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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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On 6/27/2019 at 3:13 PM, bubo said:



On 6/25/2019 at 12:27 AM, bubo said:

Whenever I attempt to use the flag -automanagedmods the Docker image will not successfully start the server.  When I try to use it, I end up with a loop that ends with:


Signal 11 caught.
/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 57: 71 Segmentation fault ./ShooterGameServer ${MAP}?listen?SessionName=${SERVER_NAME}?ServerPassword=${SRV_PWD}?ServerAdminPassword=${SRV_ADMIN_PWD}${GAME_PARAMS} ${GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA}


On 6/25/2019 at 3:10 AM, ich777 said:

Where did you put in the -automanagedmods? In the 'Game Parameters' or in the 'Extra Game Parameters' if you put it in the 'Extra Game Parameters' it should work fine.

I have verified that I placed this flag into Extra Game Parameters.  I went ahead and captured the output from when I edit the Docker:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='ARK-TheIsland' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='376030' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'MAP'='TheIsland' -e 'SERVER_NAME'='Call-The-Island' -e 'SRV_PWD'='' -e 'SRV_ADMIN_PWD'='ARKAdmin' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='?Port=7777 ?QueryPort=27015 ?RCONEnabled=True ?RCONPort=27016 ?bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=true ?FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true' -e 'GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA'='-server -log -exclusivejoin -automanagedmods -NoBattlEye -clusterid=call1 -ClusterDirOverride=/serverdata/clusterfiles' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -p '7777:7777/udp' -p '7778:7778/udp' -p '27015:27015/udp' -p '27016:27016/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/ark-se/island':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' -v '/mnt/usr/appdata/ark-se/cluster':'/serverdata/clusterfiles':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:arkse' 

Whenever I include the -automanagedmods flag, I get this error looping in my log until I stop the Docker image.  Removing only the -automanagedmods flag allows the server to start and run as expected, except it does not check/update the installed mods.





I am having the same issue with the -automanagedmods flag.  Seg fault upon starting the server.  I do not have any spaces in my game parameter string.  Any ideas of things that I might try?  

This is what my start command looks like from Unraid.

/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='ARKSurvivalEvolved' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='376030' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'MAP'='Ragnarok' -e 'SERVER_NAME'='rag' -e 'SRV_PWD'='somepassword' -e 'SRV_ADMIN_PWD'='otherpassword' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='?AllowFlyerCarryPvE=true?AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=true?AllowCaveBuildingPVE=true?OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0?ForceAllowCaveFlyers=true?AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle=true' -e 'GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA'='-automanagedmods -server -log' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -p '7777:7777/udp' -p '7778:7778/udp' -p '27015:27015/udp' -p '27020:27020/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:arkse'


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49 minutes ago, Marcowich said:

I can't connect to my csgo server, because it needs an update. What is the easiest way to go about this? :)

A simple restart of the Container should do the job (open up the Log for the container and look if SteamCMD updates the game or if it says up-to-date).

If it says up-to-date go into the template and set the variable 'Validate Installation' to 'true' (without quotes) and SteamCMD will verify the installation (don't forget to remove the value 'true' from the variable because a startup with the validation takes longer than normal).


Hope this helps.

  • Thanks 1
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Noticing that my Conan Exiles server keeps crashing after a long duration of uptime, spotted this in the log


002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_8 (server) sent 40.5 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_9 (server) sent 41.5 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
002b:fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE: STUB
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_8 (server) sent 52.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5f82f8,(nil)): stub
LogNetPackageMap:Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: DismemberedBodySkeletalMesh_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.Corpse_C_331.DismemberedBodySkeletalMesh_C_208 NOT Supported.
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5f82f8,(nil)): stub
LogNetPackageMap:Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: DismemberedBodySkeletalMesh_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.Corpse_C_331.DismemberedBodySkeletalMesh_C_208 NOT Supported.
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_8 (server) sent 60.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_9 (server) sent 43.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_8 (server) sent 48.5 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
Network:Warning: Data: FunCombat_PlayerController_C_7 (server) sent 42.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
002b:fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0002,0x0000,0x80000002,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x5fc228,(nil)): stub
Network:Warning: Data: BasePlayerChar_C_8 (server) sent 44.0 parts per second > 40 (sample window size: 2.00 seconds)
0009:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000005FFA90
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":99"
after 186 requests (185 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":99"
after 41812 requests (41812 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":99"
after 128 requests (128 known processed) with 1 events remaining.


Anything i can do to stop this?

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ARK "-automanagedmods"


First, I love ARK, second I hate ARK. 


The automanagedmods function is hardcoded in the server binary to use a copy of SteamCMD in a specific location relative to it self to fetch the workshop content, which it then expects to find in a different location than where SteamCMD actually  downloaded it to, so that it can create the .mod meta files that get put in to the server rotation... 


To that end I have added a small amount of code to ich777's start-server.sh and added some variables and volume mappings to the XML to make sure that ShooterGameServer can find the SteamCMD installation and then to locate the downloaded workshop... 


We have been playing on it for quite some time now and it has preformed as expected.


