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Thanks for the reply. Sorry I guess I'm dense, I don't understand. The unpackerr path is relative to sonarr not to my unraid file shares?  Both directories are mounted to /mnt/user/downloads, but Sonarr calls it's container path /data and Unpackerr calls it /downloads. Which field is configured wrong? 

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Modifying (or deleting and creating one manually) the default mount setting /downloads from the template, so that the files would also appear in /data inside the unpackerr container, should also solve the problem.

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Yep that last one worked, thanks.




Resulted in success



2020/05/04 12:31:21 ==> Startup Settings <==
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Sonarr Config: 1 server: @ /downloads (apikey: true, timeout: 10s)
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Radarr Config: 1 server: @ /downloads (apikey: true, timeout: 10s)
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Lidarr Config: 0 servers
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Folder Config: 0 paths
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Parallel: 1
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Interval: 2m0s
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Delete Delay: 5m0s
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Start Delay: 1m0s
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Retry Delay: 5m0s
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Debug / Quiet: false / false
2020/05/04 12:31:21  => Log File: /config/app/unpackerr.log
2020/05/04 12:31:21 [Radarr] Updated ( 0 Items Queued
2020/05/04 12:31:21 [Sonarr] Updated ( 1 Items Queued
2020/05/04 12:31:21 [Sonarr] Waiting for Start Delay: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS (1m0s remains)
2020/05/04 12:32:21 [Unpackerr] Queue: [1 waiting] [0 queued] [0 extracting] [0 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted], Totals: [0 restarts] [0 finished]
2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Radarr] Updated ( 0 Items Queued
2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Sonarr] Updated ( 1 Items Queued
2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Sonarr] Extraction Queued: /data/completed/My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS, extractable files: 1, items in queue: 0
2020/05/04 12:33:21 [Unpackerr] Queue: [0 waiting] [1 queued] [0 extracting] [0 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted], Totals: [0 restarts] [0 finished]
2020/05/04 12:33:21 Extraction Started: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS, items in queue: 0
2020/05/04 12:33:33 Deleted (recursively): /data/completed/My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS_unpackerred
2020/05/04 12:33:33 Extraction Finished: My.600-lb.Life.S08E15.Ashley.Ts.Story.iNTERNAL.720p.WEB.x264-ROBOTS => elapsed: 11s, archives: 1, extra archives: 0, files extracted: 1, wrote: 1938MiB


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Hey @hotio, I just wanted to say that I'm really happy with your Containers.  At least for me, the configuration just seems to make sense.


That said, I'm running into an issue with your Plex container (likely something I'm doing), where it shows that remote access is not enabled.  Likely because it thinks its local IP is on the docker private network (172.x.x.x), while the port forward is obviously to the unRaid IP.


Yup, as expected, I'm just an idiot.  I had been doing some testing with other Plex containers and had changed my standard port forwarding rule to a random IP... and I forgot to change it back.  My apologies.


Any thoughts?


EDIT2 - Just a thought, because it's not clear.  It may be an idea to put in an example of what the format of the "Advertise_IP" variable should be.  I had originally put in there the IP, but according to Plex it should be "http://<hostIPAddress>:32400/", which isn't really clear.




Edited by Spritzup
I'm an idiot
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11 minutes ago, hotio said:

You did enable advanced mode, right?

Yes (Always 🙂 ) there is no "EDIT" function to change the path you define to the download path?

And my download disk is a unassigned drive (No spin-up of the other drives)


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I have /downloads - mnt/user/Media in both Radarr, Sonarr

my folder from downloaded is mnt/user/Media/torrents/   movies or tv 


alt 1 


/downloads ---> mnt/user/Media 


Log shows no extractable files


alt 2


/downloads ---> mnt/user/Media/torrents 


Log shows no extractable files

Alt 3

/downloads --> mnt/user/Media/torrents/filmer woks for movies but not for TV

So do I need 2 containers running, one for TV and one for Movies? 




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Yes, i know the links, but i don't use discord. 

The Container worked for me, since something must be changed in the last updates.

The log only says: Usage: rar2fs source mountpoint [options] Try `rar2fs -h' or `rar2fs --help' for more information.


I'm now running rar2fs/zimme. That gives me more time to figure out whats went wrong.

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The image was changed, no longer using s6 and the default entrypoint is now "rar2fs -f -o auto_unmount" and it's now based on Alpine. The readme was updated to reflect those changes....if you would prefer the old way until you figure things out it's as easy as using an older tag with a commit before the changes. Unraid template/support has been dropped however, because the templating system imo isn't really fit to pre configure this changed behaviour.

Could have told you this within a minute on discord....for some reason I'm not always getting a notification email from the forum....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive been using your plex container with autoscan, i was curious what needed to be configured in the plexautoscan config, I see its preconfigered a little but wondering what needed to be added to make it work. I added the plex token. I'm still playing with it but i cant get my webhooks to work. When trying to access the Autoscan URL, it doesnt even load.

Edited by norV
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Oh thank you, that's sad. Won't get temperatures values for all drives with the telegraf smart plugin.

Thats why I choose to go with the hddtemp2influxdb. 😟

Edited by Arxo
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