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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Is where you technically would put them, but they may wind up on the cache depending upon your use cache settings for Movies. If you definitely do not want them on the cache drive and aren't willing to wait until mover shifts them over, then you would use "user0"
  2. According to the docker run command, you're supposed to be able to do it via specifying a digest for the container instead of a tag. I couldn't however get it to work to reinstall a container via it's digest But, if you're actually worried about it in the first place, then I'd suggest that you don't use :latest as a tag in the first place and tag everything with a specific version. Alternatively, you can see when the container was created on the docker tab, and then take a fairly good guess as to which tag corresponds to that date and use it if you need to roll back. I've never had an issue with any container ever updating. Mind you, I refuse to use Plex since most of their updates to the program is completely broken in the first place.
  3. What are you looking for? The version of the app installed in the container, or the version of the container?
  4. Based on the screenshot, you're running on unRaid v6. This plugin is no longer supported and most likely doesn't even work on recent unRaid versions, and if at possible it's highly recommended to switch over to native VM support via unRaid.
  5. You can rebuild it onto any other drive you may have. If you want to swap it with a data drive, then you can google "unRaid Parity Swap", but I've never had a reason to do that.
  6. No. That was a design limitation back when the plugin was introduced. The use of the plugin has very significantly morphed though from what I thought it would be doing (running a 1 or 2 line script) into how many people are using it now. Dictating a set file name does make my life a ton easier, but you do have the option to rename the folder to whatever you choose.
  7. It's just an info message that the clock was unsynchronized. It appears in everyone's syslog.
  8. What's not working? If it continually looks like it's reloading, the its an inherent problem with F@H and affects the Windows platform also. Clearing the browser cache and reloading the tab usually works, along with also running it in incognito mode
  9. What do those IP addresses correspond with? It's either a VM or a docker app
  10. All writes to a drive are limited in speed by the speed of the parity disk and the disk being written to. Since you've got 7200s in the array, you're best having a 7200 as a parity drive.
  11. Not going to comment on the Parity Swap Procedure, as I've never done it and it's just a "shortcut" for the standard way Stop the array Assign the 12TB as parity drive Start the Array and let it build the parity drive After that's done, stop the array and add the original 8TB as a data drive 5. Unraid will clear it in the background and when that's done (hours), then the storage space is available. The standard way does give you a fall back, as the original parity drive is available for you to reinstall if something terrible goes wrong.
  12. More or less. You are using a 2TB Green which isn't exactly the fastest drive around
  13. OK Write cache is enabled so you're good there.
  14. Consider installing Fix Common Problems. I suspect that write cache may be disabled on those drives which will significantly slow them down (FCP will let you know). Available within Apps which also means to install Community Applications
  15. This will help: shim-br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast shim-br0.50: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast
  16. You still have another browser tab open to a page in the GUI. Refreshing it will make it go away.
  17. So the error is can't import file /config/data/downloads/,..... That's because in Sab you've told it to save the completed files in data, not /data. If you look at the top of that screen, it'll say that all relative folders are based off of /config. You want it to save them into /data If I'm off the mark here, then post the exact error message
  18. /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user
  19. The folding @ home app referenced by the blog post It went from averaging around 5,000 downloads per month to 167,076 downloads for the last 30 days! Because of that huge increase, it is also the top app in both the top new installs and trending apps sections. Once again, this is only this particular docker container, and does not include downloads for Windows / Mac / iOS / Android
  20. 0a:00.0 SATA controller [0106]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller [1b4b:9230] (rev 11) Marvel based controllers are problematic at best. Don't use those 4 ports on the motherboard.
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564341 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/36057-noobie-docker-setup-guide/#comment-345882 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566095
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