@ich777 do you want to add this small code block to start-server.sh or would you rather I put up a fork under my dockerhub id and then maybe you could help me get the XMLs published to the CA?

echo "---Server ready---"

if [ ! "${MODIDS}" == "" ]; then
echo "---setting Mod config---"
echo "--- ModID(s) ${MODIDS} set ---"

if [ ! "${CLUSTERID}" == "" ]; then
echo "--- setting ClusterID --- "
GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA="${GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA} -clusterid=${CLUSTERID} -ClusterDirOverride=/serverdata/serverfiles/clusterfiles"
echo "--- ClusterID set to ${CLUSTERID} ---"

if [ ! "${CDCURL}" == "" ]; then
echo "--- setting DynamicConfig --- "
echo "--- DynamicConfig set to \"${CDCURL}\" ---"

echo "---Start Server---"

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8 minutes ago, Cyd said:

if [ ! "${MODIDS}" == "" ]; then
echo "---setting Mod config---"
echo "--- ModID(s) ${MODIDS} set ---"

There are probably some template XML changes as well right?  This would only add the modIds to the game params.  I imagine there is a volume mapping needed to double mount the streamcmd so that Ark can find it in it's expected locations.

If you tell me what mappings you use, I can double check that things work if that helps.

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6 hours ago, RedSpider said:

Anything i can do to stop this?

This is one of the things that can happen with WINE and I can basically do nothing about that since there is no native Linux version of the dedicated Server out there...

What is long uptime?

Eventually restart the Container every day at a certain time or every week at a certain time.

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4 hours ago, Cyd said:

@growlith correct there is more to it than that code snip, I was just asking ich weather he wants to roll in my edits to his images or have me publish them as new/forked

I can do that, but I'm thinking about depricating the conatiner and give it to another person that is more experiemced than me with ARK modding but if I do that keep in mind that the container have to be compatible with default servers and not break something...

Write me a short PM about this if you are interested, here is the wrong place to talk about this. ;)

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On 1/26/2021 at 8:15 PM, Harakiric said:

I have tried this but it makes no difference, it still starts up the server immediately instead of txadmin. 

I think its because the docker runs the "+exec server.cfg" ConVar when launching run.sh


is there a way to launch run.sh without any ConVars?

I have now updated the container, please force an update of the container on the Docker page in Unraid: grafik.png.be15b053c1645caaa6b10f236105ede5.png


You now have the ability to delete the entry 'server.cfg' from the variable 'ConfigFile' and the server will start without the server.cfg and load up the txAdmin, but keep in mind that you have to add another Port entry in the template with the container and host port '40120', also you don't have to set any ConVars since these are only if you want to change the port, the default port for txAdmin is 40120 and you then can connect to you txAdmin console with YOURSERVERIP:40120 attached a few screenshots (will update the template discription shortly):









  • Thanks 1
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1 minute ago, BlazingChaos said:


Is there a chance you can give me the full log output?


Click on the icon on the Docker page and click on log then click one more time somewhere on the text an CTRL+A and after that CTRL+C create a textfile on your desktop and open up the textfile and press CTRL+V save and exit the textfile then drag it into the textbox here.

  • Thanks 1
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9 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Is there a chance you can give me the full log output?


Click on the icon on the Docker page and click on log then click one more time somewhere on the text an CTRL+A and after that CTRL+C create a textfile on your desktop and open up the textfile and press CTRL+V save and exit the textfile then drag it into the textbox here.



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4 minutes ago, BlazingChaos said:

Sorry I can't reproduce your error, was the server running before?


Can you give me a screenshot from your template? Also have you installed a Cache drive in your server?


Have you installed anything or customized anything?


Here is the output from a fresh installed Eco server (tried it now):


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i have been playing on the

6 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Sorry I can't reproduce your error, was the server running before?


Can you give me a screenshot from your template? Also have you installed a Cache drive in your server?


Have you installed anything or customized anything?


Here is the output from a fresh installed Eco server (tried it now):

Eco.log 16.65 kB · 0 downloads

i have been playing on it i had to stop it for a update and then it keep popping up with the error 

i do have a cashe drive 

i customized the name and password on the server and the meteor day 



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29 minutes ago, BlazingChaos said:

i have been playing on it i had to stop it for a update and then it keep popping up with the error 

Please try to set the value Validate to 'true' (without quotes) and restart the container?


30 minutes ago, BlazingChaos said:

i do have a cashe drive 

Are the gamefiles on the cache drive?

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1 hour ago, BlazingChaos said:

once I get the error it just restarts and it tryes to do it all over again so it just creates a loop

Yes because my containers are set to restart after it crashes or is shutdown from the command line this is intentional and by design.

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2 hours ago, BlazingChaos said:

i did that and it still is keeps looping and it also did not solve my problem

Can you try to setup a second instance?

Stop the first Container, redownload it from the CA App, give it another name eg: ECO2 and another path to the gamefiles eg: /mnt/cache/appdata/eco2 and tey to run it.


Can you also post a screenshot of the Docker template (where all your settings are for the current container)?

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10 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Can you try to setup a second instance?

Stop the first Container, redownload it from the CA App, give it another name eg: ECO2 and another path to the gamefiles eg: /mnt/cache/appdata/eco2 and tey to run it.


Can you also post a screenshot of the Docker template (where all your settings are for the current container)?

what is ca app


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