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[PLUGIN] GPU Statistics

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5 hours ago, sittingmongoose said:

Think you could add more detail on the vram usage?  Instead of just a percentage, the actual amount used/available would be amazing to have.  Plex transcodes are often limited by vram so knowing that would be helpful.


And, maybe as a stretch goal, the ability to customize what shows up?  Like for example I wouldn't care to see clock speeds.

I've had people request usage per session.  What I imagine will happen is the amount of data I show on the dash widget will slowly become less detailed and the finer details will be pushed to a secondary page.  Kind of like how Disk Location works.  Nifty little display on the dash giving you the heads up info and then a link to the status page where the full monty is.

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2 hours ago, sittingmongoose said:

I posted about this plugin on reddit, got tons of people asking to be able to select which gpu is displaying.  So if you have two nvidia gpus like a 1030 and a P2000, they cant choose which is shown.  Think you can add that?  Also, lots of requests for intel iGPU support.

I would love Intel iGPU support independent of the UnRaid Nvidia build.  My servers have the Intel iGPUs so I do not have to rely on UnRaid Nvidia (not that there is anything wrong with it 😁)


Perhaps by using intel_gpu_top or other elements of intel-gpu-tools.  Although it is not nearly as useful as nvidia-smi

Edited by Hoopster
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I posted about this plugin on reddit, got tons of people asking to be able to select which gpu is displaying.  So if you have two nvidia gpus like a 1030 and a P2000, they cant choose which is shown.  Think you can add that?  Also, lots of requests for intel iGPU support.

I already looked at how to do this and have a plan. Planning it for the next release.

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I would love Intel iGPU support independent of the UnRaid Nvidia build.  My servers have the Intel iGPUs so I do not have to rely on UnRaid Nvidia (not that there is anything wrong with it [emoji16])
Perhaps by using intel_gpu_top or other elements of intel-gpu-tools.  Although it is not nearly as useful as nvidia-smi

I’ve got one guy on reddit enlisted to send me some sample data from the intel-gpu-tools package. If it is workable I will try to add it. There’s a build for Slackware 14.2 so it’s not like the binaries aren’t there. I just have Xeons in my box so I can’t test it at all.

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Can you add an option to select a different gpu to be displayed please (even if we have to add the id manually in a text box) 


I have 3 gpu's installed at the moment 1 for each vm and 1 for plex

I would like to at least see what the plex one is doing but at the moment i only get the one i know is mostly idle.

If i could just see all 3 that would be even better i guess.


This will be super handy if i can get it working, thanks for making it.

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root@THE-BEAST:~# nvidia-smi -q -x
-bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
root@THE-BEAST:~# cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gpustat/ && php ./gpustatus.php
which: no nvidia-smi in (.:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)
GPU vendor set to NVIDIA, but nvidia-smi was not found.root@THE-BEAST:/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gpustat# 


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Is there anyway I can stress test the gpu to see if this is working. I tried installing handbrake with gpu encoding but see no response in activity. I don't use plex or emby so cannot use that. From the looks of it it's working just wanted something to throw some stress at it to see.


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1 hour ago, JaseNZ said:

Is there anyway I can stress test the gpu to see if this is working. I tried installing handbrake with gpu encoding but see no response in activity. I don't use plex or emby so cannot use that. From the looks of it it's working just wanted something to throw some stress at it to see.


You need to present the GPU to the Handbrake container, set the runtime, and assign the NVIDIA environment variables.  Then tell handbrake to use it before you trigger an encode.  Probably will ask if you want to use the NVENC selection.  Not that familiar with it, but it probably won't be an option if you don't have it presented properly.  Anything further assistance will need to come from another thread as it is outside the scope of plugin support.

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1 hour ago, ibasaw said:

root@THE-BEAST:~# nvidia-smi -q -x
-bash: nvidia-smi: command not found
root@THE-BEAST:~# cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gpustat/ && php ./gpustatus.php
which: no nvidia-smi in (.:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)
GPU vendor set to NVIDIA, but nvidia-smi was not found.root@THE-BEAST:/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gpustat# 


Did you install the Unraid-Nvidia plugin and install an Unraid-Nvidia build then reboot UnRAID?  If you did, you should have this command.  If you still don't have it, you need to seek assistance in their support thread here.  My plugin depends on first installing and activating theirs.

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2 hours ago, mdrodge said:

Can you add an option to select a different gpu to be displayed please (even if we have to add the id manually in a text box) 


I have 3 gpu's installed at the moment 1 for each vm and 1 for plex

I would like to at least see what the plex one is doing but at the moment i only get the one i know is mostly idle.

If i could just see all 3 that would be even better i guess.


This will be super handy if i can get it working, thanks for making it.

Just pushed this to my dev branch.  Works fine on my machine, but I only have one GPU.  It should allow you to select and save your GPUID to your config on the settings page once it's merged and repackaged.  If you're offering, I can walk you through installing a build from this branch to test.

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I’ve got one guy on reddit enlisted to send me some sample data from the intel-gpu-tools package. If it is workable I will try to add it. There’s a build for Slackware 14.2 so it’s not like the binaries aren’t there. I just have Xeons in my box so I can’t test it at all.



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I am happy to test if you need me to. I have two servers with iGPU; an i5-4590 and a Xeon E-2288G.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, b3rs3rk said:

Just pushed this to my dev branch.  Works fine on my machine, but I only have one GPU.  It should allow you to select and save your GPUID to your config on the settings page once it's merged and repackaged.  If you're offering, I can walk you through installing a build from this branch to test.

Yes Please!!

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If anyone would like to test multi-gpu --


Remove the current version of my plugin and then manually install:




Then go to GPU statistics settings page and select options as desired and select Apply. If the apply button doesn't activate it's because you are selecting the defaults which are already stored. Plugin should just work after that. When you're done testing remove the plugin and re-install the CA one.

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2 hours ago, b3rs3rk said:

If anyone would like to test multi-gpu --


Remove the current version of my plugin and then manually install:




Then go to GPU statistics settings page and select options as desired and select Apply. If the apply button doesn't activate it's because you are selecting the defaults which are already stored. Plugin should just work after that. When you're done testing remove the plugin and re-install the CA one.


Hi - I get the following error:



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Such a great app! Exactly what I was looking for last week. What great timing!

I love all the suggestions here. My suggestion/request would be a graphical percentage output - to match the rest of the dash board. I love having the percentages, but sometimes being able to tell where I stand with a glance is invaluable.

Just a thought. Great work! Thanks for all you do!

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11 minutes ago, mattekure said:

I'm getting the numbers scrunched up for Encoder and Decoder Utilization



You're the first one reporting that.  Is there anything you would consider unique about your setup?  What theme are you using?  What display resolution is your client that's connecting to the UI?

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2 hours ago, b3rs3rk said:

You're the first one reporting that.  Is there anything you would consider unique about your setup?  What theme are you using?  What display resolution is your client that's connecting to the UI?

I'm getting the same scrunching. Default UI, 1920x1080

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