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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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I have a big problem with this plugin, because it prevents the server to go to sleep.

It dosnt matter, what i try - as soon as a UD is mounted (tried various HDDs), server dosnt go to sleep.

When i unmount the device, server is going to sleep-mode and all is fine.

The question is now, if this is intended or a bug.

I like the possibility to put all the Plex-Transcoder TEMP-Files off of my SSD, but it is useless, if the server dosnt sleep any more.

Are there sugestions, how to fix this behavior?

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I have a big problem with this plugin, because it prevents the server to go to sleep.

It dosnt matter, what i try - as soon as a UD is mounted (tried various HDDs), server dosnt go to sleep.

When i unmount the device, server is going to sleep-mode and all is fine.

The question is now, if this is intended or a bug.

I like the possibility to put all the Plex-Transcoder TEMP-Files off of my SSD, but it is useless, if the server dosnt sleep any more.

Are there sugestions, how to fix this behavior?


It is neither intended nor a bug.  UD does nothing but mount the drive.  It does nothing that I know of to hinder your server from sleeping.

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Hi dlandon and thanks for your reply.

You are right. After several Tests i can say, its not your plugin - sorry for that  :-[

There must be an other "big" problem in my installation - maybe Dynamix itself but i dont know, how to "clean install" it...

Its driving me crazy because it was working for years and now... dont...

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Hi dlandon and thanks for your reply.

You are right. After several Tests i can say, its not your plugin - sorry for that  :-[

There must be an other "big" problem in my installation - maybe Dynamix itself but i dont know, how to "clean install" it...

Its driving me crazy because it was working for years and now... dont...


See if this plugin win't help you identify the who/what is keeping files open.




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I tried searching the thread, but didn't get any results, so I apologize if this has already been asked.  That being said, is their anyway to run Trim on unassigned SSD's?


Also, after running pre-clear on a couple of drives, the "format" button is greyed out in unassigned devices (destructive mode is on)... I had to add them as cache drives and have the array format them.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?






EDIT - Realized I haven't updated my sig yet.  Running the latest stable of 6.1.9 and the latest version of UD (as of yesterday).

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I tried searching the thread, but didn't get any results, so I apologize if this has already been asked.  That being said, is their anyway to run Trim on unassigned SSD's?


xfs and ext4 get mounted with 'discard'.  There is no user settable Trim option.


Also, after running pre-clear on a couple of drives, the "format" button is greyed out in unassigned devices (destructive mode is on)... I had to add them as cache drives and have the array format them.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?


Click 'Help' on the UD page and read what it says about formatting disks and pre-cleared disks.






EDIT - Realized I haven't updated my sig yet.  Running the latest stable of 6.1.9 and the latest version of UD (as of yesterday).

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I tried searching the thread, but didn't get any results, so I apologize if this has already been asked.  That being said, is their anyway to run Trim on unassigned SSD's?


xfs and ext4 get mounted with 'discard'.  There is no user settable Trim option.


Also, after running pre-clear on a couple of drives, the "format" button is greyed out in unassigned devices (destructive mode is on)... I had to add them as cache drives and have the array format them.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?


Click 'Help' on the UD page and read what it says about formatting disks and pre-cleared disks.






EDIT - Realized I haven't updated my sig yet.  Running the latest stable of 6.1.9 and the latest version of UD (as of yesterday).


Based on your response, I feel that I'm probably missing something obvious... d'oh!  I'll have a look tonight when I'm home.  Thanks for the reply.



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I tried searching the thread, but didn't get any results, so I apologize if this has already been asked.  That being said, is their anyway to run Trim on unassigned SSD's?


xfs and ext4 get mounted with 'discard'.  There is no user settable Trim option.


Also, after running pre-clear on a couple of drives, the "format" button is greyed out in unassigned devices (destructive mode is on)... I had to add them as cache drives and have the array format them.  Has anyone seen this behavior before?


Click 'Help' on the UD page and read what it says about formatting disks and pre-cleared disks.






EDIT - Realized I haven't updated my sig yet.  Running the latest stable of 6.1.9 and the latest version of UD (as of yesterday).


