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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. The problem is not the new disk, contents are being emulated for now, so it looks like the same problem as the other filesystem, vert strange, you can try rebuilding and then also run UFS explorer on that disk.
  2. See if this helps: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Securing_webGui_connections_.28SSL.29
  3. Try doing a manual update if it still fails replace the flash drive.
  4. Edit /config/ident.cfg on the flash drive and change USE_SSL from "yes" or "auto" to "no", then reboot, if after that you can get into the GUI you can then reconfigure SSL.
  5. All dropped devices would be unaccessible. Power down or reboot as needed to bring the devices back online, at most only one disk would be disabled.
  6. When do you see that? That's not possible with cache="yes", but like mentioned any new data written to that share will go to cache.
  7. Please post a screenshot form the Docker settings page with the docker service stopped.
  8. See if this helps: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Securing_webGui_connections_.28SSL.29
  9. Do you have a spare you could use?
  10. We don't recommend that model, that's a MegaRAID controller, and AFAIK it cannot be flash to IT mode, you might be able to use in in JBOD mode but will run into trouble if you change controllers later.
  11. I believe the plugin is not compatible with Dell, only Supermicro and Asrock.
  12. Just realizing that earlier I misread this as "Unraid 6.11.0 is using 5.19.12 kernel", what a ding dong, sorry for the extra work @ich777, just needed to wait for 6.11.1.
  13. Not sure what that error is about, you might want to try and contact Dell for an updated firmware version.
  14. Most likely explanation is that the newer kernel is detecting corruption that went undetected with the older one.
  15. Strange but the LSI supports it for sure, so likely not the problem.
  16. The disk is being emulated for now, doesn't matter it's a new unformatted drive, and hopefully it does fix it.
  17. It's the only way, but first check filesystem, no point in rebuilding if it can't be fixed later.
  18. Before removing the disk don't forget you still need to rebuild disk5, after repairing the filesystem:
  19. Best to try and recover the data would be a xfs compatible file recovery util like UFS explorer.
  20. You can do a new config to emulate drive2 (I assume that is disk2, but since you called parity drive1 adjust as necessary), but you need a spare disk of the same size or larger as the old one, and since parity won't be 100% valid there might be some corruption, I'll leave the instructions if you want to try that, also note that there' no way of starting the array read only, but as long as there are no writes it should not be a problem. -Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply -Check all assignments and assign any missing disk(s) if needed, including the new disk you want to emulate, replacement disk should be same size or larger than the old one -IMPORTANT - Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array (note that the GUI will still show that data on parity disk(s) will be overwritten, this is normal as it doesn't account for the checkbox, but it won't be as long as it's checked) -Stop array -Unassign the disk you want to emulate -Start array (in normal mode now), ideally the emulated disk will now mount and contents look correct, if it doesn't you should run a filesystem check on the emulated disk -If the emulated disk mounts and contents look correct you can access it or even rebuild, to rebuild stop the array -Re-assign the disk to rebuild and start array to begin.
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