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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Any time a drive is disabled, you have to rebuild it to get it back into the array Stop the array, set the drive to be not installed Start the array, stop the array Reassign the drive Start the array and it'll rebuild onto itself
  2. You should post your diagnostics. Does the VM turn off or does it pause?
  3. Did you format the drive(s) attached yet? Post your diagnostics
  4. Probably dumb question, but are you sure the curl was downloading to /mnt/cache and not /mnt/user where it potentially could wind up on the array depending upon settings, etc
  5. If I would guess, it's probably because it appears that they are private repositories (or a locally built one as the first doesn't seem to exist publicly on dockerhub), and unRaid can't properly check for updates to them without being logged in.
  6. Like I said, not the VM guy, but will say that in order to passthrough the video card, you also have to passthrough the audio on the card to the same VM. No way around that.
  7. From the terminal, diagnostics and then post the resulting zip file here (it'll be stored on the flash drive in the logs folder)
  8. I'm not a VM guy, but to get the obvious question out of the way for those that are, did you also passthrough the audio from the VGA card?
  9. Somewhat. In practice 5400 vs 7200 isn't a such a big deal as it used to be if you're transferring data via 1 GB/s pipe. But, bear in mind that it's not just the speed of the parity drive in question. It's any drive involved in the write, and the slowest will dictate the write speed. If the motherboard has a hardware RAID controller, then the answer is yes. Most motherboards though while they say they support RAID in actuality are a software RAID in which case unRaid won't recognize it. But, even if it is a true hardware RAID, then I would argue that by doing a RAID 0 as a parity drive, then you are doubling the chances of the parity disk "set" failing, which IMHO isn't worth the increase in speed. Back in the day when drive speeds were much slower, then the use of a cache drive for user shares was important. Nowadays even with modest hardware on a 1GB network you get decent enough speeds that it's not so important, and many users (including myself) can't even be bothered to utilize the cache drive for anything other than as an "application" drive (ie: docker appdata) and simply write everything directly to the array. If pure speed is an issue then yes cache all writes to the array and you will see a modest improvement on 1GB network. 10GB network you will see a substantial improvement.
  10. You should probably post here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54648-preclear-plugin/
  11. You should post your diagnostics. Best guess is a typo or something in network settings. (eg: Invalid DNS address / gateway)
  12. No such thing when it comes to running VMs and Plex Leave them on the motherboard. No point in adding extra complexity until the storage requirements demand it. Only thing I do whenever building systems is to always make sure that the memory (and configuration) is listed on the motherboard's QVL list. Minimizes problems that way.
  13. You probably want https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/general.md or for a video https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54834-video-guideall-about-docker-in-unraid-docker-principles-and-setup/?tab=comments#comment-535908&searchlight=1 The broken links are a side effect of looking at a 3 year old post and some URLs changed during a forum software switch 2 years ago
  14. To clarify my answers, I took "Multiple Array Pools" as literally multiple array pools. You might want to add in multiple cache pools as another option. For my usage, I'd like multiple arrays, not multiple cache pools.
  15. If you enable debugging in the plugin's settings, I believe that you'll see why it didn't go to sleep going forward. (By looking at Tools - Syslog). If I was to guess though, it was because of a drive spun up (which *could* be caused by Cache Dirs) And the reason why I suggested to post in the relevant thread was because there may be other people who follow this thread who are knowledgeable about the app / plugin who may or may not see your original post (or it gets lost in the shuffle)
  16. You should probably post in the relevant support thread https://forums.unraid.net/topic/34889-dynamix-v6-plugins/ (You can get any of the support threads for any app installed on unRaid via the plugins tab or the context menu on any docker application)
  17. All my calendars etc are all tied into my company's exchange server, so I've got no problems. For everything else, I still find myself writing the odd note on my hand with a pen
  18. Not that I use it, but I seem to recall that OwnCloud / NextCloud have a CalDav add in available for them
  19. Different issue, and not how I take the meaning of the word "work" What you're talking about is here, and no it isn't resolved (but they are running and do "work")
  20. They never didn't "work". There was an issue where if all VMs were started, the none of them would be listed in the VM tab (but they were running). That has been resolved.
  21. Yes, but they're irrelevant anyways, and there's no guarantee (although it's unlikely) that even if you don't rearrange cabling that they will stay constant from one boot to another No
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