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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Go into the settings for the container; turn on the advanced settings (at top right; and then put [PORT:8888] into the setting for the WebUI. When you now start the container and click on the container icon you will have the option to connect to the WebUI.
  2. If you are talking about the attached devices limit in the various license options then all devices attached at the point you start the array count towards this limit regardless of whether they are being used by UnRAID.
  3. Every write to the parity protected array actually 9nvolves 4 I/O operations (a read and write on both the parity and data disks) while a write to the cache is a single I/O.
  4. Every sync error means that the corresponding sector on a rebuilt disk is likely to be corrupt. If those sectors correspond to ones that contain file system control information they can affect access even to sectors that do not correspond to the sync errors. With the number of errors you quote I would think it very likely that any rebuilt disk could end up being unusable.
  5. itimpi

    Turbo write

    I am reasonably certain that the auto setting has no effect on whether cache will be used.
  6. That probably means the plugin was either creating new checksums or validating the existing ones.
  7. It probably means that you have something else installed that requires this. I know for instance that ;screen’ can install tempter.
  8. If you are using vdisks, then you are not passing through the nvme. Instead you are specifying the file to be used for the vdisk.
  9. Have you checked that you have a 'EFI' folder on the flash drive? By default it is "EFI~" (I think) and the trailing '~' character needs to be removed to enable UEFI mode booting.
  10. The -f option needs to be separated from the filename by at least one space or it will be treated as part of the filename. Normally it is typed in to precede the filename.
  11. Yes - ffmpeg is pre-installed in the docker image.
  12. For any custom config to persist through a reboot you need to put a copy of the config file somewhere on the flash drive and then copy it into the location it is needed at runtime by adding an entry to either the config/go file on the flash or by using the User Scripts plugin.
  13. No problem - the Docker GUI supports adding variables when configuring a container. Obviously you then need the container to internally make use of these variables.
  14. The reason I think it will not work is that anything in ‘user0’ will also exist in ‘user’. The second part of your suggested commands will therefore fail as by that time the targets will already exist under ‘user’ from when you set them up under ‘user0’.
  15. I do not see how that is going to work as /mnt/user is a super-set of /mnt/user0 + the cache drive.
  16. When running in Host mode then MMFA is running using the IP of the UnRAID server, whereas in bridged mode it is using an IP associated with the bridge. Host mode is recommended as it is easier to set up (unless you have a special reason for using bridged mode). You mention setting up your router to forward the MMFA ports? Does that mean you are trying to stream from outside your home network?
  17. On my system the plugin identifies itself as version 2018.11.18 (and Unraid as 6.6.5)
  18. No idea what is your problem then. This does not seem to be related in any way to the fact that you are running on an Unraid system. I would suggest that you reach out to the MMFA standard support to ask them what is required when your media is being managed by iTunes. I am not sure what is in the XML file that iTunes sets up and if that is require or not in such a scenario.
  19. Have you tried adding the iTunes library as a Watch folder in MMFA and not bothering with the iTunes option at all? That is the way all the media on my server is handled by MMFA.
  20. I use MyMediaForAlexa without ever getting iTunes involved at all so I have no recommendation. Have you tried simply running like that? If anything I would think the daapd container might be the way to go as that appears to be what shows up when searching in CA for iTunes.
  21. I do not use iTunes in conjunction with this container so cannot really give you any guidance. I simply point it at my music and audiobooks libraries that are held directly on unRAID (outside iTunes) and go from there. I configure the MyMediaForAlexa admin using the WebUI option available from the menu shown when you click on the running containers icon on the UnRAID docker tab. The only time I use iTunes (on Windows) is to copy music/audiobook files onto an iOS device, I do not use iTunes to store my media. If you are holding your iTunes library on your unRAID server, what software are you using to act as the iTunes server on UnRAID? I could try setting that up on my own system to see if I can get it working.
  22. It works fine for me. What makes you think it is not working? How are you running it?
  23. You should be able to use the mover stop command to stop mover in a tidy manner. You could schedule this to run at a specified time by using the User Scripts plugin.
  24. Do you know if you have the virtio network drives installed in the VM? I thought most recent Linux distributions included them as standard but maybe not in this case? Alternatively do you know what type of network card was defined under VirtualBox? It is possible you could change the VM definition under Unraid to specify the same one.
  25. For file/folder names that include spaces you need to enclose it in quotes. By default spaces are treated as parameter seperators
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