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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Best to ask on the Project link for the app (Apps, Installed.... Support -> Project)
  2. Most likely because your docker run command / template you made etc is incorrect
  3. Which ones? What's it do / say? You'll need to do the manual update method https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89576-update-unraid-os-manual-with-zip-file-install/
  4. Have you run memtest from the boot menu for a couple of passes yet (ideally 24hours). You should also post your diagnostics
  5. The icons are saved within the docker image. Once they are downloaded they should never get re-downloaded. The only thing that pops into my mind regarding this is that you can try to recreate the docker image. Should be mostly painless
  6. Are the containers in question all being managed via compose manager?
  7. Icons once they are downloaded once should never attempt to download again. You would need to post your diagnostics after the following happens: - Icons are present, and then after a refresh the icons disappear, ideally without a reboot happening in between
  8. You missed what I suggested. I was suggesting a NON locking cable. They are the only ones that are actually up to spec and an absolute ton of locking cables are not spec and are missing the internal bump with the result that they have lack luster results on some WD drives
  9. WD40EFAX-68JH4N1 (disk 4) is having continual resets. SATA cabling sucks. Since this is a WD drive, you either want to use a SATA cable that if it has the locking header also has the internal "bump" on the interior of the connection. If you have no idea what I'm talking about you may be better off with a non-locking cable.
  10. No solution. The problem is that both Plex and the docker subsystem will constantly access files. Drive spinning in and by itself is reliability wise the best thing for your spinner. For power consumption replace the cache drive with an SSD (or add the SSD as an additional cache pool and only keep the appdata / docker image on it.
  11. DOCKER_IMAGE_FILE="/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img" DOCKER_IMAGE_SIZE="75" Setting a 75Gig docker image is akin to taking your Ferrari down the block to pick up your mail. Sure it works, but it's massive overkill. The 75G also implies that you've had serious problems with the image filling up in the past. By and large, 99.99% of users will never even use the default 20G space. My suggestion is to either sort out why the image keeps filling up (in the past), or switch to a docker folder so that you don't need to ever worry about it again. (As an aside, 3G for the libvirt image is also overkill, and I can't think of anyone who has ever needed more than the default 1G) But, the real problem here is Dec 28 19:11:41 TheDoctor kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdo1): corrupt leaf: root=5 block=509462364160 slot=6 ino=496263061 file_offset=339968, invalid compression for file extent, have 136 expect range [0, 3] And because of the corruption the cache drive gets remounted as read-only and is causing your issues. I'm going to leave it to the resident guru @JorgeB to assist further in recovery on this.
  12. That's pretty much a given because once appdata, the docker image etc is on the cache drive, it will stay up and running due to how Plex et al operate. On a default system, those shares are automatically created unless you override the locations with another share to use. Those 3 are set to use the cache drive, and this is how you want things set up appdata shareUseCache="only" # Share exists on cache domains shareUseCache="prefer" # Share exists on cache system shareUseCache="prefer" # Share exists on cache
  13. Many containers (eg: 'arrs) also have additional options within their own settings to set the permissions on the particular files which they create. Set the UMASK etc within their settings, or use permissions of 0777 in the settings.
  14. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Changing_The_Flash_Device
  15. Yes it did stop working. Thanks....
  16. Have you tried it again with a different flash drive?
  17. Try making a change (any change) to settings - Network, revert and then reapply
  18. You will need to reply back with your diagnostics
  19. Only the "root" user has access to the webUI to manage the server All other users are used to access the files on the server via SMB, NFS etc
  20. /etc/cron.d/root But usually you would manage cron jobs either via user scripts or by putting an applicable .cron file on the flash drive
  21. It appears that you are running one or more docker containers on a dedicated IP address. Some users have the same or similar issues when doing this. You should try switching the network driver from macvlan to ipvlan in Settings - Docker (advanced view with the entire service stopped) and see if that fixes you up
  22. If the Apps Tab says you're running on the Backup Server, then plugin installs, updates etc won't work, but the OS updates should work. Reboot everything network related including the server and try it all again.
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