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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The USB creator program is supposed to work with most flash drives > 32G The Manual method of creating flash drives does not work with > 32G, without jumping through some major hoops (and yes its a FAT32 issue) Life is simpler though just staying within the FS limitations of 32G devices. (and an 8G is more than sufficient)
  2. Some more details might be in order as to what you are referring to.
  3. It works fine for me, so not something endemic To clarify, are you hitting "APPLY" or is there an actual "SAVE" button present?
  4. You're also running multiple VMs As we all know, something like Windows can take quite a while to shut itself down. Even an open dialog window will prevent the Windows from shutting off, which will lead to the OS having to forcibly kill off the tasks and then having an unclean shutdown flagged, regardless of whatever times you set. Always set in VM Settings for the powerdown action to be hibernate and install the QEMU guest tools in the VM. Now when a poweroff gets issued, the VM will hibernate in a second or two instead of having to actually perform a shutdown.
  5. Shouldn't have to pin the containers. Only reason OTOH a container would wind up running on an isolated core is if you've actually pinned the container to that isolated core.
  6. Needs to be noted here before people go out and buy card readers is that those two readers were extremely rare in the fact that they did return unique GUIDs that were suitable for use. 99.99% of card readers are not suitable and do not return proper GUIDs and cannot be used. FWIW, my flash drives (all 10+ years old) have all outlasted all other component in the servers.
  7. If the system generates diagnostics during an unclean shutdown (this happens during a normal request for a shutdown but the system is unable to cleanly unmount the drives), the diagnostics that are generated are automatically anonymized
  8. Every file system will remount a device as read-only when corruption gets detected to prevent further corruption from occurring. Unraid when it reboots automatically does a correcting file system check on the flash which presumably fixed the issue.
  9. The one thing I'd say is that you're getting a ton of attempted connects from pretty much every country in the world. If there's no real valid reason for you to open up the server to the world (and very rarely is there) it shouldn't be. Or at the very least invest in a real firewall for your network. For the other problem, I'd suggest to recreate the docker folder Other than that, docker.folder.plg - 2021.08.20 (Up to date) (Incompatible) - There is a compatible version within Apps usb_manager_usbip_addon.plg - 2022.07.21 (Unknown to Community Applications) - Probably shouldn't have this installed.
  10. Are you sure about that? Have you done a rescan since you switched (or has another scan been run)
  11. You should post your diagnostics at a start and then also enable the syslog server (mirror to flash) and then upload the result after a crash
  12. The flash drive has been mounted read-only because of issues. A reboot should hopefully repair the flash drive. Failing that, shutdown and pull the stick and run the filesystem checks on it via Windows. Failing that, transfer to a new flash device.
  13. Nothing. Either navigate to your flash drive via Network, Flash on your other computer or shutdown the server, pull the flash drive. When you're in it, delete network.cfg from the config folder
  14. Apps and FCP are only compatible with 6.9.0+ The URL you're trying to use is ancient and outdated. Download the zip file from https://unraid.net/download Make a backup of your flash drive Extract all of the bz* files from the archive and put them onto the root of the flash Turn your server back on
  15. You have to run a correcting parity check.
  16. Look for a docker container referencing /mnt/cache/... in one of it's host paths.
  17. That's an oops on my part... Removed as part of removing the extended tests. I'll add it back in tomorrow
  18. Not an issue for you. This is what it's all about Dec 12 18:05:40 Tower mcelog: mcelog read: Function not implemented Googling that brings up only a single relevant reference, so not quite sure what to make of it, but I wouldn't worry
  19. So, from a command prompt ping -c3 Says destination unreachable?
  20. At the very least, post your diagnostics anyways and run memtest from the boot menu for a minimum of 2 complete passes
  21. While you have set the memory speed correctly, have you also set in the BIOS Typical Idle Power (or similar wording) to be Typical (or similar)
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