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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Errors imply an issue with the flash drive. Replace if it continues
  2. Make a change to the ACS settings in VM Settings, apply, then revert the setting back to what it was. Reboot. With luck, the reboot message should be permanently gone. Otherwise, post your diagnostics
  3. So long as there is a template (ie: if you can click on the icon within the docker tab and there's an "Edit" option), Apps, Previous Apps will show it.
  4. Does it actually start? Or does it return an server execution error?
  5. Delete your cookies in the browser, (and also make sure your plugins are up to date)
  6. Does this have anything to do with the backup plugin not (currently) honoring the startup order?
  7. The problem here is that the container already exists with that name https://forums.unraid.net/topic/125618-docker-port-mapping-broken/#comment-1145250 Without trying to actually break the system via some weirdness, my suggestion is to delete the container (and any orphans - Advanced View) and then reinstall via Previous Apps
  8. Sonarr, Radarr You need to look in the Queue / logs to see why they didn't get imported. That's not going to be permission related. Not entirely unexpected, as obfuscated downloads won't always import. It's the price you pay for not paying the price of the media you're downloading
  9. Jul 1 03:00:01 Tower kernel: md: recovery thread: check P ... Jul 1 03:00:37 Tower flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update Jul 1 03:40:01 Tower crond[1226]: exit status 1 from user root /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null Jul 1 07:00:02 Tower kernel: mdcmd (52): cmdCheckPause It looks like it paused after the scheduled 4 hours Are you saying that it didn't? But, as @itimpi stated, the parity check tuning plugin would be the preferred method of accomplishing this.
  10. Are they running or is the service disabled? There's a difference. As @trurl put it, where is the system share located? (if you're using the defaults for the locations)
  11. PhotoBucket has kindly placed a watermark across the pictures, but you can make it out. (or if you look at a non-locking cable, it will be quite easy to see the internal "bump"
  12. (Side Note: Any locking cabling that does not have the internal "bumps" violates the spec of the cable and should be avoided in the first place - FWIW, every single locking cable I've ever had that comes included with a motherboard is missing those bumps)
  13. Jul 2 10:46:53 GLADnaS mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data Harmless, but a BIOS update might fix
  14. Because the settings in the 'arrs dictate that it will Change it to 0777 / 777
  15. If the docker image (or folder) or VM's are enabled and the libvirt image are stored on that drive, it will not sleep
  16. Copy and paste this command into the terminal. It should return an error docker run --name='tvheadend_neu' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TCP_PORT_9981'='9981' -e 'TCP_PORT_9982'='9982' -e 'RUN_OPTS'='' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'UMASK'='022' -v '/mnt/user/Media/Video/Aufnahmen/':'/recordings':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend':'/config':'rw' --device='/dev/dri' --device='/dev/dvb' 'lscr.io/linuxserver/tvheadend' You're in a weird edge case because the container isn't running, so the procedure to get the error message doesn't work because it doesn't try to start the container.
  17. The docker run command will show exactly why it's coming up like that.
  18. Is there anything in /mnt/cache/appdata? Looks like there's nothing to actually backup.
  19. Is your reverse proxy allowing websockets through? (It's usually an option)
  20. That's wrong. Can you post the relevant xml from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive
  21. Jul 1 16:30:25 Tower kernel: Workqueue: events macvlan_process_broadcast [macvlan] You might consider switching from macvlan to instead use ipvlan (Settings - docker with the service stopped), as similar things happen for certain users when using macvlan to set static IP addresses for containers. The fix was the introduction of ipvlan
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