Based on your response, I feel that I'm probably missing something obvious... d'oh!  I'll have a look tonight when I'm home.  Thanks for the reply.




It's not that it's something obvious you missed, it's just that I am encouraging people to read the help to get their answers.  Your answer is in the help text.  It's actually faster than posting a question and waiting for an answer.  If the help does not have the answers people are looking for, then I will add to it.

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I don't really see the answer to my question in the help section (which is pretty slick BTW), I already had destructive mode enabled.


That being said, I did notice a typo under "SMB Security" -->


"Set to 'Yes' to enable SMB Security omn SMB shares. Set access by user to allow access and whether or not the user can write to the share"



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I don't really see the answer to my question in the help section (which is pretty slick BTW), I already had destructive mode enabled.


That being said, I did notice a typo under "SMB Security" -->


"Set to 'Yes' to enable SMB Security omn SMB shares. Set access by user to allow access and whether or not the user can write to the share"




"If the disk has been precelared and shows a grayed 'Format' button, click on the disk serial number, then click on the red-X to delete the preclear status file."

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I don't really see the answer to my question in the help section (which is pretty slick BTW), I already had destructive mode enabled.


That being said, I did notice a typo under "SMB Security" -->


"Set to 'Yes' to enable SMB Security omn SMB shares. Set access by user to allow access and whether or not the user can write to the share"




"If the disk has been precelared and shows a grayed 'Format' button, click on the disk serial number, then click on the red-X to delete the preclear status file."


Dammit, I was on the wrong "Help" screen... I was looking under settings.  My bad, thanks for the help... I feel very foolish.



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I am trying to Mount a hfsplus drive with UD. It wil only mount as read only. I dont know if this is by design or if I'm having a problem.

It is a friends drive and I think journaling is enabled, but don't know if that is causing the Read Only.

Is there anyway to make this writeable?

Also, how can i verify hfsprogs is installed?


Unraid version: 6.1.9

Unassinged devices: 2016.05.03

Log info:

May 21 01:50:59 Adding disk '/dev/sdf2'...
May 21 01:50:59 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw,users,async,umask=000 '/dev/sdf2' '/mnt/disks/WDC_1250'
May 21 01:50:59 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdf2' on '/mnt/disks/WDC_1250'.
May 21 01:50:59 Partition 'WDC WD60EZRZ 00RWYB1 WD WX11D1411250-part2' is not set as sharable and will not be shared...
May 21 01:51:00 Device '/dev/sdf2' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.


Output from 'findmnt':


 /dev/sdf2   hfsplus   ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,umask=0,uid=0,gid=0,nls=utf8



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I am trying to Mount a hfsplus drive with UD. It wil only mount as read only. I dont know if this is by design or if I'm having a problem.

It is a friends drive and I think journaling is enabled, but don't know if that is causing the Read Only.

Is there anyway to make this writeable?

Also, how can i verify hfsprogs is installed?


Unraid version: 6.1.9

Unassinged devices: 2016.05.03

Log info:

May 21 01:50:59 Adding disk '/dev/sdf2'...
May 21 01:50:59 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw,users,async,umask=000 '/dev/sdf2' '/mnt/disks/WDC_1250'
May 21 01:50:59 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdf2' on '/mnt/disks/WDC_1250'.
May 21 01:50:59 Partition 'WDC WD60EZRZ 00RWYB1 WD WX11D1411250-part2' is not set as sharable and will not be shared...
May 21 01:51:00 Device '/dev/sdf2' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.


Output from 'findmnt':


 /dev/sdf2   hfsplus   ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,umask=0,uid=0,gid=0,nls=utf8


Normally if the drive is not mounted rw, there will be an error message from the mount command.  I don't see that, so I don't know why it is mounted as ro.


The hfsprogs package is installed by UD, so you should be able to write to the disk.  You can check this by doing a ls /var/logs/packages and hfsprogs will be listed as an installed package.  According to gfjardim's notes, the libbsd package should also be installed because it is needed by hfsprogs.  You might try to do a fsck on the drive using UD.


EDIT: Check the system log and see if there is an entry about the mount failing.

