -x --all --json /dev/sdb > /tmp/dl_debug_sdb.txt

You might want to choose another output location if you want to grab the file easier, like somewhere on you array.


Here is the output. Text file is attached. Gui failed after allocating all drives (specifically the seagate ones)


Before allocating any drives:

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from disks WHERE model_name LIKE '%ST4000%';"

1|1:0:0:0|sdb|5 3152 1952939168|Seagate Constellation ES.3|ST4000NM0033-9ZM170|1|S1Z02RXX|38|829121594|273|4000787030016|128|7200|3.5 inches|0|0|0|0|0|512||||||h|||||||||||7188dcf85b0bf9bc5eb9e75e35611f911d8b2b9a9b8fe8672bc78f34a520a769

4|4:0:0:0|sde|5 3152 1702654746|Seagate Constellation ES.3|ST4000NM0033-9ZM170|1|Z1Z2N1B1|37|829121404|250|4000787030016|128|7200|3.5 inches|0|0|0|0|0|512||||||h|||||||||||7a031baba6459e6253cd96f09039e75606346675d18fb0d38def5b7e178a19a6

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from location;"

(no output)

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from settings_group;"




After allocating all drives (gui fails again):

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from disks WHERE model_name LIKE '%ST4000%';"

1|1:0:0:0|sdb|5 3152 1952939168|Seagate Constellation ES.3|ST4000NM0033-9ZM170|1|S1Z02RXX|38|829121594|273|4000787030016|128|7200|3.5 inches|0|0|0|0|0|512|||||||||||||||||7188dcf85b0bf9bc5eb9e75e35611f911d8b2b9a9b8fe8672bc78f34a520a769

4|4:0:0:0|sde|5 3152 1702654746|Seagate Constellation ES.3|ST4000NM0033-9ZM170|1|Z1Z2N1B1|37|829121404|250|4000787030016|128|7200|3.5 inches|0|0|0|0|0|512|||||||||||||||||7a031baba6459e6253cd96f09039e75606346675d18fb0d38def5b7e178a19a6

sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from location;"









sqlite3 /boot/config/plugins/disklocation/disklocation.sqlite "select * from settings_group;"






Thanks again for any help!


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14 hours ago, berrybites said:

Here is the output. Text file is attached. Gui failed after allocating all drives (specifically the seagate ones)


I still can't see why this would fail, everything seems to be in order and added as they should. Even after GUI fails.


I think I might need to see a PHP debug:

1) go to Tools -> PHP Settings

2) clear the logs if it contains anything

3) set Error Reporting to "All categories" and "apply"

4) go to Disk Location and setup the drives that fails

5) when GUI fails to load (wait 1 minute or so), delete the database/plugin folder

6) go back to Tools -> PHP Settings

7) view the log and attach it here (check for sensitive data before posting).

8.) set error reporting to "default" and "apply"


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Is there a way to acknowledge a smart warning and have the plugin return to green for that drive?


I have a used disk with 2 reported uncorrectable errors, which is why I got it for free. Those errors happened a few thousand runtime hours ago, and since then the drive is operating without a hitch. For the normal Unraid interface, I can just acknowledge the errors, and Unraid will show me a green thumbs up.


The only option I found in Disk Location, would be to raise my general limit for UECC, but I don't want to do that for all of my drives, just this one drive

Edited by Elbinho
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1 hour ago, Elbinho said:

Is there a way to acknowledge a smart warning and have the plugin return to green for that drive?


I have a used disk with 2 reported uncorrectable errors, which is why I got it for free. Those errors happened a few thousand runtime hours ago, and since then the drive is operating without a hitch. For the normal Unraid interface, I can just acknowledge the errors, and Unraid will show me a green thumbs up.


The only option I found in Disk Location, would be to raise my general limit for UECC, but I don't want to do that for all of my drives, just this one drive

Not currently, no

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