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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You can pick up PC Power supply testers quite cheaply on Amazon. Not sure if they test what happens under load but they do check that all the voltages on the different connectors (e.g. motherboard, molex. SATA etc) are correct.
  2. The timing issue with networking for some configurations on the 6.8.2 release has been reported a number of times and apparently has been fixed for the next Unraid release.
  3. If you want to make sure nothing else is changed on the array you can do the rebuild in Maintenance mode.
  4. Have you made sure that the USB stick is set up for UEFI boot (in other words there is no trailing ‘~’ character on the EFI folder).
  5. Are you trying to boot in legacy or UEFI mode?
  6. You could always boot one of the Linux ‘Live’ distributions that lets you run Linux without the need to install it anywhere. That would give you the ability to read XFS format (and potentially copy files to a Windows NTFS formatted drive).
  7. Have you tried turning of bonding? It does not seem to make much sense if it only has 1 member.
  8. If you change the Use Cache setting then nothing gets moved until the mover next gets run. If you change that setting to No or Only then mover will never move any files anyway.
  9. The plugin handles re-installing everything after a reboot for all the scripts it is handling. Which cron folder it ends up in depends on the scheduling option you select in User Scripts, but the nice thing is that you do not need to worry about that level of detail if using the plugin.
  10. That is definitely a plugin that is worth installing There are other ways to make a script survive a reboot but the User Scripts plugin is by far the easiest.
  11. If you manually added it then it will NOT survive a reboot. If you add it via the User Scripts plugin then it WILL survive a reboot.
  12. Significantly slower write performance with parity enabled is expected behaviour. You might want to read this link to understand why
  13. Mover will only move files between the array and cache . Infuse never moves files between drives on the array just because you change share settings. You might want to look at the Unbalance plugin if you are interested in moving files between drives.
  14. The syslog on the diagnostic indicates that the array HAS started successfully so I would think that the most likely culprit is something that only runs at array start. A common culprit in such cases is a User Script that is not terminating.
  15. You do not HAVE to run the trial before purchasing a licence but it is highly recommended that you do to ensure that Unraid runs satisfactorily on your system.
  16. I would actually recommend that you avoid USB3 type drives completely as they seem to have much lower longevity than USB2 drives. I suspect that this is because USB3 drives seem to run hotter than USB2 ones and that is not a good thing in a drive that is plugged in 24x7. There is no perceptible performance advantage in using USB3 drives as after the initial boot Unraid runs from RAM so why pay more for less dependable drives. I personally am currently using Sandisk Cruzer fit 16GB which has seemed to be fine, but if buying new ones I would probably avoid the nano form factor and buy something like the Kingston Data Traveller SE9 as being larger and metal cased it should be better as far as temperature is concerned.
  17. A slightly simpler option is: backup the current USB stick (just in case) use the USB Creator tool to reformat as a new install copy the key file from the backup to the config folder on the flash drive. at this point you have a virgin install with all configuration information in the start state.
  18. That probably means the USB stick was going to fail shortly regardless. The upgrade process is one time a significant amount of new data is written to the USB stick.
  19. USB 3 devices seem to be far more prone to failure than USB 2 ones. I suspect as @testdasi mentioned because they tend to run hotter than USB 2 ones which is not good for a device plugged in 2x7. For the same reason it can be good idea to avoid the very small form factor drives . Having said that I have used Sandisk Cruzer Fit 16GB drives with no longevity problems!
  20. Sorry - I was looking at the wrong User Manual Are you sure that motherboard supports IOMMU? When I looked at the correct User Manual I could not see any reference to such support.
  21. The size is determined by adding together the drives it is using. The 3 system shares will only be using the cache drive and thus the smaller size.
  22. I would check that the disks are being seen at the BiOS level and are correctly set as AHCI. Failing that providing the full diagnostics zip file rather than just the syslog might help with diagnosis.
  23. That is a function of your motherboard and it’s BIOS, and has nothing to do with Unraid (which is happy to run headless). I would consult the Motherboard’s User manual to see if this is possible.
  24. When you get an unmountable disk then this file system corruption that is reflected in all RAID copies (if you have that configured). Unfortunately BTRFS fsck is not as good as many other file systems (probably because there is an assumption that BTRFS should protect against such corruption in the first place).
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