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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Probably a build error / procedure on the maintainers side and not much you can do about it
  2. Nope I just have major issues with mobo mfg's playing games to tweak their performance numbers on the 10th Gen which results in cooking your CPU. My 10900 wouldn't even boot Windows without throttling itself with the stock cooler before I found out why and then set the TDP to it's appropriate 125W instead of Auto (which works out to be 4 KW) So far as SMB is concerned, their is some anecdotal evidence that with later versions of the Kernel that the plugin will significantly improve performance over SMB
  3. Is there a container that's restarting itself every minute? Looking at the container's uptime on the docker tab should show one that's very low uptime, even after double checking again in a half hour
  4. Use this as a starting point You'd of course have to modify the scripts with the appropriate commands to turn off the VM
  5. When an unclean shutdown happens, a diagnostics is automatically generated and stored on the flash drive (logs folder). That's what we'd need to see
  6. For giggles, try installing Disable Security Mitigations from the Apps tab and see if that makes a difference. Also, you're running a 10th gen cpu. Most motherboard manufacturers set the CPUs to basically run full throttle all the time in defiance of the specifications of the chip (inherit overclock). In the BIOS, set the TDP to 65Watt instead of Auto
  7. From another computer (windows?) Move the files from /previous on the flash drive into the root folder
  8. And where is the docker image located? On the array or on the cache drive / pool?
  9. Try using Bridge as networking type in both containers. I'm assuming the IP address you're referencing is the Host IP
  10. Is this enabled on the pool's settings:
  11. No. That backs up to LT's cloud service and cannot be changed (integrated via MyServers plugin). You can back up manually though -> just need to copy the contents of /config on the flash and store anywhere you like. Or you can use the Appdata backup plugin and have it also backup the flash drive to any location you choose on a schedule
  12. Actually, very close look at your screenshot and the array is stopped. Because it's stopped, the entire docker service is unavailable. CA is smart enough to know that if the docker service is stopped it won't Offer up any option to install a docker app Offer to search dockerHub ie: No bug, by design, and completely expected behaviour
  13. It has nothing to do with second instance. What did you do prior to doing the search? Where were you in CA?
  14. That flash would have to be mounted. Usually you'd do this via the Unassigned Devices plugin, and then I'd use the User Scripts plugin to copy the file (set to run at first array start)
  15. No actually I haven't (very busy weekend), but will try and get to it tonight...
  16. Sounds like your docker image is on the array and not a cache pool. Post your diagnostics
  17. Yes as it makes no sense to search dockerHub in that circumstance
  18. Why can't you use the VPN to install CA? But, to manually install Save https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg onto the flash drive in /config/plugins Create the folder /config/plugins/community.applications on the flash drive Save https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2022.12.29-x86_64-1.txz within that folder Reboot Should be noted that if your government is indeed blocking this then it will also be impossible to install ANY other plugin via CA. I'd personally play around with attempting to use a different DNS (eg: OpenDNS servers / community.applications-2022.12.29-x86_64-1.txzcommunity.applications.plg
  19. I have no problems updating with the missing / implied latest tag
  20. For all linuxserver containers, the best place to ask for help is via their Discord (Click on the container in question and select Discord)
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