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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Hawaiian / Flowered shirts must be the official Limetech dress code. And @jonp is out of uniform
  2. Definitely nothing at all to do with CA
  3. Sounds like your path mappings that you had on the LT flavour and what you've got on this one aren't the exact same.
  4. AFAIK you would have to use unassigned devices to mount the drive, and then manually edit smb-extra.cfg on the flash drive to share the appropriate folder on it.
  5. All unassigned devices are always automatically excluded from the shares because they are outside the array Sent from my NSA monitored device
  6. If you're running lsio, then updates will happen every time you stop / start the container. If you're on Binhex, then an update will show on the docker tab once the Plex update gets pushed upstream to whatever repository he's pulling from.
  7. Known limitation with BTRFS not reporting correct sizes with mismatched drive sizes
  8. Post the diagnostics Sent from my NSA monitored device
  9. If you're using the GSATA6/7 ports for your drives, you should move the connectors to SATA ports 0-5 and see if it makes a difference. Marvel is one of those companies that doesn't particularly care about driver support, and as time goes by their products show more and more just how cheap they actually are.
  10. Nothing says you have to. Main thing is that no further updates will be given.
  11. Just edit the template, and point the /config of the new app to /mnt/disks/ssd/appdata/PlexMediaServer
  12. Should be fixed on today's update
  13. Strange doesnt do that for me Sent from my NSA monitored device
  14. Probably best if you post in what I'm assuming is the support thread for disk location Ashamed to admit that I no longer live up to my teenage ethos of "it's better to burn out than fade away"
  15. The reason why you're getting that error is because you're trying to use the appdata share for the container, but the share in it's settings you've changed to be use Cache: Only. Hence why the no medium present, because you don't currently have a cache drive (but obviously did at some point). There's also some other errors related to this in the syslog. (Additionally, your domains share is also set like that)
  16. You have to add up the current draw (mainly on the 12V line(s) ) and then see if the specs of the supply you're getting can handle the max current draw of the card and the hard drives when spinning up. -> All specs will be on the associated manufacturer's website. But FWIW, I run a 680Watt Antec High Current Gaming supply, and have 12 hard drives, and have a 1050ti (that is barely used) with no problems.
  17. Sounds like your cache drive may be read only. Post your diagnostics Ashamed to admit that I no longer live up to my teenage ethos of "it's better to burn out than fade away"
  18. It looks like a bug on latter versions of unRaid where it's not showing the numbers
  19. The reas / write on the dashboard shares section shows the number of shares the user has read or write access to Ashamed to admit that I no longer live up to my teenage ethos of "it's better to burn out than fade away"
  20. Honestly I never enable mocer logging, so never checked it at all. Will pump out an update in the next day or so Ashamed to admit that I no longer live up to my teenage ethos of "it's better to burn out than fade away"
  21. Incorrect Yes moves them to the array
  22. Most definitely. But some obfuscated ones / ISOs you'll still have to manually import
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