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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The fixes are currently in the testing branch of the templates, not in the master branch.
  2. You want to rename the folders within /config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts
  3. You would have to plug the card back in and then see what happens. There are on occasion some motherboards that will not boot without any output device connected at all
  4. You should ask about that here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86303-vm-backup-plugin/
  5. I assume you mean a folder within a share. What created the folder? Running Tools - New Permissions against that share should fix you up. If it actually is a share that you're trying to delete, you do that via the GUI under the shares tab (click the share name, and if it's empty you have the option to delete it)
  6. This is a known issue, and also affects the dashboard.
  7. Nothing *docker core* should ever wind up on the flash drive. (The exception is the templates within /config/plugins/dockerMan, but that's Unraid specific, not docker per se) But, the storage driver that docker requires for utilizing the "image" as a directory / folder on a ZFS device is not within Unraid. Should be no issues what so ever with having it as a BTRFS / XFS image on a ZFS device. Check Settings - Docker (with the service stopped) to confirm.
  8. You should update to 6.8.3. Barring that working, you need to post your diagnostics (tools - diagnostics) (or diagnostics from the command line)
  9. Depending upon your point of view, the reason is that its either an error you made or an error LSIO made in the template. To run it in bridge mode, you need to explicitly enter in a port in the entry that states WebGUI Port:8080 default
  10. The webUI link is always going to use port 8443 because you're running it as host, that's what's defined in the template entry, and any and all port mappings are by definition ignored in host mode The template is designed for bridge mode. If you've adjusted the port within the app, then you need to adjust the WEBUI link within unraid by editing the app in advanced vjew
  11. Best to post within Feature Requests, but marvel based controllers aren't particularly recommended due to their quality. YMMV
  12. Presumably you've set the thresholds in Settings - Disk Settings. Did you override them on the SSD in Main, (by clicking on the disk)?
  13. Have you at least run a MEMTEST from the boot menu for at least a pass or two (ideally a day)? Are you overclocking the CPU? XMP enabled on the RAM?
  14. What @trurl stated is 100% correct, and you should migrate away from limetech/plex. However, the actual problem with "configuration not found" is that either you've deleted a particular file from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user (in this case, my-PlexMediaServer.xml) or you've got some flash trouble.
  15. Settings - Docker. Stop the service Hit the checkbox and delete the existing image Change Docker - data root from BTRFS vdisk to XFS vdisk Re-enable the service Apps - Previous Apps, check off what you want installed and hit install
  16. Yeah, but the domains and the appdata aren't stored in the root of each drive. They're in a share. So, your path is /mnt/user/appdata (the name of the share the appdata is actually in)
  17. Try closing any and all windows on all devices to the server's GUI
  18. From the old backup, just overwrite all of the bz* files on the flash drive in the root. You *may* have other problems due to plugins not working correctly, revised config files etc by going back that far, but that is how you would downgrade.
  19. Next release of CA supports a new entry on the xml templates <ExtraSearchTerms>text</ExtraSearchTerms> These are extra search terms (separated by a space) for which you want your app to be able to be searched by. These terms will appear in the auto complete entries. Note that auto complete entries are already composed of: The repository The name of the app The author of the app (plugins only) Categories (both in English and Translated) Searches are done by name of app, repository, descriptions/overviews and categories The extra search terms allows you to have the app searchable by any addition terms you might want that don't really fit into any of the above. eg: on User Scripts I've added in <ExtraSearchTerms>cron crontab schedule</ExtraSearchTerms>
  20. Reseat all the sata and power cables. Also, you can directly attach the diagnostics to the posts.
  21. Assuming that the trial flash and your lost flash are the same version (and no passed through devices to a VM), then only config is needed. But, it doesn't hurt to redo everything.
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