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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I would assume this means the 6.9.0 beta25 release.
  2. If you are interested in sorting out the contents of the lost+found folder then you can use the linux ‘files’ command to find out what type of content each file contains.
  3. Have you tried with 6.9 beta release? It has drivers for some of the more recent NIC chipsets that are not present in the 6.8.3 release..
  4. You could achieve this effect with the 6.9 multiple cache pools feature by having one pool be the SSD only one.
  5. That frequently happens. You need to rerun adding the -L option for the repair to proceed.
  6. From your screenshot, /mnt/user/FTP at the Unraid host level will show up as /unraid inside the Docker. Have you allowed for that?
  7. No - that is error prone if you mistype anything. When in Maintenance mode click on the drive on the main tab and run xfs_repair from the GUI.
  8. It might be worth reading this section of the online documentation to understand why writing to the array is slower than writing to a drive that is not part of the array.
  9. All your settings and licence file are stored it the 'config' folder on the flash drive. You want to make sure you can read its contents and the easiest way to do this is by making a backup of this on your PC/Mac. I would then recommend downloading the zip file for the release you are using and extracting all the bz* type files overwriting the copies on the USB stick. This should fix any corruption of the system files
  10. As i said it is working fine for me. I have had problems in the past but it is OK now. It may be relevant that I am using the iOS14 beta so possibly a web engine (Which is used by both those browsers) problem has been fixed.
  11. I have no problem using the Unraid interface on my iPad.
  12. It is also very strange that it says there is 100% life remaining and that it has also been flagged as FAILING NOW.
  13. Unraid does nothing unusual to the flash drive. You should be able to format it just like any other flash drive, and if you cannot this suggests it might be failing.
  14. itimpi

    Do I need an SSD

    The general rule is that NVME SSD tends to be faster than SATA SSD so it is a trade-off of cost v speed. For many purposes the difference may not be that noticeable. it is worth noting that even using an HDD that is not part of the array (I.e. as a cache drive) will still provide performance advantages for docker/mv performance over having them hosted on the main array as the process of updating parity on the main array significantly slows down write speeds. It is just that for most people using an SSD is a better trade-off of cost v performance, and also many modern motherboards have slots for M2 based SSDs built into them.
  15. With the reallocated sector count going up on a new drive is does sound as though the one you got is faulty so returning it sounds like the correct course of action.
  16. What does the SMART information say when read from within Unraid directly (obtained by clicking on the drive on the Main tab)? If you post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) then we could see for ourselves exactly what is being reported as the SMART information for all drives is part of the content of that zip. in principle the SMART data is handled by the firmware built into the drive so if it says the lifetime is running out it is probably true. Sounds as if the drive may not have the TBW value you though it had
  17. SMB is another name for the standard Windows protocol for accessing shares over the network. You set them up under the Shares tab on Unraid.
  18. The simple answer is that you cannot All Unraid knows is that the parity calculation for a particular sector does not agree with what is stored on the parity drive. Unraid does not know which drive caused this to happen.
  19. Up to you. You cannot do licence transfer of trial keys, it only applies to purchased keys so you would need a purchased key before all your settings files in the config folder are accepted. Once you have your purchased licence key it is a good idea to make sure you do NOT have a copy of the trial licence file in the config folder as it may lead to confusion further down the line.
  20. Mover will not overwrite existing files on the array drives. If the ‘good’ copy is on the cache drive then delete the copy on disk8 and mover should then move it over as expected.
  21. There seem to be a number of common reasons why User Shares go ‘missing’: the shfs process used to support User Shares crashes. If you suspect this is happening then you should try running in Safe Mode to see if the problem still occurs as it can be caused by a plugin installing an incompatible library (plugins do not run in Ssfe Mode). File system level corruption on one or more drives. You can run file system check/repair on each dtive in turn to rectify such issues. the USB stick drops offline. hopefully the requested diagnostics would point to one of these being the likely cause of the problem.
  22. To speed things up you can do step 5 at the step 2 stage.
  23. A parity check is when the system is likely to be under maximum load. This suggests it might either be power supply or temperature related. Do you have access to another power supply to see if that might be the culprit?
  24. Have you tried simply enabling those disks in the Global,Share settings? A User Share is simply an amalgamation of all the top level folders on all drives where the share name corresponds to the folder name.
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