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Its mounting RW now.


When I ran fsck from UD before posting it returned "appears to be OK".

but in the system log:

kernel: hfsplus: Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, running fsck.hfsplus is recommended. mounting read-only.


running fsck with -f fixed it.


Is there a way to show the "not cleanly unmounted" msg from the syslog in the UD log?


Thanks for the help dlandon. and Thanks (+gfjardim) for UD - it is very useful.

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Me again, nothing turned up when I searched, so apologies if this has been answered... (also I did check the help screens this time :P)


Is there anyway to share out particular folders on the mounted drive, rather than the whole drive... and have it survive a reboot?  Barring that, is it possible to share the drive as hidden?


Thanks again!



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Me again, nothing turned up when I searched, so apologies if this has been answered... (also I did check the help screens this time :P)


Is there anyway to share out particular folders on the mounted drive, rather than the whole drive... and have it survive a reboot?  Barring that, is it possible to share the drive as hidden?


Thanks again!




You can only share the whole drive and it cannot be hidden.

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I am trying to move over my docker.img to an SSD i have setup as an unassigned device.  Everytime I do so and try to restart the docker service, it fails to load.  I have even tried to recreate a docker.img once changing the path under the Settings, but no file is ever created.  If i attempt to start the docker service via ssh, it errors out saying it cant find the docker image in the /var directory even tho its in the settings as /mnt/disks/ssd2.  Any help would be appreciated.

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I am trying to move over my docker.img to an SSD i have setup as an unassigned device.  Everytime I do so and try to restart the docker service, it fails to load.  I have even tried to recreate a docker.img once changing the path under the Settings, but no file is ever created.  If i attempt to start the docker service via ssh, it errors out saying it cant find the docker image in the /var directory even tho its in the settings as /mnt/disks/ssd2.  Any help would be appreciated.


Docker is expecting a docker/ and appdata/ share on the array or the cache drive.  I'm not sure how you make that happen on a UD mounted disk.

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The wiki is a continuing WIP, and there really is only one person here who particularily cares about it.  But like most wiki's, every member here has the ability to add / modify the information contained.

I didn't know that! I thought moderators and admins were the only ones who can make changes. I make the occasional edit on Wikipedia so if the procedure is similar this is something I'll definitely investigate.


This is very belated, off-topic in its lateness ...


I am ALWAYS looking for more users that might be interested in contributing to the unRAID wiki, thank you for your interest!  There are only a few pages off-limits to users, pages like the official unRAID Manual 6, etc.  All of the rest are fair game, waiting eagerly for attention.  And you don't have to be a good writer, just want to help.  People are needed for original content, corrections, formatting and style, proofreading, keeping pages updated when things change, adding new ideas, adding hardware listings, etc etc.  I'd love to see users take responsibility for individual pages or sections of pages, making sure that section or page stays up to date.


I've created a page Start Contributing just to help you get the syntax.  It's simple, only takes a few minutes to get the basics.  I recommend just a quick skim of it at first, then refer to it later as needed.  It's MediaWiki syntax, so if you have contributed on any other MediaWiki site, such as Wikipedia(!), you are already good to go!  I hope to see lots of new editors!  And it's constantly monitored, so mistakes and mischief will be quickly corrected.  Who and when can you edit?  Any user with a few posts and is logged in on the forums.  It's the same login for both.

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When I click on a drive in the array I have the option to set the individual temperature warnings. This falls under section of "Parity Settings".


When I click on a drive that is mounted via 'Unassigned Devices" I don't get this section (as expected) but this means I don't have the ability to set individual temperature warnings for these drives.


Is there a way I can manually do this or is this something that can be implemented into Unassigned Devices?




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Tried searching for this.


I have 3 USB external HDD's attached to my server for crash plan backups.


Before crash plan these drives use to sleep automatically as external HDD's normally do. My backups only run weekly. However the drives no longer sleep. I am currently testing with crashplan turned off and waiting the result.


I am also using the open files plugin to see if I have any open files (none open to "disks")


Not sure if anyone else has issues with USB drives not sleeping?



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