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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The error is actually correct (although I haven't seen it), as ...helpers.php $unraid = parse_ini_file("/etc/unraid-version"); which means that the line in question should be ..tuning.php version_compare('6.8.3', $unraid['version'],'>')
  2. Unfortunately, without diagnostics from RC2, it will be hard to determine why...
  3. The "@" sign signifies that it's a symbolic link. The actual directory is /mnt/remotes/DROBO_MUSIC I've had the odd problem (read that as every container that I'm using with SMB shares) where if in the template I reference /mnt/disks/shareName it doesn't actually work within the container, but if I reference /mnt/remotes/shareName it does. I don't have time until late February to really investigate what exactly is going on and if there is another flag you can use on the mapping to alleviate this.
  4. Actually, I'm kinda confused. The release version (2020.01.01) does work. The current testing release did not. How did you install CA?
  5. Yup Doesn't work... Fixed on next release.
  6. Once you give the app a static IP, all port mappings are ignored as they are at that point irrelevant. You just forward the applicable WAN port to the applicable LAN port for the IP
  7. I think you need @JorgeB. The way that I see it, btrfs usage shows ~931G of total space on the cache pool, but df is reporting that the size is only 466G, and this is playing havoc with the docker.img file.
  8. I've let the powers that be know through another channel.
  9. Done. I don't really see why you'd want this though as there's absolutely nothing that can be edited via the xml that can't be done via the template screen, except for any internal CA elements.
  10. Shouldn't be. Are you running Theme Engine or something like that? Try rebooting into Safe Mode
  11. It's already a known issue, and relatively minor since the usage of "Template Repositories" is rare (due to CA), and easy work arounds -> either switch to master branch or place the xmls on the flash drive.
  12. I would try the "at" command (at NOW -m IIRC) to start your process
  13. You *might* want to also consider looking at something akin to https://forums.unraid.net/topic/91450-alexa-unraid-voice-control-how-to/ (Although its geared towards Alexa, but the concept is the same. Drop a file into dropbox and have the server act upon it). No CSRF's involved assuming you can upload a file from your app to drop box, and you'd be able to start / do anything you want at all.
  14. Happened during processor initialization due to voting irregularities and can be safely ignored
  15. Any of the Safe Modes (at least on 6.9, can't remember 6.8) do not start the array (or VMs / Containers) on boot up
  16. Your problem is that the xml is in the "main" branch. dockerMan only supports the "master" branch. (For repositories, CA supports both main and master)
  17. Did you also check off or stub the USB part of the video card in Tools - System Devices (or via the VFIO plugin?)
  18. There's 2. Virtualization and VT-d. VT-d is usually buried in submenus
  19. IOMMU is disabled. You need to enable VT-d within the BIOS
  20. You need to post the entire diagnostics.zip file to put it into context
  21. Add the command to the "go" file (/config/go on the flash drive)
  22. The PR for the help text hasn't been merged yet @SpencerJ The setting itself is for when the docker service is stopping the amount of time the system waits for a graceful shutdown (in seconds) of the container before the system forcibly kills it.
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