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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. In that case it should probably be reported in a forum dedicated to Radarr I wound think? It does not round like an Unraid specific issue.
  2. I must admit I cannot work out from your description what the problem you are trying to report actually is? I think you need to provide a series of steps that would allow other users to try and replicate you problem (and to confirm it is a genuine bug).
  3. All this will give you is exactly what you have now so no point that I can see. This is a possibility. However if you have already managed a recovery then the chances are high that all your data is intact. You could just run a compare with your backup system.
  4. Sounds as if you mis-understand how parity works. The data and the file system are integral to each other and parity has no concept of them being separate. It is the the individual sectors on the disk that are protected by parity regardless of their contents and what they are used for. In that sense as long as it has no corruption the file system is also backed up as it is simply the sectors on the disk that hold the file system control information about which sectors are holding the data. If you DO get file system corruption for any reason then this would be faithfully reflected in the parity information.
  5. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system's diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post.
  6. Why would you ever want to back up an empty file system? You can always create an empty file system on a drive by using the format option.
  7. Handling of unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation accessed via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  8. Find the container and fix the mapping From the name it is likely to be Plex or something similar.
  9. This almost certainly means you have a docker container with a disk mapping to this location.
  10. Dealing with unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  11. You should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can see how you currently have things set up.
  12. You have to decide which copy you want to keep, and then delete the other one. If the same file exists on multiple drives, then Unraid shows any copy on cache first, and then on array disks in ascending order.
  13. You can’t - the whole idea of pass thru is to hide it from UnRAID
  14. Parity does not care what files system is in use as it works at the level of raw disk sectors and has no idea of what those sectors are actually being used for. As a result parity works the same regardless of the file system used.
  15. If you no longer have the licensed drive then technically you no longer have a valid licence! The most recent blacklist is baked into each new UnRAID release which is why your drive stopped working when you upgraded.
  16. You cannot get a blacklisted USB drive un-blacklisted. What you SHOULD be able to do is transfer the key to a new USB drive as long as it has a unique GUID. This can be done automatically from the Unraid GUI if you have not already done it in within the last year - if you have then you have send the details (including GUID) of the new USB stick by email to Limetech as it is then a manual process. Ideally you want to use the automated transfer as I would not expect Limetech to be responsive over the Christmas weekend.
  17. Have you just tried to redo the flash drive with a newer UnRAID release? You can end up with the ‘blacklisted’ message if you install a newer release of Unraid and it turns out that the USB drive you used did not after all have a unique GUID and that multiple USB drives were made with the same GUID. If this was the cause then the fix is to either install the same release as the one you were using previously or to transfer the licence to a USB stick that DOES have a unique GUID
  18. From a performance point of view it is best to have Docker container binaries located on a SSD as well as working files for the containers. Media files and the like would normally be on the array.
  19. It looks as if parity, disk1, disk2 all dropped offline at the same time so it is a good chance whatever caused it was external to the drives. If you post new diagnostics taken after the reboot they will include updated SMART reports.
  20. Most VPN clients have a setting where you can still access local LAN by-passing the VPN.
  21. Sounds like you have isolated the network card so that it is not available to be used by Unraid. Definitely need more information on exactly what you have done and on what you are trying to achieve.
  22. I suspect that the transfers are running over the eth0 connection which is only running at 100Mbps according to your screen shots. you probably want to reconfigure the network cards so that eth0 is the 10Gps ones to get what you want.
  23. If you have 2 disks marked as disabled then there is no automated recovery operation. If you meant to say they were showing errors but had not been marked with a red ‘x’ to indicate they were disabled then we need more information about the state of your system to give advice. Providing your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools => Diagnostics) might help us see the current state of your system.
  24. I believe that disk include/exclude are only applied when writing new files to a User Share and are ignored when reading files which automatically includes all drives.
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