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[Plugin] Docker Folder

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5 minutes ago, shpitz461 said:

Have we lost the ability to click on a container icon and get to see cpu/mem usage graphs

just a side info:

this cause a higher CPU load / RAM usage to your sever, even when the webgui isn't open. it is the same with the "adavned view"... you don't want to use that, it just wasting a lot power.

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They are, but that means I need to expand each folder to see them, compared to clicking on the container icon and having access to the button.

It's no big deal, and I rarely change the startup toggle once set.

This will do for now, thanks!

@scolcipitato, will you fix the VM tab next? that would be great if you can make both work the same way.

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3 minutes ago, shpitz461 said:

will you fix the VM tab next? that would be great if you can make both work the same way.

It should be fixed, I haven't tested much, but the code is similar to the one for the docker.



Thought I said that the VM are done, I didn't, so...
The VMs are done!

Edited by scolcipitato
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It's not working for me in VM tab.

I added a new folder yet it doesn't appear at all.

All I see is a straight-up list of all VM's, as if there are no folders created.

The only difference is when I go to add a 2nd folder, the ones I already added to the 1st folder do not appear in the toggle list. So the code is aware of the assignments but no folder is shown in the VM tab.

Is there a log somewhere we can examine what the plugin is doing?


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24 minutes ago, shpitz461 said:

I added a new folder yet it doesn't appear at all.

For me, it seems to work just fine. I found Vm folders are not working in the dashboard, this will be fixed on the next update.
For your case, you can run in the browser console:

await $.get('/plugins/docker.folder/server/read.php?type=vm').promise();


await $.get('/plugins/docker.folder/server/read_order.php?type=vm').promise();

Then send me the output.

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48 minutes ago, scolcipitato said:

For me, it seems to work just fine. I found Vm folders are not working in the dashboard, this will be fixed on the next update.
For your case, you can run in the browser console:

await $.get('/plugins/docker.folder/server/read.php?type=vm').promise();


await $.get('/plugins/docker.folder/server/read_order.php?type=vm').promise();

Then send me the output.



'{"jEwSuQd6tSbfwDhPLwB7biNcrfM":{"name":"Windows","icon":"https:\\/\\/icons.iconarchive.com\\/icons\\/benjigarner\\/softdimension\\/256\\/Windows-icon.png","regex":"","settings":{"preview":1,"preview_hover":false,"preview_update":true,"preview_grayscale":false,"preview_webui":true,"preview_logs":true,"expand_tab":true,"expand_dashboard":false},"containers":["Windows 11 Quantum","Windows 11 Ultimate","Windows 11","Windows 11 Divinity","Windows 11 HTPC","Windows 10 HTPC","Windows 11 Gamer","Win11Test","Windows 10 titan"]},"byZOIZ1qSBRmydsAEIfcOlOQI":{"name":"Retro","icon":"https:\\/\\/cdn2.iconfinder.com\\/data\\/icons\\/retro-games-in-color\\/64\\/retro-games-colored-10-512.png","regex":"","settings":{"preview":1,"preview_hover":false,"preview_update":true,"preview_grayscale":false,"preview_webui":true,"preview_logs":true,"expand_tab":false,"expand_dashboard":false},"containers":["Windows 98","RetroNAS"]}}'



'{"0":"Debian11","1":"Linux","2":"Ubuntu pxe","4":"VolumioVM","6":"Mint 20.3 XFCE","8":"Ubuntu","13":"RetroNAS","15":"Windows 98"}'


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10 hours ago, scolcipitato said:

I have finished coding the plugin, the CSS side of things is not really good, but everything should work.
Keep in mind that there may be bugs.

Here is the GitHub if you want to help, and here is the link for the plugin.


Forgot to mention that the plugin is NOT compatible with the old one

Are you planning on keeping up with this project?


If so (please?) I think it would be best if you start a new thread, since the first 30 pages of this thread will be totally irrelevant to your code.


On the plus side, if this plugin becomes essential and used by enough people it's possible Limetech would roll it into the main project.


I think a rename would be welcome as well, since this is no longer just containers, it's also VM's. Dunno what to call it though, maybe throw out some suggestions?

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30 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Are you planning on keeping up with this project?

For now, the plan is to keep the plugin up to date.


32 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

I think it would be best if you start a new thread, since the first 30 pages of this thread will be totally irrelevant to your code.

This is the plan, but as you said I want to rename it to something different, I just don't have any ideas for a new name (I don't think 'Folders' is not a good name).

