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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Samba is single threaded, still should be able to get much more then 300MB/s, assuming fast enough devices and a relatively recent high clock CPU.
  2. Any idea what's creating all those lsof commands? Alternatively boot in safe mode and disable all services, then start enabling them one by one until you find the culprit.
  3. Sorry for the late reply, was away for a week, not sure the NVMe devices should be visible in the BIOS, I would assume so, recommend trying a different OS, use Windows or a different Linux distro just to see if it's the same or not, I would expect yes.
  4. That won't cause any issues with disk identification, new system might sill support CSM boot anyway, but if it doesn't just enable UEFI boot by renaming EFI- to EFI in the flash drive.
  5. If you updated using the GUI you can revert to the previous release by copying the bz* file from the /previous folder in the flash drive overwriting the new ones.
  6. Sorry, not familiar with that model, but it should come up if you search the forum.
  7. Stock Unraid cannot spin down SAS devices, install the SAS spin down plugin.
  8. SATA splitter should not be used for more than 2 hard drives, molex is OK for more.
  9. Unlikely that's the problem, but it does show you're using a SATA port multiplier, and those are not recommended, though usually they cause disk related issues, not server crashing.
  10. Do you mean every time or when the server is inaccessible? If just when the server is inaccessible it's normal if the server crashed.
  11. Sorry for the late reply but was away for a week, not sure you still need help with this, lots of drive errors spamming the log, including from both cache devices, at last reboot there was no btrfs filesystem on sdl, there was on sdk, please post the output of btrfs fi show
  12. It's not possible using redundancy, it would be possible using a previous snapshot, but I assume you were not creating those, if not you can do it for the future with for example the snapshot plugin.
  13. Settings are mostly used to select use cache mode, allocation method and split level, also don't forget to set the minimum free space, default is 0. You can try again before getting a new one.
  14. Not sure that will help, but it won't hurt, do this: on the main GUI page click on flash, scroll down to "Syslinux Configuration", make sure it's set to "menu view" (on the top right) and add this to your default boot option, after "append initrd=/bzroot" e.g.: append initrd=/bzroot nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0 Reboot and see if it makes a difference.
  15. If the server now also crashes with v6.9.2, a previous known good release with it, it suggests something changed or there could be a hardware problem, enable the syslog server and post that after a crash to see if it catches something.
  16. Best bet is using the existing container support thread/discord, assuming there's one.
  17. Try booting in safe mode, if it's the same I would try a new flash drive config.
  18. Run a scrub, then delete/restore all corrupt files, they will be listed in the syslog, since corruption in only happening on one device it might suggest a device problem.
  19. Depends on the controller/expander, see here for some actual numbers.
  20. I was basically referring to any other 24 port LSI 24, if there are any, not sure there is one from the 9400 series, another option is an 8 port HBA with an expander.
  21. Diags are after rebooting so we can't see what happened, disks look healthy and the emulated disk1 is mounting, if contents look OK you can rebuild on top and resync parity at the same time: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Storage_Management#Rebuilding_a_drive_onto_itself
  22. There are no signs of any NMVe devices in the diags, like if they were not connected, I know they appear on IPMI but do they appear in the board BIOS?
  23. Jul 16 01:00:04 solidsnake kernel: ahci 0000:03:00.1: AMD-Vi: Event logged [IO_PAGE_FAULT domain=0x000f address=0x407d4db010608040 flags=0x0030] Problem with the onboard SATA controller, quite common with some Ryzen servers, especially under load, look for a BIOS update but best bet it use an add-on controller.
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