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Everything posted by Squid

  1. If you haven't already done it, make sure you update to unRaid 6.8.2+
  2. A reboot *should* fix the problem with the flash. Otherwise, shutdown and put the stick into another computer and run the filesystem checks on it.
  3. Have you done this yet? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173
  4. Why would they? It's physical damage to the drive. They're being sold as parts
  5. It's probably all automated as new versions come out
  6. 100% the drive had a read error.. But it appears to have rewritten to the same sectors no problem, with out having to reallocate a spare From the SMART report rror 1 [0] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 32365 hours (1348 days + 13 hours) When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle. After command completion occurred, registers were: ER -- ST COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC -- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- 40 -- 51 00 00 00 01 16 e5 1b 60 40 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x116e51b60 = 4679080800 I'd keep an eye on it, but don't worry excessively right now.
  7. Post diagnostics before you reboot. Read errors mean that the system couldn't read from the disk, then recalculated what it was supposed to be and wrote the data back to the disk. If that write failed, then the disk would have been disabled.
  8. 30 Array Drives + 24 In a cache pool + whatever unassigned.
  9. No. Your chip doesn't support IOMMU
  10. Basically what the post 2 above yours states. If Windows touches the unRaid drives at all, you've basically trashed parity.
  11. Have you formatted them yet within unRaid to XFS?
  12. Possibly not your issue, but Limetech's Plex repo is deprecated. You really should switch to either linuxserver or binhex and then see if the problems continue and then post in their support threads.
  13. Run the file system checks on disk 6 https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems
  14. The turbo write scripts were a precursor to the auto turbo plugin, and it would be better to utilize it instead.
  15. What you're probably thinking about is that an eon or so ago during the ice age of unRaid, you couldn't add a drive to an existing array without the entire array being down.
  16. No. The calculations are different for each parity drive. BTW, the system is never "down" when rebuilding any particular drive. You can still access it normally. I do however try and limit access to the drives. IE: I tend to do things like this during off hours.
  17. Because your mounting it within /mnt/user, and unRaid doesn't support SMB mounts within there, so it's trying to get the extended attributes for the folder which it obviously cant' Either mount it within /mnt/disks or use the Unassigned Devices plugin.
  18. Wrong password? Enable NetBIOS (enabled SMBv1)?
  19. What share? Usually you would want kodi to be able to access your media shares.
  20. Easiest way is via the Krusader app and just delete the share /UNRAID/sfthttp: Or alternatively, rm -rf /mnt/user/sthttp:
  21. Looks like mover is doing its thing, and a preclear is going on at the same time. Mover is probably the bulk of the problem...
  22. Message pops up generally when you move the docker.img. You can recreate it no problems. Simply stop the docker service (Settings - Docker), then delete the image, then restart the service Followed by Apps, Previous Apps, check off whatever you had installed and it'll be the same as before
  23. Well, it's there. You'd be able to see what's in there by going to the shares tab and hitting the folder icon at the far right next to it. If you didn't create it, then some other app did due to some weird misconfiguration. Check all of your docker templates to see if any are referencing something like that.
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