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Updated plugin to 2023.07.27.1 and the previous issues with settings reverting back and containers getting stuck when moved are fixed, thanks!


Just for info, some minor UI things


The drop down menu's misaligned:




when compared to the old version



and on the folder page, the container icons are misaligned and some header/titles might be a good idea?2009718335_folderalign.thumb.png.45e80106f7a699bbde44213d3cf66b7f.png


Again, really appreciate the efforts with this. Definitely think this should be part of Unraid considering how useful it is!


As for names, asked ChatGPT...


1.  DockerVM Organizer

2.  VM Docker Folders

3.  Containerized VM Manager

4.  Dockerized VM Organizer

5.  Virtual Docker Folders

6.  VM DockFolders

7.  Docker-VM Stacks

8. Folderized DockerVMs

9.  DockerBox Organizer


Maybe something like Unraid Stacks, Stacks?


Edited by 1471
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As someone who has many containers running, being able to organize them is an absolutely awesome feature for a plugin. However I have found that since the Unraid 16.12.2 -16.12.3 update that the folders will not stay in the order you set them after refreshing the page, nor does it allow to move the containers within the folder itself (the up n down arrows on the right of the container are unclickable). If I click the unlock icon and move a folder to the top then relock it, when I refresh the page it goes back to the way it was. Is this just happening to me or has anyone else experienced this? The only reason that this has become problematic is when I'm running a backend database that needs to start before the frontend interface. What will happen is it will reconfigure the containers so that the frontend starts up before the backend. Especially after a reboot when certain services should be available before others.

+1 for DockerBox  (get rid of the Organizer)


Edited by S3v3nD34dly51ns
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1 hour ago, S3v3nD34dly51ns said:

As someone who has many containers running, being able to organize them is an absolutely awesome feature for a plugin. However I have found that since the Unraid 16.12.2 -16.12.3 update that the folders will not stay in the order you set them after refreshing the page, nor does it allow to move the containers within the folder itself (the up n down arrows on the right of the container are unclickable). If I click the unlock icon and move a folder to the top then relock it, when I refresh the page it goes back to the way it was. Is this just happening to me or has anyone else experienced this? The only reason that this has become problematic is when I'm running a backend database that needs to start before the frontend interface. What will happen is it will reconfigure the containers so that the frontend starts up before the backend. Especially after a reboot when certain services should be available before others.

+1 for DockerBox  (get rid of the Organizer)



Have a read through the last two pages of this thread, a new version of the plugin is being worked on.

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1 hour ago, 1471 said:

and on the folder page, the container icons are misaligned and some header/titles might be a good idea?

This is my bad, i kind of forgot about unraid themes, and set the table to be dark, there are headers and labels for the containers, the text is black for you, and black on black is not exactly visible.

1 hour ago, 1471 said:

Maybe something like Unraid Stacks, Stacks?

I like Unraid Stacks, I don't know if I can use the word unraid.

1 hour ago, S3v3nD34dly51ns said:

The only reason that this has become problematic is when I'm running a backend database that needs to start before the frontend interface.

This can be a problem with my plugin, my plugin won't change the order of your containers until you reorder, so if you set autostart on a folder which is not in the unraid 'vanilla' order, unraid will start containers based on what he sees.

TLDR; reorder the folder if you need the autostart to work correctly.

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10 hours ago, scolcipitato said:

This is the plan, but as you said I want to rename it to something different, I just don't have any ideas for a new name (I don't think 'Folders' is not a good name).

I wouldn't recommend putting "Docker" or so in the Name. Maybe you will add LXC support, or something else in the futur. But a Name with "Folders" inside should be necessary.


How about "App Folders" or "Unraid Folders"?

("Apps" because of Community"Apps", what the Folders are most for)

Edited by sonic6
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1 minute ago, sonic6 said:

isn't this the same, like it was before and unraid works by default? all containers starting by their position in order from top to bottom?

Yes, but from top to bottom of the userprefs, not what you see.
What I said can happen if a folder is created and never enter the userprefs, when this happens the containers remain in the original position and so start according to that.

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Thank you so much for picking up this project. I think many rely heavily on this plugin.


I am running 6.12.3 and I have an issue when creating a new folder. This is what I've done:

  • Remove old plugin
  • Installed yours
  • Created a new folder an added MariaDB to it

When I refresh my Docker-page the folder is not visible (I have rebooted Unraid, cleared my cache and tried a different browser)

If I try to create a new one MariaDB is not available to be added (as I assume it is already in a folder).

Is there something on my system that is failing since I cannot see folders?

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