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Unraid OS version 6.6.7 available


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To upgrade:

If you are running any 6.4 or later release, click 'Check for Updates' on the Tools/Update OS page.

If you are running a pre-6.4 release, click 'Check for Updates' on the Plugins page.

If the above doesn't work, navigate to Plugins/Install Plugin, select/copy/paste this plugin URL and click Install:


Refer also to @ljm42 excellent 6.4 Update Notes which are helpful especially if you are upgrading from a pre-6.4 release.


BIOS: Especially if using Virtual Machines, we highly recommend keeping your motherboard bios up-to-date.


Bugs: If you discover a bug or other issue new to this release, please open a Stable Releases Bug Report.


This is a security release that updates docker from version 18.06.1 to 18.06.3.


Version 6.6.7 2019-02-22

Base distro:

  • docker: version 18.06.3 (CVE-2019-5736)
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Could be a coincidence, but I was on 6.6.1, installed the 6.6.7 update, rebooted the server, and upon reboot I was still on 6.6.1, and received an error "USB drive is not read-write".  This is a new flash drive purchased from Costco about 3months ago specifically to use with unRAID.


It also wants to do a parity check, and says "Unclean shutdown detected." despite it definitely being a clean reboot. 


I tried running the update again and it gave this error:

inflating: /tmp/unRAIDServer/syslinux/syslinux.cfg 
flash write error 0, maybe corrupted?
plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1


Edited by eleazar
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That suggest that when doing the update the write to flash either failed or dropped offline.   It would also explain why the parity check was instigated as if the disk state cannot be written to the flash after shutting down the array Unraid will think it was an unclean shutdown.  


You might want to try putting the flash drive into a Windows or Mac system and let it heck for corruption?  If so make sure that it can be fixed just in case there is a real problem with the flash drive.  Is the flash drive a USB2 one and do you use a USB2 port on your Unraid system?  Just asking as using USB2 for both of those seems to be much less prone to unexpected errors.


While plugged into your PC/Mac it would be a good idea to make sure you have a backup of the config folder?    You then have the option of erasing the current flash drive, creating it as a new flash drive with the 6.6.7 release and then overwriting the config folder with your saved one to set back all your settings and your license key.   Alternatively if you created a backup of the flash drive from the Unraid GUI you could use that.

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11 hours ago, limetech said:

To upgrade:

If you are running any 6.4 or later release, click 'Check for Updates' on the Tools/Update OS page.

If you are running a pre-6.4 release, click 'Check for Updates' on the Plugins page.

If the above doesn't work, navigate to Plugins/Install Plugin, select/copy/paste this plugin URL and click Install:


Refer also to @ljm42 excellent 6.4 Update Notes which are helpful especially if you are upgrading from a pre-6.4 release.


BIOS: Especially if using Virtual Machines, we highly recommend keeping your motherboard bios up-to-date.


Bugs: If you discover a bug or other issue new to this release, please open a Stable Releases Bug Report.


This is a security release that updates docker from version 18.06.1 to 18.06.3.


Version 6.6.7 2019-02-22

Base distro:

  • docker: version 18.06.3 (CVE-2019-5736)



Thank you for bringing security first and release a patch for this.



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2 hours ago, itimpi said:

That suggest that when doing the update the write to flash either failed or dropped offline.   It would also explain why the parity check was instigated as if the disk state cannot be written to the flash after shutting down the array Unraid will think it was an unclean shutdown.  


You might want to try putting the flash drive into a Windows or Mac system and let it heck for corruption?  If so make sure that it can be fixed just in case there is a real problem with the flash drive.  Is the flash drive a USB2 one and do you use a USB2 port on your Unraid system?  Just asking as using USB2 for both of those seems to be much less prone to unexpected errors.


While plugged into your PC/Mac it would be a good idea to make sure you have a backup of the config folder?    You then have the option of erasing the current flash drive, creating it as a new flash drive with the 6.6.7 release and then overwriting the config folder with your saved one to set back all your settings and your license key.   Alternatively if you created a backup of the flash drive from the Unraid GUI you could use that.

Thanks! I'll run chkdsk /f on the drive when I get home. I'll be sure to get a new backup of the config folder.


I also noticed that apps I installed with nerd tools (ie. screen, tmux) aren't usable from terminal anymore, and same with rclone beta I was running.

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35 minutes ago, hovee said:

I upgraded successfully but am now having an issue connecting to a VM that is running my openvpn server. Were there any changes to iptables that would now be blocking access to it? Probably something on my end, but was curious if anyone else noticed anything.

No other changes.

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I upgraded successfully from 6.6.6 but my Plex container (I use the one from Plex inc.) won't start anymore. Here is what it says in the log:


cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] syncing disks.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
Critical: libusb_init failed
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.



All other containers have started fine.

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I'm sorry to rain on the parade, but I had an issue.


After what appeared to be a successful installation, I rebooted when prompted. Instead of the Unraid gui opening, I received an error that the site was unreachable. I logged into the IPMI interface on the server, and it showed Unraid was at the Tower Login, but no gui. I'll open a bug report, but I don't have a diagnostics log to share, and I have no idea if this is reproduce-able. I could attempt the same process with my backup USB stick to see what happens, but if it fails, I would need help to get a log file out of it. Sadly, my Linux skills are rather laughable.


The good news, is I was able to rectify the situation by reflashing my USB drive with 6.6.7 and recopying the config back onto it.


Original version of Unraid on the server was 6.6.6, and the data disks are encrypted.


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23 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

If you have a Tower Login, login.  At the command prompt, type   diagnostics    and that will write the file to your flash drive in the logs folder/directory.  

Since I've already blown away that USB stick, I'll try to upgrade the back-up stick to see if the issue re-occurs. I have copied the config conterts to it, so the outcome should be similar I expect.

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1 hour ago, Greg F said:

Since I've already blown away that USB stick, I'll try to upgrade the back-up stick to see if the issue re-occurs. I have copied the config conterts to it, so the outcome should be similar I expect.

Well, I was wrong. My Backup USB stick upgraded perfectly, without incident. Interestingly, when I swapped back the original USB stick, with I had re-imaged with the Unraid USB creator, I ended up with no GUI, but a Tower login was present at the server. I have created a diagnostics log.  After a shutdown -r command completed, everything seems fine again. From when I swapped in the original USB stick (line 1), the server has not been moved, powered down except by the shutdown command, nor was the USB stick removed/replaced.


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Only issue I've come across is a few plugins that have been updated recently won't allow install on 6.6.7
plugin: installed Unraid version is too low, require at least version 6.7.0-rc1

Not a biggie, but something to be aware of.

Which plugins? The maximum in the plg file might have been set to 6.6.6
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