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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Ok so there's the problem. I thought that but every time I hit mount nothing happens and there isn't anything showing up under that log button either.


It needs to mount for plex to see it.  Look at the UD log and it will tell you why it didn't mount.  I suspect you didn't set the Credentials for the remote smb share.

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The share it's using is set to guest access and I can see it from other machines just by going to the share (no login). Is there a different location for logs since that one log button doesn't show anything?


Upper right hand area of the UD page.  Just under the syslog button.

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You are out of log space.  Look at the dashboard page below the cpu load.  You'll see stats on the log size being used.  You might look at the syslog and see if it is full of messages.  Them reboot and try again to install UD.  Check your syslog and see if it is filling with messages.

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With 29b great too!


After some more testing I found that having a hard drive mounted caused the hang up even with 29a.  If all you had mounted was the remote share, then my first implementation would work fine.  If you would have had a hard drive mounted, it would have hung up also.


I'm not really too impressed with the way 'df' works.  If i do a 'df' at the command line when a remote mount is offline, df hangs.  I would expect it to skip showing the parameters for the offline device or time out after a short time.  I had to do the df by device, rather than all devices and 'grep' for the information I needed.


This is not scientific, but it appears UD might just be a bit more responsive because of this change also.

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So cleared the log files and tried to mount again. This is what i get in the log


Jan 30 07:07:57 Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=guest,password=******* '//daisy/Movies' '/mnt/disks/daisy_Movies'

Jan 30 07:07:57 Mount of '//daisy/Movies' failed. Error message: mount error(5): Input/output error

Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)


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So cleared the log files and tried to mount again. This is what i get in the log


Jan 30 07:07:57 Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=guest,password=******* '//daisy/Movies' '/mnt/disks/daisy_Movies'

Jan 30 07:07:57 Mount of '//daisy/Movies' failed. Error message: mount error(5): Input/output error

Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)


It appears to be a security issue.  Go to a command line and try this command:

mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlm,username=guest,password=******* '//daisy/Movies' '/mnt/disks/daisy_Movies'


Change the credentials to your actual credentials.  UD changes the password to '*'s to hide the password in the log.  Let me know if it mounts the smb share.


I added 'sec=ntlm' that is an older security mode for the credentials and used to be the default.  The new default is 'sec=ntlmssp' and your NAS is probably using the older method.


EDIT: The test I asked you to do is not as straight forward as I thought.  I will release a new version of UD today that will try to remount the device with the 'sec=ntlm' if the mount with the default fails.  Update UD and then try your mount again and post the UD log entries if it fails.

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Hi, I installed Unassigned Devices in 6.2.4.

I attached a 500gb disk, mounted it and created

/mnt/disks/deluge downloads


After that I cannot access this share from my laptop (although I can access all my public array shares).

I am running w8.1 pro in my laptop.

Everytime I try to access the "deluge downloads" share a pop up shows up in windows asking for my credentials. Nothing works here: my laptop login/password, unraid´s login(root)/password.

Any idea how to solve this?



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Hi, I installed Unassigned Devices in 6.2.4.

I attached a 500gb disk, mounted it and created

/mnt/disks/deluge downloads


After that I cannot access this share from my laptop (although I can access all my public array shares).

I am running w8.1 pro in my laptop.

Everytime I try to access the "deluge downloads" share a pop up shows up in windows asking for my credentials. Nothing works here: my laptop login/password, unraid´s login(root)/password.

Any idea how to solve this?


In general, the root user has no special access to network shares, so if you try to use root as a login it will just be given the same access as any anonymous user. Notice when you try to setup security for any share that root is not one of the users you can select.


For this specific example, what do you have for Settings - Unassigned Devices - SMB Security?


If you disable SMB Security your Unassigned Devices will have public access.


If you enable SMB Security your Unassigned Devices will have whatever access you give to whatever users you give them to, but Windows won't actually let you change logins to network shares easily, even though it may give you a login prompt. See this post.

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Hi, I installed Unassigned Devices in 6.2.4.

I attached a 500gb disk, mounted it and created

/mnt/disks/deluge downloads


After that I cannot access this share from my laptop (although I can access all my public array shares).

I am running w8.1 pro in my laptop.

Everytime I try to access the "deluge downloads" share a pop up shows up in windows asking for my credentials. Nothing works here: my laptop login/password, unraid´s login(root)/password.

Any idea how to solve this?


In general, the root user has no special access to network shares, so if you try to use root as a login it will just be given the same access as any anonymous user. Notice when you try to setup security for any share that root is not one of the users you can select.


For this specific example, what do you have for Settings - Unassigned Devices - SMB Security?


If you disable SMB Security your Unassigned Devices will have public access.


If you enable SMB Security your Unassigned Devices will have whatever access you give to whatever users you give them to, but Windows won't actually let you change logins to network shares easily, even though it may give you a login prompt. See this post.


Sometimes cycling the UD security setting fixes it:


Settings -> Unassigned Devices -> Enable SMB Security


Change to Yes, apply, back to No and apply again.

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I did not touch " Settings - Unassigned Devices - SMB Security", so it is set to "No".


I have been playing around and found this funny thing: after much trying entering a user/password to get access to "/mnt/disks/deluge downloads", once I got access (after clean laptop reboot + erase windows login credentials + disable/enable ethernet adpater) then I could not access the rest of the public unraid shares. I started again from a laptop reboot and accessed at the beginning the public unraid shares, so then I got no access to "/mnt/disks/deluge downloads".

It seems windows handle them as different things allowing only accessing one of them at a time.


I will report back after I try whay johnnie.black suggested.

P.S. So far working as suggested by johnnie.black ... thx all for help! Will report back if it fails.

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Hello Forum


I started receiving these error in my syslog after updating to latest version released on 2/1/17.  Is anyone else getting these error?  I'm running unRAID v6.3.0-rc-9.  The plugin seems to still work fine, and fix common problems does not recognize the error.  Kinda stuck on what these errors may be related to.


Any information would be appreciated.


Feb  2 10:21:04 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:09 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:15 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:21 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:26 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:33 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:39 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:44 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
Feb  2 10:21:49 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token
eb  2 10:21:54 Tower root: error: plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token

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